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这个世界从不缺乏资源,问题出现在配置上。 如何可以更有效地配置资源? 《社会资本论》将从资源配置角度审视以下三大重点: 一、一带一路/联合国可持续发展目标的契机 二、社会企业模式 三、数码转型 这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代。关键是你在哪里。 更多资讯,游览 Social Capital Asia 网站

Global Goals Book Project

There has never been problem with the resources. The problems lie within distribution. There are 3 parts of the book: 1) Sustainable Development Goals / Belt Road Initiatives Aligned Opportunities 2) Social Enterprise Business Model 3) Digital Transformation This is a guideline kind of book for people who want to look further into emerging opportunities within the next few decades. Start from SDGs and social enterprise business model, with digital transformation as the process. Social Enterprise Guide  is the official project information portal that will provide the latest updates and information when it comes to above 3 core sections.  . 

Trust. Circulation. Legal.

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced that Telegram and the forthcoming GRM token constitute an unregistered digital token offering. While Telegram has the trust from a huge user base and potential circulation economic scale, still, it bumps into that legal barrier, for now. And the key thing is  unregistered. “Is this going to be more of a legislative move or an SEC move? [...] At the moment I don’t know.” ~ SEC Commissioner Robert J. Jackson Jr. The world will sort things out as we progress. Meanwhile in Malaysia, as regulatory provisions evolve, there are some noteworthy domestic experiments and pilot projects on the implementation of blockchain technologies within the wider economy: 1) Securities Commission’s Project Castor for unlisted and over-the-counter markets, 2) Bank Negara Malaysia‘s blockchain-powered trade finance applications together with nine banking partners, 3) the Ministry of Education's initiative to use block...

The Power of Social Media

Thank you friends from social media who shared the post. From 4th Oct 2019 to 5th Oct 2019, the post view grew from 34,225 to 56,792. I have no idea how LinkedIn measure the views but I hope the info I shared do shed some light and provide another angle of view to people on matters related to blockchain and cryptocurrency. The post: A recap for what had been done to date on the Blockchain Insider book project. Chapter 1 : Blockchain, Bitcoin, Money To explore Blockchain, you need to study Bitcoin. To understand Bitcoin, you need to know what is money and how it works. https://lnkd.in/frKstaH Chapter 2 : The Name of The Game If history does repeat itself, you will be amazed by how similar it is the evolution of the blockchain to that of the internet. https://lnkd.in/f9iaCDm Chapter 3 : Smart Money What we have now is truly borderless, programmable money backed by immutable computer systems based on pure logic & mathematics. https://lnkd.in/fcKf...

Tokenizing Real Estate - Solving The Illiquidity Discount Problem?

Blockchains seek to construct more sophisticated monetary policies. While REITs are just one of many types of investment vehicles, and there is an entire galaxy of real estate ventures and investment funds looking to take advantage of distributed ledger technology, in my opinion, specifically nonlisted and private REITs may stand to reap the greatest benefits of tokenization. What does tokenization potentially mean for the real estate sector? Solving the illiquidity discount problem. Firstly, through the utilization of blockchain technology, conventional and highly regulated real estate investment vehicles (like REITs) can operate at unprecedented levels of efficiency by making programmable governance and built-in regulatory compliance possible on the platform and/or the security token levels, as well as by automating cap table and investor management processes. This will, at least in theory, lower management expenses and increase the profits that get returned to investors. ...

Sustainable Cities, SDG-Aligned Opportunities

Sustainable Cities : What It Takes and What Is In It For Everybody? Private Sector is key in achieving M'sia's SDGs SDGs Expert Insight Series (Forum) on “Financing the SDGs: Malaysian Private Sector Role in Bridging the Gap from Goals to Actions,” at the Dewan Persidangan Parliament The 2030 Agenda is the most transformative and ambitious plan ever crafted by the global community with 17 goals, 169 targets and 232 indicators – that balance the economic, social and environmental pillars of development. Malaysia is fully committed to the 2030 Agenda and SDGs. “The key components of the 2030 Agenda have already been included in the government’s manifesto and incorporated in the mid-term review of the 11th Malaysia Plan (2016-2020): New Priorities and Emphases and the 2019 National Budget, which sets the development direction of the country moving forward. “Despite this, there are areas that need further attention such as poverty eradication, environment and other dev...

一生只做好一件事 : 一生一事,专注极致

一生一事 - 专注、极致 大把年纪了还不知道自己喜欢且擅长什么?给你5点建议 。 30岁是人生长路的一道坎,“三十而立”——但更多的人, 30岁成了家,业还没立。 比30岁还没立业更可怕的是, 30岁了还不知道自己该在哪个行业、哪个领域、哪项技能上立业。 30岁是职业发展的一道关,大部分人都是22岁大学毕业, 到30岁也算奋斗8年了,如果规划的好,8年足够做一番事业。 如果快30岁了,你还不知道自己喜欢什么、该干什么、 能干好什么,35岁的时候你怎么办?40岁的时候你怎么办? 这不是制造焦虑,这是每个人在奔三的路上必需要思考的问题。 写这个主题,是因为去年我讲了很多线下课,发现很多人的问题, 不在于其在某项能力上的问题,因为那只是战术, 大部分人是战略上出了问题——我不知道自己喜欢且擅长什么? 这个问题并不只存在于快30岁的人身上, 我很多刚毕业的学员也有这样的困惑。 早一点有这样的困惑是好事, 它会让你早一点走上找寻自我的路。 这篇我写5点来分享我对这个问题的思考,希望对你有所启发。 【 01 】 知道自己应该做什么, 如何做自己 很多人都不知道自己应该做什么,我们的教育不会教你如何做自己。 如果你二十多岁,尤其刚毕业一两年,不知道自己该做什么, 给你安慰——80%的人都跟你一样。 而且对这个问题的困惑, 也大部分出现在二十多岁尤其刚毕业一两年。 为什么?22岁之前,你的人生是被安排好了的。 小学上完读初中,初中读完上高中,高中上完读大学, 这个过程中没多少人会去思考将来自己的职业应该怎么选, 因为这个过程中我们唯一的职业就是——学生。 你每天想的是,怎么做个好学生,其中80%的指标是—— 学习成绩。 这个过程中,我们的教育不会教你如何做自己, 只会教你考最好的分数,上最好的中学、大学, 大学毕业后你就有光明的前途。 我们读大学前填志愿,你自己看、老师帮你推荐、父母帮你打听, 都不是为了帮你找到你自己, 而是帮你填一个最有前途最有钱景的专业。 哐当一声!大学毕业了——你走完了被安排好了的人生。 接下来,没人给你安排了,你走向社会, 这时候你要自己给自己安排了。 可是,你早就丧失了这种能力。 ...

Japan to Solarize Its Digital Economy

Use Cases of Blockchain technology in Energy Sector - Solar Power “In the solar energy sector, decentralized blockchain technology is used in person-to-person (P2P) energy trading, labeling, energy provenance and certification, smart metering and billing, electric vehicle charging and payments, and wholesale power trading and settlements.” Reports published by Fitch Solutions Macro Research and Globadata conclude that over the next decade, decentralized solar technology may replace PV solar farms as the main growth-driver in Japan. Already, a blockchain-enabled solar energy-trading pilot project is set to link 100 solar rooftops of smart, zero-energy homes in the country, while another pilot project will administer an energy-trading marketplace using blockchain to connect a number of Japanese power production facilities with homes, offices, factories, batteries and electric vehicles. Toyota Motor Corp. — which began testing high-efficiency solar cells for electric cars — has join...

Kuala Lumpur Roundtable

'Kuala Lumpur Roundtable offers key policy suggestions to achieve Shared Prosperity 2030' Some really good suggestions put forth by the members of the KLR in their paper, hopefully they get pushed through to our policymakers. There was some mention about SMEs and promoting SME contributions to the economy as a market solution to lift the B40 and M40, however, personally I feel that there should be more emphasis given to SMEs and entrepreneurship, as arguably entrepreneurs are the 'spark plugs' that we desperately need to jump start our struggling economy. We need to learn from our past and not repeat the same mistakes, we've already wasted too much time. - GLC Reforms - APs, licensing and all forms of interventionist policies must be removed - Monopolies and Oligopolies must not be given any form of protectionism through regulations etc. How serious are our policymakers? ~ Keri Hamdan, LinkedIn post http://www.ideas.org.my/kuala-lumpur-roundtable-offers-...

The Invention of Money

Anyone forging it would be punished with death. That point was deeply relevant. The problem with many new forms of money is that people are reluctant to adopt them. Genghis Khan’s grandson didn’t have that difficulty. He took measures to insure the authenticity of his currency, and if you didn’t use it—if you wouldn’t accept it in payment, or preferred to use gold or silver or copper or iron bars or pearls or salt or coins or any of the older forms of payment prevalent in China—he would have you killed. This solved the question of uptake. The instruments of trade and finance are inventions, in the same way that creations of art and discoveries of science are inventions—products of the human imagination. Paper money, backed by the authority of the state, was an astonishing innovation, one that reshaped the world. It’s only at moments when the system buckles that we start to wonder why these things are worth what they seem to be worth. Bitcoin, a new form of money based on no...

Deutsche Bank, HSBC and Mastercard

There is a paradigm shift. The world is moving. Bitcoin could be that digital gold. July, 2019 - 18,000 jobs set to be cut as Deutsche Bank embarks on mass retrenchment exercise . Aug, 2019 - # HSBC Ousts CEO Flint, Plans 4,000 Job Cuts in Focus on Cost Targets . Aug, 2019 - #Mastercard Hints at Future Crypto Wallet Product With New Job Listings: * Director, Product Management - Crypto Currency/ Wallets * Director, Product Development & Innovation - Blockchain Solutions Architect * VP, Product Management - Blockchain / Crypto A long development process full of trials, tribulations, ignorance and triumphs over skeptics and critics alike. As per the individual research of a former Deutsche Bank executive, Bitcoin's real-time price movements serve as clear indicators of hidden geopolitical tensions spread all across the globe. Many analysts seem to believe that the USA's ongoing trade war with China is causing BTCs price to fluctuate on a ne...