
目前显示的是 2025的博文


1️⃣  不要把钱看得太重。 金钱不过是一种工具、一堆数目字。真正的财富,在金钱之外。 2️⃣ 远离负面,不要抱怨。 别拿昨天的过错来惩罚今天的自己,更别让别人的过错折腾自己。 3️⃣ 别被表象误导或迷惑。 知人口面不知心。看人、事、物的维度越深越广,越能理清来龙去脉,从而取舍最符合自己所需的。 #内审外察 富人的价值与金钱观 https://www.facebook.com/share/r/14pqJtMo7M/


1️⃣ 市场 纳斯达克是股票交易所,让人们交易有潜能的公司股票。 Coinbase 是加密货币交易所,让人们交易有潜能的数字资产 - 比如加密货币、Asset-backed Token, RWA 等。 2️⃣ 维度 如果你已看出端倪并间中利益,恭喜你。 如果你尚在排斥、怀疑中,那是正常的,祝福你。 3️⃣ 选择 大型游乐场里,过山车、碰碰车各有拥趸,买票入场的人也未必会玩,何况旁观者。 注: Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN) 是纳斯达克的科技股。 https://www.coinbase.com/about https://www.google.com/finance/quote/COIN:NASDAQ?

资产 VS 负债

一个东西是资产还是负债,取决于它为你做了什么。 1️⃣ 资产 VS 负债 用富爸爸最简单直接的思维 资产把钱放进你的口袋,负债把钱从你口袋拿走。 Assets put money into your pocket, Liabilities take money out of your pocket. 2️⃣ 维度 就像人们新年期间最喜欢的运程问题: (今年)好不好, 取决于你在大环境下所处的维度。 3️⃣ 一体多面 大道无情、大道至简。

Your Website Is More Than Just a Presence—It’s a Digital Asset You Should Maximize!

Had an insightful discussion on digitalization and digital assets with an old friend last Saturday (22nd Feb, 2025). It's clear that websites are now essential tools for branding and marketing, particularly in complementing traditional businesses in the digital landscape. We had a productive conversation and implemented solutions within a week, achieving the following: Hosting consolidation , resulting in cost savings of several thousand MYR. A portion of the savings was invested in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for the KL Penang Logistic services and KL Johor Logistic services one-page marketing sites. Domain name consolidation to enhance the business’s intangible assets (digital assets). Looking ahead, we’re planning further integration of AI into online sales, marketing, and operational processes to drive strategic growth. Example of an article produced by ChatGPT: Here's a full SEO-optimized article along with suggested meta keywords  and  meta description. ...


何以长贫难顾? 君不见捐献的从来不缺,需要救济的却有增无减? 遵循第一原理,到最后必须根治的,都是资源配置的问题。 人力、物力、财力、时间资源。 ------------------------ 吃喝嫖赌,唯赌是无底洞。 小赌怡情,输钱皆因赢钱起。 所以我们听到诸如要买就买“合法”的宣导,不是别沾毒,不是禁赌。 不赌博的人也会“沾赌”,叫“投资”博彩股,据说“派息稳定”。 你说呢?


  小赌怡情,是堕落的开始;输钱皆因赢钱起。 酒后乱性,是犯贱的借口;酒后三分醒。 四大罩门:酒、色、财、气。 不赌不输,不喝不醉。 低级的欲望,放纵即可获得。 高级的欲望,需要高度的自律。 高级的欲望,比如: 1.健康的身、心、灵。 2.健康的财务。 健康与财富给你选择的自由 - 可以完全支配自己的时间。 时间才是最宝贵、最有限的资源,因为它就是生命。 真正的财富是金钱以外的无形资产。 金钱不过是工具,一堆数目字而已。 财富的最佳定义 = 你在不工作的情况下可以生存多久。 财务自由不是银行里有多少百万或几个亿,而是拥有足够的资产去产生源源不断,大过支出的收入。 财务自由 = 收入 > 支出 要避免手停口停,一定要 (1)固本培元,养生保健; (2)建立资产、资金池、连绵不绝的净现金流; 远离贪、嗔、痴三毒。 Money is not the goal. Freedom is the goal. Remember that.


完成了什么? 沉淀了什么? 如何体现价值?(Money talks, bs walks.) 必须是累积性增长的项目。 Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts Published "Global Goals: Every Achievement Counts" book over digital medium. Below are the available links:  1️⃣ U.S. (Amazon) https://www.amazon.com/Global-Goals-Every-Achievement-Counts-ebook/dp/B0D4Z6R88B 2️⃣ U.S. (Barnes & Noble) https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/global-goals-koh-how-tze/1146457249?ean=9798350981285 3️⃣ UK (Amazon) https://www.amazon.co.uk/Global-Goals-Every-Achievement-Counts-ebook/dp/B0D4Z6R88B 4️⃣ Malaysia (e-Sentral) https://www.e-sentral.com/book/info/417321?srsltid=AfmBOoopSX1UFdTqFRq2v4R5L_O5pKvUqhHupbdINyIrL1XkePCd50sz 5️⃣ Switzerland (Lehmanns) https://www.lehmanns.ch/shop/wirtschaft/74333064-9798350981285-global-goals-every-achievement-counts 6️⃣ Japan (Apple Books) https://books.apple.com/jp/author/koh-how-tze/id1775689429 7️⃣ Netherlands (bol.) https://www.bol.com/nl/nl/p/global-goals-every-achievement-counts/9300000194648339/ 8️⃣ Taiwan (PChom...

Where To, 2025 and beyond?

Time flies. While it seems 2024 review and 2025 resolution be like yesterday, today already 11th day of 2025. Looking back, the difference between setting goals and not is obvious. Connecting The Dots For instance, my goal for 2023 was "to travel at least once a month" . Though not fully achieved, still get the outcome as the saying goes "aim as high as the sky so that at least you fall on the rooftop even if you do not make it."   For 2024, it was something like "let it be" in terms of go the distance. The report card? The travel timeline  above tells a lot. Speaks by itself. Clarity leads to power. Also, I noticed similarities among all destinations in 2024 - Shanghai, Labuan, and Hong Kong - they are all international financial centers. Aligned to the capital part of what I am doing. ABCDE the World is the key.  Things happen for a reason, and it will always be a good one. Where To, 2025 & Beyond? To set the stage and keep improving. Publishing th...

Education, Democracy, Enlightenment

Education Studies show that all studies can be traced back to the guy with the most money. True education was to be restricted to the son and daughters of the elite. For the rest, it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life. ~ G.Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island Democracy Enlightenment 出世是偶然, 离世是必然; 只是怎样和几时的问题。 债务陷阱 债务回流 多极世界 (multi-polar world)