Time flies. While it seems 2024 review and 2025 resolution be like yesterday, today already 11th day of 2025. Looking back, the difference between setting goals and not is obvious. Connecting The Dots For instance, my goal for 2023 was "to travel at least once a month" . Though not fully achieved, still get the outcome as the saying goes "aim as high as the sky so that at least you fall on the rooftop even if you do not make it." For 2024, it was something like "let it be" in terms of go the distance. The report card? The travel timeline above tells a lot. Speaks by itself. Clarity leads to power. Also, I noticed similarities among all destinations in 2024 - Shanghai, Labuan, and Hong Kong - they are all international financial centers. Aligned to the capital part of what I am doing. ABCDE the World is the key. Things happen for a reason, and it will always be a good one. Where To, 2025 & Beyond? To set the stage and keep improving. Publishing th...