
目前显示的是 十二月, 2008的博文

Is your money manager a crook?

If the rich, famous and sophisticated can get bilked (and the Madoff scandal makes it clear they can), how can you know whom to trust? Here are 5 red flags that should get your attention. 1. The background check doesn't check out A search for Madoff's company on BrokerCheck betrayed problems that should have raised some concerns for investors. In August, Madoff's firm paid a $25,000 fine for failing to report accurate trading information. Altogether, the company had five complaints against it -- perhaps not enough to scare off investors but enough to merit questions. 2. You don't understand the strategy After Madoff was charged with fraud, some of his investors admitted they never fully understood his investing strategy. But because they were making money , many believed Madoff was simply smarter than they were. But investors are supposed to know the formula, according to the SEC . The agency recommends that investors ask a litany of questions, including several about...

SUI Boutique Jasmine Mag Model

Full Size image: http://corporatejourney2u.com/images/Jasmin081201.jpg

6 financial milestones before 30

You've got the job, the spouse, maybe a child. Now it's time to grow up. Some dread it. Some embrace it. Some use the big 3-0 as an excuse to do that one last, precious keg stand. Others become an eternal 29 overnight. Whatever your attitude about turning 30, experts say it's a good time to assess your personal financial situation. For many of us, real life is well under way by the time we hit 30. We've usually completed most of our education and have a few years of work experience. About half of us marry before 30 and that most have children by then. The National Association of Realtors says the median age for first-time homebuyers in the United States is 32. And while we all enter our 30s with unique backgrounds and varying goals, experts agree there are some fundamental rules that that can help every young adult participating in a market economy (yes, that means you). 1. Scale back the credit cards. a 30-year-old needs to be "living on your paycheck" -- get...

Happiness Redefined

According to Harvard social psychologist, William McDougal, people can be happy while in pain and unhappy while experiencing pleasure. To understand the concept, one must first recognised there are actually two kinds of happiness - feel-good and value-based. Feel-Good Happiness is a sensation-based pleasure. When we joke around or finally gotten the paif of shoes we like, we experience feel-good happiness. Since feel-good happiness is ruled by the law of diminishing returns, the kicks get harder to come by. This type of happiness rarely lasts longer than a few hours of time. This basically means you can make yourself happy by buying yourself new makeup or going for a full body spa treatment but the happiness you get won't last you for years to come because feel-good happiness is not lasting. Value-Based Happiness Value-based happiness is a sense that our life has meaning and fulfills some larger purpose. It represents a spiritual source of satisfactoin, stemming from our deeper pur...

The Secret to Happiness

Be Happy Where You Are Now Right Now! Be thankful for what you have, instead of moaning about what you lack. Be satisfied with what you have when you are in pursuit of what you want. Thank God and be grateful for things you have and might have taken for granted over the years. Be thankful every day for simple but important things such as a healthy body, a job, family and friends. And even be grateful for the fact that you have time to moan and complain because that means you aren't starving or too sick to do that!


有一家營運相當好的大公司,為擴大經營規模,決定高薪招聘業務主管。 廣告一打出來,報名者雲集。 面對眾多應聘者,招聘主試者說: 相馬不如賽馬 ,為了能 選拔出高素質的人才,我們出一道實踐性的試題:就是想辦法 把木梳賣給和尚。 絕大多數應聘者感到困惑不解,甚至憤怒:出家人要木梳何用?這不明擺著拿人開玩笑嗎? 於是紛紛拂袖而去,最後只剩下三個應聘者:甲、乙和丙。 主試者交待:「以十日為限,屆時向我彙報銷售成果。」 十天一到。 主試者問甲:「賣出多少把?」 答:「1把。」 「怎麼賣的?」 甲講述了歷盡的辛苦,遊說和尚應當買把梳子,無甚效果,還慘遭和尚的責罵, 好在下山途中遇到一個小和尚一邊曬太陽,一邊使勁撓著頭皮。 甲 靈機一動,遞上木梳,小和尚用後滿心歡喜,於是買下一把。 主試者問乙:「賣出多少把?」 答:「10 把。」 「怎麼賣的?」 乙說他去了一座名山古寺,由於山高風大,進香者的頭髮都被吹亂了, 他找到寺院的住持說:「蓬頭垢面是對佛的不敬。應在每座廟的香案前放把木梳,供 善男信女梳理鬢髮。」 住持採納了他的建議。那山有十座廟,於是買下了10 把木梳。 主試者問丙:「賣出多少把?」 答:「1000把。」 主試者驚問:「怎麼賣的?」 丙說他到一個頗具盛名、香火極旺的深山寶剎,朝聖者、施主絡繹不絕。 丙對住持說: 「凡來進香參觀者,多有一顆虔誠之心,寶剎應有所回贈,以做紀念, 保佑其平安吉祥,鼓勵其多做善事。我有一批木梳,您的書法超群,可刻上『積善梳』三個字,便可做贈品。」 住持大喜,立即買下 1000 把木梳。 得到「 積善梳 」的施主與香客也很是高興,一傳十、十傳百,朝聖者更多,香火更 旺。 感想﹕ 把木梳賣給和尚,聽起來真有些匪夷所思,但在別人認為不可能的地方開發出新的市 場來,那才是真正的業務高手。不同的思維,將引領著不同的作法,導致不同的結 果,時時觀察自己微細的念頭,不要被自己蒙蔽!

Marriage Humor (婚姻幽默)

Wife: 'What are you doing?' 妻:你在作什麼啊? Husband : Nothing. 夫:沒作什麼。 Wife : 'Nothing...? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.' 妻:沒作什麼?你看著我們的結婚證書,足足有一小時了。 Husband : 'I was looking for the expiry date.' 夫:我在尋找它的有效日期是到什麼時候。 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------------------- Wife : 'Do you want dinner?' 妻: 要吃 晚 餐嗎? Husband : 'Sure! What are my choices?' 夫: 當然!我可以選擇嗎? Wife : 'Yes or no.' 妻:要或不要。 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ----------------------------- Wife: 'You always carry my photo in your wallet. Why?' 妻:為什麼你經常把我的照片放在你皮夾裡? Hubby: 'When there is a problem, no matter how impossible, I look at your picture and the problem disappears.' 夫:當問題發生時,不管有多困難,我看著妳照片就迎刃而解了。 Wife: 'You see how miraculous and powerful I am for you!' 妻:你看我對你有多麼驚人的影響力啊! Hubby: 'Yes! I see your picture and ask myself what other problem can there be ...


失落与恐慌 资本主义经济危机爆发时,消极的情绪会在短时间内迅速地在社会中传播开来。这种情绪往往会把危机实际产生的危害无限扩大,但实际上危机带来的萧条不仅确实了哪些创新适于生存,同时也实现了充实货流、改组生产以及增加各阶层收入等一系列的好的转变。 土地拥有者是危机时期的收益人 大量商品在危机中积压,无法实现销售,物价大幅下降,货币的购买力实际上获得了提高。于是,一些长期出租土地的人以及类似的收入相对固定的人群是危机中少有的受益者。

Seeing is Believing ?

Of course, some say that seeing is believing. The question I have for such people is "Why do you bother paying your electric bill?" Although you cannot see electricity, you can certainly recognize and use its power. If you have any doubt as to whether it exists, just stick your finger in an electric socket, and I guarantee that your doubts will quickly disappear. :D In my experience, what you cannot see in this world is far more powerful than anything you can see. You may or may not agree with this statement, but to the extent that you do not apply this principle in your life, you must be suffering. Why ? because you are going against the law of nature, whereby what is under the ground creates what is above the ground, where what is invisible creates what is visible. As humans, we are a part of nature, not above it. Consequently, when we align with the laws of nature and work on our roots - our "inner" world - our life flows smoothly. When we don't, life gets ...


资本的利息 资本是企业家和商品世界之间的桥梁,是企业家为实现“新组合”用以把生产指往新方向,把各项生产要素和资源引向新用途的一种杠杆和控制手段,其职能在于为企业家进行“创新”提供必要的条件。利润是企业家实现了“新组合”应得的报酬。而资本的利息便是从这种报酬中支付的,如同对利润的课税。 如果那里的生活没有发展,利息就变成了一个不必要的因素。 贴现 就是票据持有人在票据到期之前以贴付一定利息的方式向银行转让票据兑取现金。银行放款的一种形式。 贴现对持票人来说就是出让票据,提前收回垫支于商业信用的货币资金;对贴现公司或银行来说则是向持票人提供银行信用。


利慾薰心 毒奶和毒券──不義之財,很多人都要。中國有人在牛奶加毒,美國有人在債券加毒,使很多人死得不明不白。 看來應該發生的事,終於發生了 。 金融海嘯──經濟學家都知道美國經濟患了虛胖症,過度的開支不可能無止境的維持下去。但是,大家也沒有想到,一旦爆發經濟危機,竟然是這麼嚴重。 起得愈高,跌得愈重 石油──石油價格一路狂飆,起到每桶140美元。正當人們以為它會一直升上月球時,它卻突然失重,垂直跌進亞利桑那州的大峽谷,目前在40幾美元的低谷中苟延殘喘。 大自然的咆哮 地震和山崩──從四川大地震,到國際山莊的土崩,讓人們驚覺,在大自然面前,人類其實很渺小。所以,人類還是要謙卑一些才好。 鄭丁賢‧精彩的2008 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/8046?tid=5


調查︰僅19%失業獅城人儲蓄夠維持2年 2008-12-09 18:17 (新加坡)美國友邦保險公司(AIA)週二(12月9日)公佈的最新抽樣調查顯示,只有19%的新加坡人有信心在失去主要收入後,有足夠的儲蓄維持生活超過2年。而在去年,有27%的新加坡人對此有信心。 聯合晚報報導,這項針對1217名18歲以上新加坡人進行的調查報告也指,超過80%的新加坡人越來越清楚,萬一失去了主要的收入來源,自己就會失去經濟能力的現實。 報告顯示,36%的新加坡人認為,他們沒有足夠的儲蓄來應付退休後的生活。大部份國人都是依靠公積金(81%)和儲蓄(74%)來過退休生活。只有9%的人有購買年金(annuities),18%的人有購買其他的退休保險。(聯合早報網) http://www.sinchew-i.com/node/61684?tid=6

Where did this hunger for luxury come from?

Where did this hunger for luxury come from? According to Dana Thomas, author of Deluxe: How Luxury Lost its Luster, luxury denoted a history of tradition and superior quality. Goods were produced in small quantities for the wealthy elite who could afford it. How do you create a mega cash cow? Step one: In the early ‘90s, small artisanal manufacturers were bought by public companies. Quarterly profits became the main goal. Price points were lowered to cater to the new middle class target market. Increase in volume resulted in a decrease in quality. Last step: Combine that with glamourous ad campaigns. Brand your items “buy this and you too will have a luxury life”. Profits skyrocketed. Unfortunately, focus was shifted from what the product is and should be to what it represents. The higher end bags are made with the finest materials and with excellent workmanship. Brands like Hermes who maintain the artisanal quality of their products can be seen in their iconic Kelly and Birkin bags. E...

The Wealth File

17 Ways Rich People Think and Act Differently from Poor and Middle-Class People Wealth File #1 Rich people believe "I create my life." Poor people believe "Life happens to me." Wealth File #2 Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose. Wealth File #3 Rich people are commited to being rich. Poor people want to be rich. Wealth File #4 Rich people think big. Poor people think small. Wealth File #5 Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles. Wealth File #6 Rich people admire other rich and success people. Poor people resent rich and successful people. Wealth File #7 Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people. Wealth File #8 Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion. Wealth File #9 Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their ...

Sharing from Warren Buffett (Warren Buffett : Buy American ! )

Sharing from Warren Buffett Subject: Warren Buffett_Buy American ! THE financial world is a mess, both in the United States and abroad. Its problems, moreover, have been leaking into the general economy, and the leaks are now turning into a gusher. In the near term, unemployment will rise, business activity will falter and headlines will continue to be scary. So ... I've been buying American stocks. This is my personal account I'm talking about, in which I previously owned nothing but United States government bonds. (This description leaves aside my Berkshire Hathaway holdings, which are all committed to philanthropy.) If prices keep looking attractive, my non-Berkshire net worth will soon be 100 percent in United States equities. Why? A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful. And most certainly, fear is now widespread, gripping even seasoned investors. To be sure, investors are right to be wary of highl...


钱多钱少,够用就好 人丑人美,顺眼就好 人老人少,健康就好 家贫家富,和气就好

An SMS dated 10 Sept 08

DJ-280 (11230) Oil at $103, worries on US financial sector trigger hedge fund selling.

留幾枚柿子在樹上 (一榮俱榮,一損俱損)

在以色列農村,每當莊稼成熟收割的時候,靠近路邊的莊稼地四個角都留出一部分不收割。四角的莊稼,只要需要,任何人都可以享用。他們認為,是上帝給了曾經多災多難的猶太民族今天的幸福生活,他們為了感恩,就用留下田地四角的莊稼這種方式報答今天的擁有。這樣既報答了上帝,又為那些路過此地又沒有飯吃的貧困的路人給予方便。 莊稼是自己種的,留一點給別人收割,他們認為,分享是一種感恩,分享是一種美德。 無獨有偶,韓國北部的鄉村公路邊有很多柿子園。深秋時節,這處處可見農民採摘柿子的忙碌身影,但是,採摘結束後,o些熟透的柿子也不會被摘下來。這些留在樹上的柿子,成為一道特有的風景,一些遊人經過這都會說,這些柿子又大又紅,不摘豈不可惜 。但是當地的果農則說,不管柿子長得多麼誘人,也不會摘下來,因為這是留給喜鵲的食物。    是什麼使得這裡的人留有這樣一種習慣,原來,這是喜鵲的棲息地,每到冬天,喜鵲都在果樹上築巢過冬。有一年冬天,天特別冷,下了很大的雪,幾百隻找不到食物的喜鵲一夜之間都被凍死了。第二年春天,柿子樹重新吐綠發芽,開花結果了。但就在這時,一種不知名的毛蟲突然氾濫成災。那年柿子幾乎絕產。從那以後,每年秋天收穫柿子時,人們都會留下一些柿子,作為喜鵲過冬的食物,留在樹上的柿子吸引了許多喜鵲到這裡冬天,喜鵲彷彿也會感恩,春天也不飛走,整天忙著捕捉樹上的蟲子,從而保證了這一年柿子的豐收。    在收穫的季節別忘了留一些柿子在樹上,因為, 給別人留有餘地,往往就是給自己留下了生機與希望。自然界的一切,都是相互依存的,一榮俱榮,一損俱損。 給予是一種快樂。因為給予並不是完全失去而是一種高尚的收穫。 給予是一種幸福,因為給予能使你的心靈美好。 留幾枚柿子在樹上,那是一道人間最美的風景。 一個人的價值,應當看他貢獻什麼,而不是看他取得什麼。~愛因斯坦