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Global Goals Book Project

There has never been problem with the resources. The problems lie within distribution.

There are 3 parts of the book:

1) Sustainable Development Goals / Belt Road Initiatives Aligned Opportunities

2) Social Enterprise Business Model

3) Digital Transformation

This is a guideline kind of book for people who want to look further into emerging opportunities within the next few decades. Start from SDGs and social enterprise business model, with digital transformation as the process.

Social Enterprise Guide is the official project information portal that will provide the latest updates and information when it comes to above 3 core sections.  . 


Trust. Circulation. Legal.

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced that Telegram and the forthcoming GRM token constitute an unregistered digital token offering.

While Telegram has the trust from a huge user base and potential circulation economic scale, still, it bumps into that legal barrier, for now. And the key thing is unregistered.

“Is this going to be more of a legislative move or an SEC move? [...] At the moment I don’t know.” ~ SEC Commissioner Robert J. Jackson Jr.

The world will sort things out as we progress.

Meanwhile in Malaysia, as regulatory provisions evolve, there are some noteworthy domestic experiments and pilot projects on the implementation of blockchain technologies within the wider economy:

1) Securities Commission’s Project Castor for unlisted and over-the-counter markets,
2) Bank Negara Malaysia‘s blockchain-powered trade finance applications together with nine banking partners,
3) the Ministry of Education's initiative to use blockchain for the issuance of qualifications, as well as as the basis of a higher education consortium, and
4) Bursa Malaysia's pilot blockchain project for securities borrowing and lending.

This is in line with Malaysia's work visa program targeting tech freelancers in order to address the demand for blockchain talent which was announced in June 2019.

On the cryptocurrency or the digital asset part of it, Cointelegraph reported that:

In January 2019, Malaysia's Capital Markets and Services (Prescription of Securities) (Digital Currency and Digital Token) Order 2019 came into effect to regulate both digital assets and exchange platforms. 

The Order determines that any digital assets offered as a form of investment or used as a method of fundraising are classified as securities in the country. 

Meanwhile, the Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) updated its Guidelines on Recognised Markets to include regulatory requirements for digital asset exchanges (DAX), registering three DAX operators within its scope in May 2019. 

As of May, DAX operators were given nine months to become fully compliant and operational and are now the only venues deemed legitimate by the regulator to offer digital asset trading in Malaysia.

Just across Malaysia's border up north in a neighboring country, SEC’s approval of first initial coin offering (ICO) portal operator was poised to open a new chapter in Thailand’s capital market history and pave the way to its digital economic transformation, as it becomes one of the first ASEAN nations to offer fully-compliant ICOs.

“SE Digital will be able to promote the tokenisation of traditional assets providing investors with access to previously illiquid and difficult to access assets such as commercial real estate and investment products with global exposure, while offering issuers with a new fundraising alternative that allows access to a wider pool of capital providers with cost savings accrued from the digitisation on the blockchain.” ~ Stephen Ng, Chief Marketing Officer of SE Digital, a subsidiary of major financial services firm Seamico Securities.

The world moves, with or without you and me.

News links:

Breaking: US SEC Deems $1.7 Billion Telegram Offering Illegal, Orders Halt

Malaysian Finance Ministry: Cryptocurrency Adoption Remains Low

Thailand’s First Regulated ICO Portal Targets $98M Token Offering


The Power of Social Media

Thank you friends from social media who shared the post.

From 4th Oct 2019 to 5th Oct 2019, the post view grew from 34,225 to 56,792. I have no idea how LinkedIn measure the views but I hope the info I shared do shed some light and provide another angle of view to people on matters related to blockchain and cryptocurrency.

The post:

A recap for what had been done to date on the Blockchain Insider book project. Chapter 1 : Blockchain, Bitcoin, Money To explore Blockchain, you need to study Bitcoin. To understand Bitcoin, you need to know what is money and how it works. https://lnkd.in/frKstaH Chapter 2 : The Name of The Game If history does repeat itself, you will be amazed by how similar it is the evolution of the blockchain to that of the internet. https://lnkd.in/f9iaCDm Chapter 3 : Smart Money What we have now is truly borderless, programmable money backed by immutable computer systems based on pure logic & mathematics. https://lnkd.in/fcKfFNT hashtagblockchain hashtagbitcoin hashtagmoney hashtagbook hashtagtechnology


Tokenizing Real Estate - Solving The Illiquidity Discount Problem?

Blockchains seek to construct more sophisticated monetary policies.

While REITs are just one of many types of investment vehicles, and there is an entire galaxy of real estate ventures and investment funds looking to take advantage of distributed ledger technology, in my opinion, specifically nonlisted and private REITs may stand to reap the greatest benefits of tokenization.

What does tokenization potentially mean for the real estate sector?

Solving the illiquidity discount problem.

Firstly, through the utilization of blockchain technology, conventional and highly regulated real estate investment vehicles (like REITs) can operate at unprecedented levels of efficiency by making programmable governance and built-in regulatory compliance possible on the platform and/or the security token levels, as well as by automating cap table and investor management processes. This will, at least in theory, lower management expenses and increase the profits that get returned to investors.

Secondly, the symbiotic emergence of digital security issuance and secondary trading platforms brings with it not only the possibility to significantly reduce (if not eliminate) the traditional counterparty risk and transactional friction, but to also make the underlying assets more liquid. This suggests that, in the future, nonlisted and private real estate investment vehicles (like private REITs) — which once represented a highly illiquid section of the market — may no longer have that unfortunate distinction.

When, or if tokenization will help traditional types of private real estate investment vehicles to qualify as viable short-term investments?

The timing for this opportunity is auspicious. 



Sustainable Cities, SDG-Aligned Opportunities

Sustainable Cities : What It Takes and What Is In It For Everybody?

Private Sector is key in achieving M'sia's SDGs

SDGs Expert Insight Series (Forum) on “Financing the SDGs: Malaysian Private Sector Role in Bridging the Gap from Goals to Actions,” at the Dewan Persidangan Parliament

The 2030 Agenda is the most transformative and ambitious plan ever crafted by the global community with 17 goals, 169 targets and 232 indicators – that balance the economic, social and environmental pillars of development. Malaysia is fully committed to the 2030 Agenda and SDGs.

“The key components of the 2030 Agenda have already been included in the government’s manifesto and incorporated in the mid-term review of the 11th Malaysia Plan (2016-2020): New Priorities and Emphases and the 2019 National Budget, which sets the development direction of the country moving forward.

“Despite this, there are areas that need further attention such as poverty eradication, environment and other developmental areas. The private sector can play a greater role in sustainable initiatives through partnership programmes with the government in its efforts to achieve the aspirations of the national sustainable development goals. This would an important step forward for the country,” Dato’ Mohd Rashid Hasnon, Deputy Speaker, Dewan Rakyat

The commitment and alignment of the private sector is critical if nations are to attain the goals and targets set out in the world’s most ambitious development plan in history.


-  there are business opportunities and value - estimated to the tune of USD12 trillion (Business & Sustainable Development Commission) that SDGs have created


The UN's Sustainable Development Goals Aren't Just Doing Good, They're Good Business

The most important thing for 21st century leaders is being able to recognise and bring together the right mix of people for the right purpose, and equipping them with the right tools and skills relevant to a future-proof business. ~ Jonquil Hackenberg, Contributor| GREEN TECH, Forbes

The secret is to marry organizational objectives with people’s desires for more compassionate and sustainable business.

Sustainability is not a zero-sum game, it’s been shown that consumers are willing to pay more for ethical products.

- make important improvements not only to the way they are perceived, but also to their ability to meet the challenges of the future.

- instilling a much greater degree of awareness and understanding of ordinary people within the business.

- reflect its customer base in order to stay relevant–and to attract top talent.

- an excellent framework for doing just that.

Businesses that commit to a more diverse workforce, improving employee training and education, providing more meaningful and valuable work, and optimizing collaboration and productivity will reap the rewards of their efforts many times over.

Digital transformation that put these goals at the heart of the business strategy.

A company that is more in tune with its customers, with a happier, more engaged workforce, that walks the walk on sustainability – what could be better business?



一生只做好一件事 : 一生一事,专注极致

一生一事 - 专注、极致











【 01 】 知道自己应该做什么, 如何做自己













【 02 】 习得“喜欢的能力”























【 03 】 敢承认敢去做

























比如我喜欢滑板,你可能会觉得滑板就是个爱好。但你知道么,Vans、Converse、NIKE、adidas、DC等都有自己的滑板队,而且不仅是国外,国内也有,Vans、Converse 等品牌都有中国的滑板队。







另一个清华的朋友成了滑板圈特别传奇的存在。他2013年高分考入清华大学化学系,就是这样一个学霸,进入大学后,加入滑板社、街舞社、玩死飞... 他什么不太会,但好玩的他都想去探索,最终他发现自己最爱滑板,几乎每天都滑,最初也想做一个职业滑板的,然而无奈技术水平受限,他知道自己做不到。






【 04 】 代价就是付出,付出到擅长

























Never, Ever Give Up !

【 05 】 真的不行就换
















01 换下一个之前,你要仔细想想,目前的这个事你是真的付出了很多么?有几多?是很认真的那种付出么?你真的付出了很久么?这个久有多久?不要没做多少就随随便便的把它否了。职业发展的前期,比较忌讳浅尝辙的随便尝试,很浪费时间。

02 如果真的谨慎思考了,结果是确实不适合,就要及时换,别拖延,你拖不起的,一个是时间很宝贵浪费不起,二是沉没成本会一直增加你越来越难离开。下围棋最忌讳的是缓手,个人发展也是如此,比如有人要大学毕业了,还不知道自己应该去做什么,就出缓手——再考个研吧。比如有人辞职后,不知道自己该去做什么,又出缓手——先考个什么证吧。别逃避,直面它,解决它。

03 人终究不能只做自己喜欢且擅长的事,尤其在工作中。人生价值观和工作价值观不同,工作上你喜欢的要做好,不喜欢也要做好,不管你喜不喜欢,尽可能的去解决问题,做出成绩,对得起自己,对得起老板。因为即便你从事的工作是你喜欢的,其中也充斥着大量你不喜欢的因素。工作本质上不是让你来享受的,是通过艰苦付出拿结果的,别矫情。

这篇就写到这里,关于这个话题以后还会再写,希望这7000字能给你解开哪怕一点困惑。希望你保持好奇,保持耐心,保持探索,保持付出,因为人,终究还是要找到自己喜欢的 ...才行。


来源:粥左罗 fangdushe520,作者:粥左罗


Japan to Solarize Its Digital Economy

Use Cases of Blockchain technology in Energy Sector - Solar Power

“In the solar energy sector, decentralized blockchain technology is used in person-to-person (P2P) energy trading, labeling, energy provenance and certification, smart metering and billing, electric vehicle charging and payments, and wholesale power trading and settlements.”

Reports published by Fitch Solutions Macro Research and Globadata conclude that over the next decade, decentralized solar technology may replace PV solar farms as the main growth-driver in Japan. Already, a blockchain-enabled solar energy-trading pilot project is set to link 100 solar rooftops of smart, zero-energy homes in the country, while another pilot project will administer an energy-trading marketplace using blockchain to connect a number of Japanese power production facilities with homes, offices, factories, batteries and electric vehicles.

Toyota Motor Corp. — which began testing high-efficiency solar cells for electric cars — has joined forces with the University of Tokyo and online renewable energy retailer Trende to test peer-to-peer vehicle-to-grid electricity trading using blockchain technology, which allows for electric vehicles to communicate with the power grid to buy and sell electricity to smooth out peak and low demand times.

Japan's Marubeni Corp. has recently backed a blockchain-based power-purchasing platform called WePower that makes it easy for small- and medium-sized businesses to buy power from solar project developers, offering standardized, digital power purchase agreements to help underwrite new projects.

#SmartEnergy #SmartCity #SolarPower #Japan


Space Solar Power System



Kuala Lumpur Roundtable

'Kuala Lumpur Roundtable offers key policy suggestions to achieve Shared Prosperity 2030' Some really good suggestions put forth by the members of the KLR in their paper, hopefully they get pushed through to our policymakers. There was some mention about SMEs and promoting SME contributions to the economy as a market solution to lift the B40 and M40, however, personally I feel that there should be more emphasis given to SMEs and entrepreneurship, as arguably entrepreneurs are the 'spark plugs' that we desperately need to jump start our struggling economy. We need to learn from our past and not repeat the same mistakes, we've already wasted too much time. - GLC Reforms - APs, licensing and all forms of interventionist policies must be removed - Monopolies and Oligopolies must not be given any form of protectionism through regulations etc. How serious are our policymakers?

~ Keri Hamdan, LinkedIn post


The Invention of Money

Anyone forging it would be punished with death.

That point was deeply relevant.

The problem with many new forms of money is that people are reluctant to adopt them. Genghis Khan’s grandson didn’t have that difficulty. He took measures to insure the authenticity of his currency, and if you didn’t use it—if you wouldn’t accept it in payment, or preferred to use gold or silver or copper or iron bars or pearls or salt or coins or any of the older forms of payment prevalent in China—he would have you killed. This solved the question of uptake.

The instruments of trade and finance are inventions, in the same way that creations of art and discoveries of science are inventions—products of the human imagination.

Paper money, backed by the authority of the state, was an astonishing innovation, one that reshaped the world.

It’s only at moments when the system buckles that we start to wonder why these things are worth what they seem to be worth.

Bitcoin, a new form of money based on nothing but the power of cryptography.

The quest for new forms of money

The idea is that the value of the new money is derived not from the imprimatur of any state but from a combination of mathematics, global connectedness, and the trust that resides in the network.

In all good stories, the hero wants something but faces an obstacle. In the case of the nation-state, what it wants to do is wage war, and the obstacle it faces is how to pay for it.

borrow a huge sum of money, and use taxes to pay back the interest over time.

One of the most significant effects of the paper money was the way it stimulated borrowing and lending—and trading.

The usual costs of warfare were added to a huge bill for annuities—lifelong interest payments made in settlement of old loans.

Money must be turned to the service of trade, and lie at the discretion of the prince or parliament to vary according to the needs of trade. Such an idea, orthodox and even tedious for the past fifty years, was thought in the seventeenth century to be diabolical.

This idea of Law’s led him to the idea of a new national French bank that took in gold and silver from the public and lent it back out in the form of paper money.

A U.S. bank with assets under a hundred and twenty-four million dollars is obliged to keep a cash reserve of only three per cent.

He funded the company the same way he had funded the bank, with deposits from the public swapped for shares.

He then used the value of those shares, which rocketed from five hundred livres to ten thousand livres, to buy up the debts of the French King. The French economy, based on all those rents and annuities and wages, was swept away and replaced by what Law called his “new System of Finance.”

The use of gold and silver was banned. Paper money was now “fiat” currency, underpinned by the authority of the bank and nothing else. 

It ended in disaster. 

People started to wonder whether these suddenly lucrative investments were worth what they were supposed to be worth; then they started to worry, then to panic, then to demand their money back, then to riot when they couldn’t get it.

The great irony of Law’s life is that his ideas were, from the modern perspective, largely correct.

Today, we live in a version of John Law’s system. Every state in the developed world has a central bank that issues paper money, manipulates the supply of credit in the interest of commerce, uses fractional-reserve banking, and features joint-stock companies that pay dividends.

His great and probably unavoidable mistake was to underestimate the volatility that his inventions introduced, especially the risks created by runaway credit.

How did these once wild ideas become part of the very fabric of modern finance and government? Trial and error.

It was not the case that smart people figured everything out at once and implemented it simultaneously.

The modern economic system evolved, and evolution involves innovations, repetitions, failures, and dead ends. In finance, it involves busts and panics and crashes.

Bagehot’s work on banking similarly focussed on the difference between appearances and realities, specifically the gap between the air of solidity and respectability cultivated by Victorian banks and the evident fact that they kept collapsing and going broke. There were huge bank crises in 1797, in 1825, in 1847, and in 1857, all of them caused by the oldest and simplest reason of bankruptcy in finance: lending money to people who can’t pay it back.

In theory, all the money in circulation during the era of Victorian banking was backed up by deposits in gold. One pound in paper money was backed by 123.25 grains of actual gold. In practice, that wasn’t true.

There were multiple occasions when the government suspended the convertibility of paper money to gold. In addition, banks could print their own money. They often didn’t have enough gold to sustain the value of their notes, in the event of customers coming to the bank and demanding conversion.

A system in which banks don’t hold cash reserves equivalent to their outstanding loans works fine, unless enough people turn up at the bank and simultaneously want their paper money turned into its metal equivalent. Unfortunately, that kept happening, and banks kept going broke.

What is money? Where does it derive its value? Who finally guarantees the value of debts and credits?

money, real money, was gold, and gold alone. All the other forms of currency in the system were merely different kinds of credit. Credit was indispensable to a functioning economy, and helped make everybody rich, but in the final analysis only gold was legal tender, according to the strict definition of the term—money that cannot be refused in settlement of a debt.

paradox: all the credit in the system was essential to the economy, but it wasn’t really money, because it wasn’t gold, which underpinned the value of everything else.

The main source of the profitableness of established banking is the smallness of the requisite capital

The less equity the bank needed to keep as a margin of safety, the more money it could lend, and, therefore, the more profit it could make. Gold was essential in order to guarantee the currency, but the bankers didn’t want it taking up valuable space on their balance sheets. Better to let the government do that, in the form of the Bank of England.

We still have a version of this system, in which government guarantees underpin the profitability of banks. The central bank’s crucial role is to lend money freely at a time of crisis—to be what is called “the lender of last resort.” Grant, who admits to “a libertarian’s biases,” sees this doctrine as the seed of “deposit insurance, the too-big-to-fail doctrine, and the rest of the modern machinery of socialized financial risk.”

Then came the credit crunch, and the moment—the latest version of the old familiar one—when things turned out not to be worth what they were supposed to be worth.



Deutsche Bank, HSBC and Mastercard

There is a paradigm shift. The world is moving. Bitcoin could be that digital gold.

July, 2019 - 18,000 jobs set to be cut as Deutsche Bank embarks on mass retrenchment exercise.

Aug, 2019 - #HSBC Ousts CEO Flint, Plans 4,000 Job Cuts in Focus on Cost Targets.

Aug, 2019 - #Mastercard Hints at Future Crypto Wallet Product With New Job Listings:

* Director, Product Management - Crypto Currency/ Wallets

* Director, Product Development & Innovation - Blockchain Solutions Architect

* VP, Product Management - Blockchain / Crypto

A long development process full of trials, tribulations, ignorance and triumphs over skeptics and critics alike.

As per the individual research of a former Deutsche Bank executive, Bitcoin's real-time price movements serve as clear indicators of hidden geopolitical tensions spread all across the globe.

Many analysts seem to believe that the USA's ongoing trade war with China is causing BTCs price to fluctuate on a near weekly basis. 
