
目前显示的是 三月, 2008的博文

黄线非法泊车,MPSJ 拖 !

真他妈的有效率,才十多分钟就被拖了。 原来: 1。车子不见可能是被市议会拖走 (不是被偷,真幸运!) 2。要拿车,马币 134 搞定 3。Serdang Raya 有一个 Bengkel 专收违规而被市议会拖去的车子 4。昨天生意不是很好,只有几辆车在那边 5。The Mines 那一代市议会工作效率很高(尤其是拖车这门生意,一辆 134, 一天 20 辆就有2680)

Wealth creation process

Wealth creation process (alternative income stream) 1. Replacement Income (then you can quit your job and have your time freedom) 2. Investment Income (money over and above what you need daily) Time Freedom->Financial Freedom in correct sequence Passive income - 1 time hardwork translate into unlimited income Read more about Parable of The Pipeline .

1 Utama

Judged by a panel of real estate professionals and experts of the FIABCI International fellowship, Prix d'Exellence goes beyond aesthetics,functionality and size, it is awarded to those that embody excellence in its creation of the finest in real estate. 1Utama Shopping Centre (expansion) Retail Category Your achievement shows that Malaysian property is a world-beater. Does this serve as a testament to the overall quality of Property Malaysia or are you just a rare gem in the country? In a globalised and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) world, we need to be nimble and adapt and adopt world-class standards to be able to capitalise on the opportunity globalisation may offer and we are proud that Malaysia has been constantly achieving and developing iconic and world-class properties which are in lin with global expectations of international businesses and investors.~ Dato Teo Chiang Kok 1Utama - Over 400 retail, F&B, entertainment outlets located in Bandar Utama, Da...

The Rise Of Mega Cities

DEMOGRAPHICS (Population Growth as indication of Economic Activity) : The Rise Of Mega Cities… Urbanization and rural to urban migration are strong global trends that cannot be stopped. Economies of scale are obtained when people group closely to each other for specialization and division of labour. According to a study by Munich RE, 10 of the largest and successful Megacities generate 20% of the world’s GDP. (see download in FREE CD) Tokyo accounts for 28% of the Japanese population, but 40% of the country’s GDP. Paris is home to 16% of the French population, but is responsible for 30% of its GDP. Source: Ho Chin Soon

Brain Drain

Though we would like to believe that it is a borderless world, in certain aspects governments hinder and restrict unfettered free enterprise in a geographical territory. Thus we see the phenomena of mass movement of human resources. Factories, offices, shophouses and condominiums are not mobile! However machinery can be shipped to new factories where required.


人作为社会性和动物性的复合体,因利而为,是很正常的行为。 毛泽东曾向中国大众推荐过一本小册子 《官场病-柏金森定律》,这本书虽然只有几十页,却对世界产生了深远的影响。 不称职官员的三条出路 一、申请退职,把位子让给能干的人 二、让一位能干的人来协助自己工作 三、聘用两个水平比自己更低的人当助手 这第一条路是万万走不得的,因为那样会丧失许多权利;第二条路也不能走,因为那个能干的人会成为自己的对手;看来只有第三条路可以走了。 于是,两个平庸的助手分担了他的工作,减轻了他的负担。由于助手的平庸,不会对他的权利构成威胁,所以这名官员从此也就可以高枕无忧了。 两个助手既然无能,他们只能上行下效,再为自己找两个更加无能的助手。 如此类推,就形成了一个机构臃肿,人浮于事,相互扯皮,效率低下的领导体系。 这部分阐述是《 》一书中的精华,也是它的主要内容,常常被人们转载传诵,用来解释官场的 形形色色。 http://ycc.dwu.edu.tw/forFriend/pps/SimpleRules.pps

Some key questions you should keep reminding yourself

Do you want to work & wake up anytime you want ? Do you want to create "passive" income streams ? Do you want to create surplus money to invest ? Do you want to quit your job ? 3. Do you want to create surplus money to invest ? Many people know that the recession is going to come very soon.People are going to sell off their 3rd properties, 2nd properties etc.Do you want to create surplus money to invest when that time comes ? (Above material is for reference purpose only) A surfer don't go into the water when the wave comes. He was there in the water before the wave comes.

What is your ultimate dream in life ?

Have you always wanted to make decent living without staying in a job? Do you want to spend more time with your loved ones or your colleagues? If you have always wanted to make a decent living without a job and prefers to spend more time with your loved ones than colleagues, then you must read on. According to a survey done on a person’s ultimate dream, the following came in top 5. 1. Travel around the world 2. Buy a BIG house 3. Make more money 4. More time with loved ones 5. Good health Is yours anyone of them? It may be or may not. But one thing you can be sure is that no matter what your dream is, the one that will make most dreams happen is to make more money. We cannot deny one fact, the stock market created more millionaires than any form of wealth creation strategies. So the question that you may have is how did they do that?

爱 地球

为了地球,为了生长的土地,为了明天可以呼吸新鲜的空气,为了孩子们可以继续在绿油油的草地上打滚, 我们要更爱我们的地球 。 有人开始拒绝免洗筷 有人开始不用塑胶袋 有人省电省水省资源 有人只是静悄悄的在角落做着资源回收。 你的家里,有没有正在进行这一类环保小动作? 一人出一点力,地球会继续美丽


沧海一生笑 沧海笑 滔滔两岸潮 浮沉随浪记今朝 苍天笑 纷纷世上潮 谁负谁胜出 天知晓 江山笑 烟雨遥 涛浪涛尽红尘俗世知多少 清风笑 竟惹寂寥 豪情还剩了 一襟晚照 苍生笑 不再寂寥 豪情仍在痴痴笑笑

Financial Freedom

What does financial freedom means to you? Can you define financial freedom clearly? (Are you going for something you don't have a clear idea what it is all about?) Clarity Leads to Power (Money & You) According to Rich Dad, financial freedom is: The number of days you can survive without working. Notice the beauty of the definition? No money in the definition (at least not a single word about money mentioned in the definition). But, in order to survive in this modern world, you’ll need money anyhow, be it your own money, or other people’s money. How long you can survive? 1. How old are you now? 2. How many years you predict you will still live on Earth? 3. What are the monthly expenses to maintain your current living standard up to the day you’ll be living planet Earth? Do a simple calculation and you’ll know how far you are from financial freedom. For example, you need $5,000 in order to survive monthly (maintaining your current lifestyle), and you are 30 years old now. You ex...

The Beauty of Internet Business

Selling something you don't really own to someone you don't really know. Anytime, Anywhere. The working model is similar to those that of Real Estate agents, you don't reallyneed to own 5 banglows in order to sell to 5 strangers. ;)The restriction with real estate agent is business gotta be carried out 1 to 1 basis, location based. The best part is, you can " automate " the whole process in the internet.i.e. you make money even when you are sleeping !

Turn Your Computer Into Your OwnPersonal ATM Machine !

Wow... I Just Can't Shut this ATM Machine Off !! Turn Your Computer Into Your OwnPersonal ATM Machine ! Received this marketing mail.... :D

Night At The Mines


Every Word in Dictionary is Money ?

HOW ? You know Google Adwords ? If you understand how Google Adwords and Google Adsense works, you'll understand what I mean with "Every words in dictionary is money to Google".

Do You Have ONE Minute For Yourself ?

Do You Have ONE Minute For Yourself? If not, what about your family and loved ones Most of us are busier than ever. Our lives are full of things to do, places to go, people to meet. All of this in the name of "getting ahead". But there comes a time when we need to question "is this really success"? Ask most people what they're looking for, and chances are you'll hear things like: "inner peace, balance, a chance to relax, and an opportunity to smell the roses". In short, the antithesis to the hectic lifestyle most people seem to be living. As author Stuart Wilde puts it, " life was never meant to be a struggle ". We need to form a new definition for success, one that includes more balance, more time to be with those we love, more time for play, and more time to nurture ourselves. The paradox is that the reason most of us work long and hard is so we can relax, play, and have more time for our loved ones. Yet the more time we spend working, ...

Credible India

It pays potential gaming nvestors to understand domestic forces A less socially divisive system may be for India to sanction more onshore online gaming. The country is gradually getting wired up and the government would get a tax windfall. Online gambling has the potential to fetch the government at least Rs 12.5 billion (US$315 million), says the chief executive of the company that pioneered online lotteries in India. Online “If the government permits online gaming, we estimate that it will generate business in the region of Rs 25000 crore (US$6.37 billion) in five to ten years. Of this, 5% (Rs1250 billion) will accrue to the government by way of taxes,” says Amar Sinha of Pan India Network Infravest, a company that runs the Playwin lottery brand. Playwin is the creation of Subhash Chandra, the media owner who also set up India’s first home grown satellite channel Zee TV. In exchange for its licence, Playwin has guaranteed to the Indian government to give a proportion of its revenues ...

Why Microsoft So Keen To Buy Into Yahoo

If you can do everything online, why would you need a hardisk (with Windows OS) When all you need is just a connection to the internet (Challenge the Norm) When this day comes, it means no business to Microsoft Windows OS ! btw, just fyi, do you know that you can now make money over the internet without even having a website ? With Google Adwords & Redirect to Amazon's product page (of course you gotta be Amazon's affiliate member and have proper internet marketing knowledge, google it for further info)

Formula in property investment

Formula in property investment: Buy BELOW market value REVALUE your asset Finance at market value Pocket the different Collect monthly rental which is higher than loan repayment Deadly Anti-Wealth Mindset - Buy ONLY when I have the money Try to look for alternative sources ! EPF/liquify shares Home VS Investment – HOME IS A LIABILITY - I want to DEBT-FREE DEBT-FREE is GOOD, but it should be FINAL GOALS. Current focus should be on ACCUMULATING WEALTH With 1:10 Ratio investing in properties, when properties appreciate, debt coming down GOOD DEBT – Buy Appreciating Asset - I have been BURNT - I have enough problems - I have no time IF YOU ARE VERY BUSY, THEN YOU ARE EITHER VERY RICH OR FOCUS ON THE WRONG THING - Should be spouse’s responsibility 5 major pitfalls Impulse buying Don’t buy with heart 30 minutes rule Driving distance to easily monitor asset Herd mentality Follow blindly, B/U danger at 500k++ for 2sty terrace Wrong gearing Hard to sleep at night Not buying below market value S...

Condo hotels could work here

Imagine owning a hotel room where you could stay during holidays, and collect rent the rest of the time. A condominium hotel is a strata-titled hotel unit that is sold to individual investors. This concept has already taken off in places such as the United States, Europe, Dubai and the Philippines. At Waikiki in Honolulu, 464 units at Trump International Hotel and Tower were snapped up in one day late last year. Sales topped US$700 million (SGD1.06billion), with buyers said to pay an average of US$1.5 million for each unit. This concept could work in strong tourist spots. If condominium hotels are built here, it would help speed up the provision of hotel accomodation, and be a catalyst for urban regeneration. This approach would provide developers with upfront capital, as hotels have very long gestation and payback periods. Investors would get a low price entry point into the hospitality sector. It can provide another form of property investment for retail investors. Returns would be ...

Dare to dream

" DARE to dream. It's all about dreaming & from dreams come great things.If you don't dream you'll never get there" Tony Fernandes, AirAsia, The Sun 20th Dec 2006 From the book "Interview with God" : Make changes, don't go for make money Why the big boys (airlines) didn't go for budget airline segment before AirAsia? The Employee Mindset (EVERYONE in the big corporate are employees,including the CEO). Imagine you are selling a ticket at MYR 800-1000 for a trip from KL to Singapore,and you go to propose to your "management" an idea of selling a ticket at MYR 100-200for the same trip (from KL to Singapore), would it sounds like "Hey ! Let's start a low cost airline and screw ourselves !" :D They were afraid. With changes comes uncertainty. Dreams are there to pull you through in your toughest time. Fabian Lim's Sharing

A ship is a harbour might be safe

A ship is a harbour might be safe. But that is not what a ship is meant for. 每一艘轮船停泊在安全港的时候,被认为都能经受住风浪,但只有它在浩瀚海洋里经过风浪,我们才知道它真正的力量与品格。

Biodiesel plants stall on high CPO prices

10-03-2008: Biodiesel plants stall on high CPO prices by Lim Shie-Lynn Email us your feedback at fd@bizedge.com KUALA LUMPUR: Major biodiesel players in the country have halted production as record high crude palm oil (CPO) prices have made their operations too expensive to sustain. The Edge understands that two major producers, Sime Darby Bhd and Carotino Sdn Bhd, have ceased production since last year. “The margins are too narrow and with the CPO price now soaring to RM4,000, what is the point in producing biodiesel now? We would be running at a loss,” said a company official on condition of anonymity. Palm oil futures for March, April and May delivery closed RM293 lower on Friday at RM3,684, RM3,707 and RM3,710 respectively. Carotech Bhd’s managing director David Ho said: “We hope CPO prices will continue to fall to a more reasonable level to drop back to RM2,400 to RM2,700 a tonne. At this level, biodiesel production may have a chance. “At this juncture, we are focusing more effort...

Online Gaming Rise


Spending Power

India’s middle class- those with annual disposable incomes between US$4,380 and US$21,890 – has more than doubled to 50 million in the past decade, according to McKinsey & Co., the New York based consulting firm. At least a small part of that discretionary spending seems to be going not just on innovations such as Tata Motor’s new Rs100,000 (US$2500) town car, but on unregulated, unlicensed and mostly untaxed, sin. The problem with the moral hazard argument as far as gaming is concerned is that vice including prostitution and drug taking have been an ever present if scarcely acknowledged part of Indian society for centuries, in common with most human cultures . Inside Asian Gaming (Feb 2008) www.asgam.com

Everyone can make real difference in life

I always remind myself that everyone can make real difference in life. When we possess dedicated attitude, we already in the half journey of success achievement; when we have persistency, we already in almost completion of success achievement; when we are in self-ownership career, we will fully complete our goal achievement. Quote of the month: “When we have faith and right altitude, we are approaching to our goal.” ~ Soon Leong