
目前显示的是 七月, 2019的博文

Introduction to Bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulous

Presented at the Singularity University's Innovation Partnership Program (IPP), this is an entry level talk about bitcoin by Andreas Antonopoulos the ability to see behind the illusion of what people thought bitcoin was it isn't appear to be as it is at first glance. a platform of trust concept of decentralization applied to the human communication of value from institutional based money to network based money not money for internet but the internet of money on the verge of a new transformation of money we are on the verge of creating the first completely global completely borderless completely decentralized and completely open form of money one where you can build applications because this money is programmable and you don't need to ask anyone's permission to launch an application anymore than you need to ask permission to launch an application on the internet. and the only requirement to have a successful application on the internet of money is t...

Bitcoin and Negative Interest Rates

Bloomberg:  Japan’s Banks Are Running Out of Room to Cope With Negative Rates By Taiga Uranaka  and Yuki Hagiwara July 26, 2019, 4:00 AM GMT+8 Updated on July 26, 2019, 10:33 AM GMT+8 Financial Times:  The ECB must make negative interest rate policy effective Opinion European Central Bank With economic indicators sagging, inaction risks turning the central bank into a paper tiger By Reza Moghadam The Star Online:  Australia's ASX prepares for negative interest rate trading Monday, 15 Jul 2019 4:15 PM MYT On the other hand, from the crypto world: ECB Money Printing Is ‘Rocket Fuel’ for Bitcoin Price, Says Pompliano Jul 26, 2019 | by Marie Huillet Morgan Creek Digital Assets co-founder Anthony Pompliano says the European Central Bank’s expected dovish turn will be “rocket fuel” for Bitcoin... Bank of China’s New Infographic Shows Why Bitcoin Price Is Going Up Jul 27, 2019 | by Adrian Zmudzinski https://openapi.boc.cn/inews/index.html?from=sin...


中国的崛起,未必是大家熟悉的纯国家体系政治主权。 *There is a concerted attack on the Googles, Amazons, Apples and Facebooks of this world by politicians across the planet*.  To many of us, this seems like government’s desperately trying to protect their turf and maintain control. In modern times, most empires have a life span of around 100 years.  The American Empire is about 100 years old and it is possible time is running out.   *The obvious successor is China*, but perhaps the New Empire isn’t actually a nation-state?  When it comes to modern power and control, there’s a transition taking place.  Is the idea of a non-governmental entity controlling parts of the world really far fetched?  Maybe there’s a better way to run the world?  *The big players of the tech world, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Oracle, are all financial giants poised to wrestle control away from government.* Their combined total revenues are over US $801  billion....


科技始于人性,而人性,也决定了科技的样貌。 在這個富者愈富、貧者愈貧的世界中, 如果你手中握有翻轉未來的技術和想法, 你會選擇成為既得利益者、坐擁一切的大盜; 還是當一個改變世界,卻失去所有的聖人? 「聖人不死,大盜不止。」 #电影 #圣人大盗 #曾志偉 #賴雅妍 #曹晏豪 《聖人大盜》電影前導概念片 【聖人大盜】前導預告 10/18 #找回你被偷走的錢 你無法拒絕區塊鏈的理由:一個屬於台灣年輕人的未來 SELF Pick Production SELF Bar SELF Token 电影《圣人大盗》 沉浸式娱乐生态系 两个价值无穷的魅力 1)去中心化的通货经济 2)一个将迪士尼拆解的城市影城 看片挖矿 Proof of Concept Proof of Services Proof of Business SELF DApp 一个没有办法拒绝的理由 未来,一个属于我们的未来 生态系的战争 美国 - FANG 中国 - BAT 拆解式的城市影城 互利共好的泛娱乐生态圈 SELF TOKEN #区块链 技术与 #电影众筹 案例: 你手中的電影票,也是通往新世界的門票: http://bit.ly/2zt8R5W SELF 虛擬貨幣 #電影 #聖人大盜 中男主角 #尹子翔 掌握翻轉世界的關鍵技術:SELF 虛擬貨幣,將在現實世界中同步發行!你可以像尹子翔一樣持有 SELF,進電影院觀賞《聖人大盜》,並前往與電影中相同的地點吃飯喝酒、獲得獎勵回饋! 參與電影發展 只要持有 SELF,你就是電影的共創者,更是未來新世界的一份子!你將有機會參與電影製作過程,包含:為劇中角色命名、優先擔任臨時演員、電影片場導覽、參加殺青酒、觀看電影毛片……等。 支持 SELFPICK 團隊更進化 SELFPICK 團隊從拍攝網路影集《Mr. Bartender》開始持續不斷創作,秉持著初衷持續前進,現在將挑戰大銀幕推出電影作品。你的支持不只是幫助一部國片的誕生,更是藉由區塊鏈科技的輔助下,共同建立一個全新的娛樂生活型態。a

Virgin Bitcoin

Traceability The Bitcoin blockchain serves as a decentralized ledger that allows anyone to follow the transaction history of a particular token with the touch of a button. For example, each Bitcoin carries with it a cryptographically provable history that contains a detailed record of ownership and transaction data associated with the token. Simply put, if a particular Bitcoin has been used to process even a single illegal activity in the past, all of its subsequent transactions will be tainted. This, according to Dave Jevans (CEO of CipherTrace), is one of the main reasons why certain cyber-savvy criminals go to such great lengths to launder their cryptocurrencies before putting them to use.  #VirginBitcoin Full artcile: https://cointelegraph.com/news/virgin-bitcoin-most-in-demand-crypto-that-is-regulated-differently

Blockchain and Real Estates

Tokenizing Commercial Real Estate and the Promise of Liquidity Notes from: Tokenizing Commercial Real Estate and the Promise of Liquidity by Alexander Kanen https://cointelegraph.com/news/tokenizing-commercial-real-estate-and-the-promise-of-liquidity Real Estate Registry on Blockchain: Promise Land or Wishful Thinking? ... none of the existing projects could offer a complex solution to address issues with inheritance, lost private keys, co-ownership, delegation of rights and a bunch of legal issues that arise from blockchain immutability. The only scenario you can find is permissioned decentralized ledger technology (DLT), which is just yet another centralized technology — or blockchain with “smart” applications on top but which are centralized in their core design. ... all peer-to-peer transactions on the blockchain between parties make no sense, as far the last word is on the side of the one who controls the central registry: A centralized system is an antipode to ...

CT: Crypto Industry in Numbers

When you consider there is further talk of quantitative easing and multiple political decisions by national governments that appear to be against their national interests and for the benefit of small sections of society. I believe that within this context, these trends are likely to increase and propel us further toward global, cross-border systems that work for the general population, rather than solely for national interests, such as blockchain/DLT and cryptocurrency. ~ Dave Hodgson, the director and co-founder of Nem Ventures, the venture capital and investments arm of the Nem blockchain ecosystem Growing institutional interest in bitcoin-based financial instruments. A dramatic rise of a new funding model in the first half of 2019: initial exchange offerings (IEOs). An enhanced version of an initial coin offering (ICO), an IEO entails conducting a token sale on a reputable platform (e.g., Binance), which puts its reputation on the line. As a result, exchanges have to carefully v...


文章來自知乎關於 luckin coffee 寫得不錯轉載 all copyright reserved to original writer 其实,大部分人都没有看懂瑞幸咖啡... 网络上关于瑞幸咖啡的内容,最近我看了不少。除了明显带有PR色彩的文章,我发现有不少餐饮从业者、评论家和营销人都不看好这个品牌。 而大家谈论最多的,就是“它根本就不可能干得过星巴克!” 最开始我也是这样想,我也想不通它究竟要拿什么去超越星巴克。因为这个品牌的种种,实在是让人感觉非常混乱——它似乎没有一个统一的方向,处处充满矛盾。 不过,最近我却发现:对于瑞幸咖啡,大部分人的思考方向其实都是错的。 1.别人的观点 先来简单看看别人的一些观点: 1)拿什么超越星巴克?品质? 在瑞幸的宣传内容中,我们可以看到它几乎一直在强调自己的品质: 还没喝过大师咖啡?我请你 跟我一起享受这杯大师咖啡 专业咖啡新鲜式 官网宣传内容 很多人认为:若以品质就想和星巴克较量,无疑是自寻死路。毕竟在中国市场,“什么才叫好咖啡”,基本都是星巴克教育起来的。至于瑞幸的“大师代言”和“咖啡品质”,星巴克和其他相对高端的咖啡品牌分分钟就能如法炮制,这不是一个非常有效的壁垒。 这一点我很认同。 2)拿什么超越星巴克?外卖? 外卖是瑞幸主打的业务,也是其相对于星巴克最大的优势(之一)——更便利。 不过有不少人认为:外卖的确是星巴克的短板,但这并不是它无法弥补的短板,况且很多其他咖啡馆和平台也能送外卖。因此,这个优势也是很弱的。 这个我也没有异议。 3)拿什么超越星巴克?推广? 虽然瑞幸的广告到处都是(而星巴克基本不打硬广),并且其“免费策略”和“裂变机制”都做得很好,但这更多只能起到“拉新”的作用,至于所谓的“消费者忠诚度”,目前并没有看到有效的解决方案。 这个也的确是,推广并不能解决所有问题。 4)当然,也有人从某些角度是非常看好瑞幸的,比如: 价格:瑞幸的价格比星巴克便宜5-10元,这是它的最主要的优势,因为星巴克对于很多人来说还是偏贵的; 密度:瑞幸的门店分布密度比星巴克更大,这就能让很多人更加方便的喝到咖啡,也能跟其“外卖策略”相辅相成; 新零售数据:瑞幸是自建APP,而不是靠微信等其他平台,这就能让它获得更...

AI & Blockchain, ABCD The World

At their core, both technologies are centered around managing and communicating data, though they solve different parts of the puzzle. One of the byproducts of the digital revolution is that we generate massive troves of data from millions of touchpoints every day. #Data AI is designed to quickly collect, analyze and correctly interpret the data, and react to it without any human interaction. Blockchain, on the other hand, is more concerned with the storage and communication of data. Its distributed ledger architecture means that data is stored simultaneously across all nodes connected to the network, and it allows for data to be completely decentralized, making it quicker to access and more democratic. Since every node has access to all the available data, AI becomes less reliant on central storage for processing. #ABCDTheWorld https://cointelegraph.com/explained/blockchain-and-ai-bond-explained