
Bitcoin & MicroStrategy


5 reasons why a spot Bitcoin ETF approval could send BTC price above $100K

The price of Bitcoin is determined by the balance between immediate demand and the supply of coins at a specific price level.

By offering products where the asset manager retains the management fee, the incentives for providing the product increase significantly.

*This means that sales teams at BlackRock, Fidelity, Ark Invest, Bitwise, VanEck, and other issuers will be fully engaged in attracting both internal and external clients. Other funds managed by these multi-trillion-dollar asset managers may also be encouraged to invest in Bitcoin's newly launched ETF.

Historically, the ETF industry has witnessed a concentration of assets among the top two issuers. 

For example, SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) and iShares Gold Trust (IAU) represent over 85% of the industry's assets under management

Additionally, the market leader State Street's GLD has an expense ratio of 0.4%, which is considerably higher than most competitors. 

This data underscores the importance of gaining an early advantage in terms of ETF holdings.

  1. Bitcoin is validated, 
  2. Boomers enter the market, 
  3. Issuers compete for dominance
  4. Bitcoin receives regulatory clearance 
  5. The spot ETF eases concerns for investment advisors

when these five favorable trends gain full momentum, it’s not likely that Bitcoin will trade below $100,000 again—it’s only a matter of time.


MicroStrategy’s stock surges 350% in 2023 on back of Bitcoin ETF hype

The company is financing its Bitcoin purchases with long-term, low-interest debt and share issuance.

MicroStrategy and its subsidiaries hold 189,150 BTC, representing a combined purchase price of approximately $5.9 billion and an average purchase price of $31,168 per BTC, according to a report from Cointelegraph.

MicroStrategy exposure's to the cryptocurrency is leading some analysts to label its stock as "essentially a leveraged Bitcoin ETF."

As of Sept. 30, MicroStrategy's total liabilities were at $2.534 billion, a 7.7% decline year-over-year, with long-term liabilities adding up to $2.180 billion.

This reasoning of MicroStrategy's bitcoin purchase was written in the book "The Bitcoin Standard" >> "The senior convertible notes aren't due until December 2025. From Saylor's perspective, it's unwise to save in a fiat currency that is perpetually debased when he can instead put the company's treasury in a liquid asset that doesn't suffer from dramatic supply inflation," reads the analysis. 

Senior convertible notes are a type of debt instrument used by companies to raise capital.

MicroStrategy provides business intelligence, mobile software, and cloud-based services. Its main product is a platform for data analytics, used by businesses for data visualization. 

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to decide in early January on allowing Bitcoin spot trading through ETFs, with major firms like Fidelity and BlackRock in the running. 

Approval could boost Bitcoin’s prices and market liquidity by opening the cryptocurrency to a broader audience of investors.



When wolves of Wall Street come to the playground. #lol

Spot Bitcoin ETF could result in ‘millions of unbacked BTC,’ analyst says


LinkedIn Contribution


Got this message when logging in to Linkedin to post some thoughts related to Digital Asset.

Tried two below:

All / Business Administration / Business Development
How can you use social media to identify new markets?

All / Soft Skills / Strategy
How can team members better understand a company's strategy?

Seems interesting.

Imagine only answering one question every day; one year down the road, we could have built a contribution of 365 quality thoughts to the community.

It is the consistency and discipline that separates professionals from amateurs.

How can you use social media to identify new markets?

Define your goals and criteria

You are going nowhere if you don't know where you want to go.

What do you want to achieve through social media? Merely awareness, branding, or conversion into dollars and cents (sales!)?

Are you all set before leveraging on social media? For instance, your ability to handle sales influx, your PR-readiness in case of viral incidents, etc.

What are the existing resources you have in order to get into the social media scene? The scope could be wide. Do you have the talent pool, and what is the size of budgeting you are looking at over a certain time frame?  

1. Expectation
2. Reality Check
3. Closing the Gap

Recommend to focus on one or two specific channels that complement each other and get the most result out of it before expanding to other possible channels. 

Come out with a blueprint with key milestones clearly defined.

Clarity leads to power.

A step-by-step progressive achievements approach.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are, towards where you want to be.

How can team members better understand a company's strategy?

Connect the dots

My experience working on two MNCs' strategic implementation of Corporatization, Digitalization, and Globalization led to this conclusion - CLARITY LEADS TO POWER.

First things first: What do we want to achieve ultimately? Long-term, mid-term, and short-term.

Expectation, Reality Check, Gap Closing.

Quantifiable and measurable key performance indexes bring clarity, which leads to power in execution.

Just like a map to a traveler, the more precise the map is, the easier to find the path through the map toward the destination.

Identifying the resources, the checkpoints, the milestones, and the ultimate goal will increase the organization's overall efficiency.

Do what we can, with what we have, where we are, towards where we want to be.

Use frameworks

Personally, I prefer SWOT and Business Model Canvas.

SWOT makes thing simpler and clear to understand, from top-level perspective.

While the Business Model Canvas, as we know it, is a good strategic management and entrepreneurial tool as it allows us to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot our business model clearly.

There has never been a problem with the resouces, the problems lie within distribution.

With a top level SWOT analysis and a more detailed Business Model Canvas, we have the clarity we need in order to close the gap between our expectation and the reality.

Clarity leads to power. 

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AI 时代做自媒体是机会



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