
目前显示的是 六月, 2008的博文

Invite Turkeys Voting for Christmas

Convenient coincidence... Companies trying to increase their profits and get the maximum valueout of their scarcity are interested in who is "willing" to pay more, rather than who can"afford" to pay more. There are three common strategies for finding customers who are cavalier about price. The first is what economists call 'first degree price discrimination', or the 'unique target'strategy. The second approach, the 'group target' strategy, which is to offer different prices to membersof distinct groups. Who could complain about reduced bus fares for children and the elderly? The third way: turkeys voting for Christmas The cleverest and most common way to persuade turkeys to vote for Christmas is the 'self-incrimination' strategy - the one Costa Coffee and Starbucks both use when they persuade someof their customers into confessing that they are not sensitive to price. It is safe to say that companies are always alert for ways to squee...

Finding your own freedom

Finding your own freedom is easy. All you have to do is first look and see what God wants done, and then do what God wants done with the gifts that God has given you. If you will faithfully do that, the abundance of God will pour into your life. Life is not about earning a living. Just look at the birds, the plants and all of nature's creations around you. Birds don't earn a living. Birds and God's other creatures simply do what they were sent here to do. If you will simply trust in God and do what you were sent here to do, God's abundance will be with you forever. You don't have to do the bird's job, the bird's already doing it. He said that because he saw too many humans competing for jobs rather than looking to see what needs to be done . If you will look to see what needs to be done, and do what needs to be done, you will tap into God's abundance. Many people are financial prisoners of their fears. That is why they cling to threads of security, becom...

Entrepreneurs and Bureaucrats

Grown, highly paid executives of major corporations know how to spend a lot of money, but not really know how to make a lot of money on their own. There are big differences between entrepreneurs and bureaucrats. Most people are bureaucrats because our schools train people to become bureaucrats. An entrepreneur must know how to be both. Many bureaucrats dream of becoming entrepreneurs, but most never will. A bureaucrat only knows how to make money if it is given to him. An entrepreneur can make money out of nothing. In the mind-set of the entrepreneur behind the business.

Rule of 72

another measure of money's velocity.this rule measures the interest or annual percentage growth of something. simply dividing the number 72 by the interest or the percentage of gain in value to give the relative speed your money will double. For example, if you receive 10% interest on your savings, your money will double in 7.2 years.


"Buy assets that generate cashflow - NOW, not sometime in the future!" put money away until you need it sometime in the future is a saver's mentality.Generating cash flow from assets NOW. Review your financial statement and remove all entries in your asset column that do not generate cash flow for you currently. Assets put money in your pocket, liabilities take money from your pocket. When you have assets that generate enough monthly cash flow to cover your monthly expenses, you are financially free! BUY ASSETS!~ Sharon Lechter

Invest for the long term ?

Investing for the long term does not mean parking your money, leaving it in one big pile, thinking you're diversified when in reality all of your investments are in one vehicle, a vehicle such as mutual funds, and then hoping that the wind does not blow or a fire does not break out. Investing to us means being in the market (properties, businesses, paper assets) every day of our lives, gathering more information, gaining more and more real-life experience, and keeping our money moving, over the fire. We do not buy, hold, and pray, which is what long-term means to millions of people. One of the most important things a real investor needs to say is, " I want my money back. I also want to keep my investment. " If you can understand this principle of investing, you will understand what the velocity of money means. It means you want your money back as quickly as possible so it can be reinvested to acquire other assets.

Velocity of money

How fast is your money? Your money should be like a good bird dog. It helps you find a bird, catch the bird, and then goes out and gets you another bird. Most people's money acts like the bird that just flies away. Today, many financial planners and mutual fund managers say to the average investor, "Just give us your money, and we'll put your money to work for you." Most investors nod and repeat the mantra, "Invest for the long term, buy and hold, and diversify." Their money gets parked and they go back to work. For most investors, these are pretty good ideas, given that most investors have no interest in learning how to put their money to work, since they seem to prefer working harder than their money. The trouble with these plans of average investors is that they are not necessarily productive investment strategies, nor are they necessarily safer. For many people, they may not have enough time to rebuild their retirement fund if it is wiped out late in the...


犹太母亲问孩子:“如果有一天,你的房子被烧、财产被抢光,你要带什么东西逃跑?” 孩子:“钱” 另一个孩子:“钻石” 犹太母亲笑着说:“孩子,你们要带走的,是智慧。智慧是任何人都抢不走的,只要你还活着,智慧就永远跟着你,无论如何,你都不会失去它。只有智慧,能够帮助你度过所有难关。” 学习应该以思考为基础,怀疑是开启智慧大门的钥匙。

A World Without Paychecks

People who need a paycheck are slaves to money. If you want to be set free, you must never need a paycheck or a job. "If you are so well educated and so experienced, why do you need a job? If you're so smart, why do you need a paycheck?" he was asking him to stretch his reality and see another reality. It was his way of actually trying to help the applicant. It was his way of trying to teach the applicant a very important and basic financial lesson, the lesson that money will not make you rich ... that a high-paying job alone will not solve a person's financial needs . A high academic IQ does not necessarily mean you have a high financial IQ. "How can I get rich without a paycheck or steady job?" Hot Tip #1 Begin to see yourself in a world or reality where you will never ever need a paycheck or job again. It does not mean you will never work again, it simply means that you will stop being so financially needy or even desperate, selling your precious life fo...

No Collar !

在整理 一些旧笔记时,发现 N 年前的某个 presentation slide: Agricultural Age -> Industrial Age -> Information Age 80% Blue Collar -> 80% White Collar ->80% No Collar! :) Fun.....

Will youngest boomers go broke?

They're raiding 401(k)s, falling behind on monthly payments and even going without medical care in efforts to keep afloat financially , the AARP warns. woes that are forcing homeowners into foreclosure, choking spending on nondiscretionary goods and driving up credit card bills may claim another group of victims in the coming years: broke baby boomers. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/RetirementandWills/CreateaPlan/WillYoungestBoomersGoBroke.aspx What a horrible incident that is happening..... and now seems more clear what they state in the book "Why We Want You To Be Rich": " so you could be part of the solutions, not part of the problems. "

Growing Up

People get older, but they do not necessarily grow up. Many people run from mom and dad's shelter to the shelter of a company or the government. Many expect someone else to take care of them, or be responsible for their lack of wisdom and common sense. That is why they seek job security or government sanctuaries. Too many people spend their lives looking for guarantees and spend all their lives avoiding risk, avoiding growing up, and always looking for surrogate parent to take care of them. Leave the government safety nets and social program for those that really need them! Growing up means being willing to be more and more responsible for yourself, your actions, your continuing education, and your maturity. If you want to have a rich and secure financial future, it is imperative to know that markets go up and markets go down and no one is there to protect you. I am afraid that in less than twenty years it will be obvious that the Industrial Age is dead and gone. We will know this ...

Who gets paid first and who gets paid the most

Who gets paid first and who gets paid the most diagram: 5. Business Owner 4. Investors 3. Specialists (accountants, employees, consultants) 2. Employees 1. Assets (business or other investment) A business owner must pay the asset first. That means continually reinvesting enough money and resources in order to keep the asset strong and growing . The reason the business owner gets paid last is because he or she starts a business in order to be paid the most. But in order to get paid the most, the business owner must make sure that the rest of the business is paid first. That is why I am training you to not work for money. You are learning to delay gratification and work to build assets that grow in value. I want you to learn to build assets, not working for money. The business owner or entrepreneur gets the big bucks at the end of the day because he or she must be the most generous at the start of the day. The business owner takes the most risks, and also gets paid last. If they have don...

Your financial statement is your report card once you leave school

"Your financial statement is your report card once you leave school." In school, we received report cards at least once a quarter. Even if you had bad grades, the report card gave you and your parents the opportunity to know what you were good at and weak at... and then gave you the opportunity to make corrections. In real life, people without financial statements, or report cards, cannot make corrections if they do not know where they are that month, quarter, or year. Think of your financial statement as your report card and work diligently to have your financial report card be measured in millions or maybe billions of dollars. Repetition is how we learn, and by repeatedly going over your monthly numbers, not only do you establish a good habit, you gain more insights into your spending patterns, you can make corrections earlier, and you ultimately take control over your financial life. Many people pay higher than necessary interest rates simply because they have poor financi...

Law of Reciprocity

Generosity falls under the age-old law, the Law of Reciprocity. It is the law that states "Give and you shall receive." It is not a law that states, "Receive... and then you give." It is a law that has survived the test of time and it will survive the test of the future. Today, more than ever before, it is very important to want to look after yourself and your loved ones ... but if you want ot be rich, you must first think about serving the needs of as many people as you can... first. It's the law. "If you want a smile, be the first to give a smile. If you want love, be the first to give love. If you want to be understood, then be the one to be understanding... If you want a punch in the mouth, be the first to give someone else a punch in the mouth." " God does not need to receive, but humans need to give. " " Many people say they are generous with their time because they do not have money. People who are generous with their time have lo...

See The Future Through Younger Eyes

If you want to see how the world will be in ten years, just watch a fifteen-year-old boy or girl. Observe the world from their eyes and you will see the future. (The lesson of, if you want to see the future, you need to see it through younger eyes.) "If you can let go of your vision of the world and actually see the world from a younger person's point of view, you will see a much bigger world, a world filled with tremendous change and an abundance of opportunities yet to come. There are business and investment opportunities coming that will create bigger fortunes than the automobile did for Henry Ford, oil did for John D.Rockefeller, computers did for Bill Gates, and the Internet did for the young founders of Yahoo,AOL, Netscape and Google." If you are not rich today because you missed the last boat leaving the dock, do not worry, another boat to the land of riches and opportunity is getting ready to sail. The question is, will you be on it? History Repeats Itself

Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.

Many cannot imagine a financially free future with more than $100,000 or more a year coming in without working. The reason many people cannot imagine having that much money is because they do not have it in their reality. Many people may dream of such dollar amounts and may say that "someday" they will make that much ... but in reality, most people are just dreaming. The statistics verify this reality. "Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow." "Is what I am doing today going to get me to the financial goal I want tomorrow?" The reason Kim and I did not take jobs, even though we were strapped for cash, was because we had no plans on being employees in the future. Instead we spent our time in seminars learning either how to build a business or invest in real estate. Even though we had no money, each and every day we practiced building better businesses and investing in real estate. We were doing today what we planned on doing in the future...

Secrets to Wealth

1. Gotta have NO LIMITS on your income -own a business -to enjoy freedom, you gotta have PASSIVE INCOME streams 2. Learn - every master were once disaster - Self made millionaire one time had very little or no money 3. triangle Right Knowledge Right Vehicle (@ the right time) Right YOU (mindset,character) Street Smart Financing - worst is go to bank - 2nd worst is go to relatives

How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!

How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!! The chart below shows the increment of petrol price since 1st May 2004 from RM1.37 per litter up all the way to RM2.70 per litter on 5th June 2008! It is an increase of RM0.78 or 40%! What does this mean to you? “Everything will become more & more expensive!” But, will you be able to earn fast enough to keep up with the escalating cost of living in Malaysia...??? We can only see the poor get poorer and the rich will only get richer and richer… But WHY??? Is there a Hope? Or… Is there anything the rich do that the poor is not doing??? If you want to become rich and richer, are you willing to do what the rich do? The rich move very fast, unlike the poor move very slow or just wait! The end result, the poor become poorer and end up paying more for their ‘life’ because they are too slow or choose not to change at all. The rich become richer because they are always become the 1st person who is willi...

Rich will get Richer

In the near future, the rich will get richer because they will be involved in pre-IPO offerings. They will not be investing in technology, or computers, or dot-coms. Instead they will be investing in hot new biotech companies, genetic engineering companies, and new companies with the words "system" or "network" after their names. They will be investing in the hot companies of the future, companies that we have not heard of yet. They will invest in companies and real estate projects that the average person will hear about only after the profits have been made. They will be investing in private placement memorandums, or limited partnerships, and other such investment vehicles, rather than mutual funds.