
目前显示的是 一月, 2009的博文


IOI產業再傳私有化 2009-01-31 18:10 (吉隆坡)IOI集團(IOICORP,1961,主板種植組)和IOI產業(IOIPROP,1635,主板產業組)因涉及“重大企業計劃”,下週暫停交易兩個交易日,讓謠傳多時的IOI產業私有化消息“死灰復燃”。 IOI集團持有IOI產業的76%股權,去年多次傳出IOI產業私有化消息,但已被IOI集團否認。 IOI產業去年2月推出附加股計劃,籌募9億2300萬令吉資金,瑞士信貸研究預估,附加股計劃若認購率不足,將促使IOI集團啟動私有化行動,惟最後出現超額認購而澆熄市場謠言。 瑞士信貸研究以IOI集團持IOI產業76%股權估算,當時收購價格值得每股4令吉85仙,總收購額或達11億令吉。 瑞士信貸研究指出,私有化IOI產業將改善IOI集團業績,估計為截至2010年6月30日止 財 政年,帶來額外淨利約4%。

Media & Broadcasting

Across the entire media and entertainment industry, new digital technologies and consumer demands for continuous access to high quality content is challenging traditional ways of doing business. This does not mean that traditional content and media are dead. Far from it. But there's no denying the pace of change. In a recent survey conducted for the Australasian Media & Broadcasting Congress, there was a strong consensus amongst attendees that the main sources of revenue growth in the future are multi-platform distribution, short form video, social media / user-generated content, and advertising. It was also believed that most major media companies will pursue a "multi-screen" distribution strategy in the next 5 years, which includes television, online and mobile delivery. Media executives know which capabilities they need to take advantage of in this new market, but many have a false sense of their current capabilities. Companies need to implement new digital tec...


Our money system is not what we have been led to believe. The creation of money has been "privatized," or taken over by a private money cartel. Except for coins, all of our money is now created as loans advanced by private banking institutions — including the private Federal Reserve. Banks create the principal but not the interest to service their loans. To find the interest, new loans must continually be taken out, expanding the money supply, inflating prices — and robbing you of the value of your money. Not only is virtually the entire money supply created privately by banks, but a mere handful of very big banks is responsible for a massive investment scheme known as "derivatives," which now tallies in at hundreds of trillions of dollars. The banking system has been contrived so that these big banks always get bailed out by the taxpayers from their risky ventures, but the scheme has reached its mathematical limits. There isn...

Money Gap in Knowledge

Not knowing about money, not what it is but what it can do for you, is probably the biggest and most critical gap in knowledge today. Education is, without question, a key to making it in the world. But after getting your academic and professional education, who is really prepared with the necessary financial education? Most people have never had any formal exposure to the fundamentals of this critical area of learning. How do you pick it up in later life? How can you be confident about what you gather in bits and pieces along the way?

The Root of All Evil

The Root of All Evil Is the love of money the root of all evil? Or, is it the ignorance of money? What did you learn about money in school? Have you ever wondered why our school systems do not teach us much—if anything—about money? Is the lack of financial education in our schools simply an oversight by our educational leaders? Or is it part of a larger conspiracy? Regardless, whether we are rich or poor, educated or uneducated, child or adult, retired or working, we all use money. Like it or not, money has a tremendous impact on our lives in today's world.

IOICorp and Resorts

Paper Assets IOICorp, 1961, Main Board, Trading & Services/Plantation 52 weeks high: 8.60 (15 Jan 08) 52 weeks low: 2.08 (28 Oct 08) PE : 11.11 P/(L) : 2008, 24 亿 1218 万 7000 每股资产 : 1.40 Resorts, 4715, Main Board, Trading & Services 52 weeks high: 4.26 (11 Jan 08) 52 weeks low: 2.14 (9 Dec 08) PE : 9.74 P/(L) : 2007, 15 亿 5525 万 9000 每股资产 : 1.43 THIS IS NOT A BUY/SELL RECOMMENDATION, THIS IS PURELY PERSONAL NOTES


折翼金鹏起头难: 大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里 ~ 李白 《上李邑》 金鹏集团是在 1996 年 1 月 13 日成立,1 年后正式上市。 截至08年第三季,从07年同期的 8484 万净亏损,收窄至 2634 万。 郭鹤年持有二成股权。 资汇


逆势出击,做对做好: 抱着逆势操作心态投资或创业,忐忑之心固然免不了。 有人把每次的恶劣环境视为入市良机,远在美国有股神巴菲特,近在国内有杨忠礼集团。 YTL 在 97/98 金融风暴后,得以平时买不到的价钱,大举扫进首都 Bukit Bintang 一带优良产业,有所斩获后再顺势转战国内外资密集,及入门门槛较高的发电与输电业、废水处理等,总结一个完美的投资循环。 YTL 在 1998 年大扫货行动后,接下来多年就没有进行大宗并购,专注经营与提高已经并购的资产,耐心等待下一轮的投资机会。而这个机会在 10 年后再次出现,YTL 集团这次扫货的焦点是落在海外,尤其是新加坡市场。 企业做投资应当如此,个人亦然。 那些整天抢进杀出,听到风声便要下单交易的股友,若有机会为自己的交易作个统计与总结的话,可能会发现自己到头来是在替抽佣经纪与股票行打工,白忙一场。 而那些平时密切关注经济动向与市场趋势,累积足够财力,蓄势待发的股友,往往都因做对事与采取正确的行动,而悠游股票市场。 ART - 顺序 Aim Right Thing 倒转 Take Right Action 辜柯福 - 资汇

Understanding money blunders

Understanding money blunders These stories showcase the failure of reason that typically sparks a major miscalculation, and they reveal powerful antidotes that can prevent a blunder before it happens: Listen to that little voice. Before you cast common sense aside, part of you lodges a protest. It may sound like a feeble squeak, but that's because you're turning a deaf ear to your better self. Before you ignore your instincts, take a day or two (or a week) to weigh what that voice is saying. Let your brain be your friend. The science of neuroeconomics shows that our financial decisions are often guided by more-primitive and impulsive centers in the brain . Luckily, we are also equipped with modern, fully functional cortical lobes. When making any financial choice, be sure to engage both sectors of your cerebrum. Remember who pays the bills in the end. It's tempting in this fiscally complex world to believe your spouse, best friend, mortgage broker or employer has your be...

Dow falls 143; weak jobs picture to pressure markets

The jobs picture is likely to get worse before it gets better. Among the keys to an early end to the recession are rapid deployment of stimulus money from the incoming Obama administration and improved psychology about the economy. The stimulus is important because the recession is worsening with no other catalysts to jumpstart the economy, said Philippa Dunne of the Liscio Report, an economic newsletter. As important is maintaining the optimism that the repairs are being made. If that falters, she said, 2009 could become difficult both for the economy and investors. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/Dispatch/market-dispatches-010909.aspx

Your most valuable asset

You already own your most valuable asset - but what do you think it is? Actually - you think with it - it's your mind. Consider what an asset is. An asset is something you have that can make you money. Just as you might invest in other assets - you can invest in your mind. But what's the best way? The price to reach dad's goal, starting from nothing, is actually measured in rich dad's 3 E's: Education Experience Excessive Cash The Definition of Rich Why the rich get richer Getting very close to the Engine of Capitalism

How do the rich get richer? They're not telling...

The ways and means that are used by the rich to get even richer are, not surprisingly, closely guarded secrets. They'd rather nobody else even knew they existed let alone what they are. Well, one man is different. He didn't start out rich - he had to find out how himself. Now he is rich enough to not have to work. But he remembers when he wasn't and, to those with the right commitment, he wants to share those secrets. And he's been doing just that, to great acclaim worldwide. We're already being inundated with questions like: "Who is it?" and "Can you give us a hint?" Well, OK - I can you tell you this about him just for starters: An internationally best-selling author 18 books published - total sales over 26,000,000 (!) ...

趁低吸購 / 擴展收購

2009-01-03 逆道而行‧大馬永旺擴展收購 趁低吸購優質產業‧公積金局或競標花旗大廈 逆道而行‧大馬永旺擴展收購 http://search.sinchew-i.com/node/261416 此公司將會趁現在資產價值下跌的時機,更加積極收購土地,以擴展更多的購物商場計劃。 截至2008年9月30日止首9個月,該公司淨利揚29.5%至7580萬令吉,而永旺擁有1億4280萬令吉的現金優勢,在收購土地計劃的融資方面並不受影響。 趁低吸購優質產業 ‧公積金局或競標花旗大廈 http://search.sinchew-i.com/node/261423 去年11月,IOI集團因外圍經濟因素,突然取消以5億8673萬令吉收購此50層高大廈的計劃,被沒收7336萬令吉的訂金。這棟大廈由新加坡嘉德置地、花旗銀行和合營置鋼分別持股30%、50%與20%股權。 去年5月,公積局向布城控股(Putrajaya Holdings Sdn Bhd)收購位於布城Precinct 3的26 Boulevard大廈。此大廈超過90%的辦公室和零售空間已租給政府部門與公司。 公積金局於2007年在產業的投資額達17億8000萬令吉,或佔總投資的0.6%。公積局的投資產業包括十合百貨(Sogo)、肯德基大廈與吉隆坡中環廣場。 花旗大廈的淨可出租面積達73萬3000626平方公尺;出租率則達99%。此建築至2007年12月31日止的淨帳面價值為4億5800萬令吉,淨出租營業額為4330萬令吉(不包括停車場330萬令吉的營業額。) 趁經濟低迷撿“便宜貨” 經濟低迷對公積局非壞消息,公積金局持有超過3300億令吉的資產,可以在股市或產業市場搶購“便宜貨”。儘管如此,佐哈里表示不會倉促行事,仍得抱持耐心等待最好的時機。 將有更多公司脫售產業套現 佐哈里說:“每個人預計經濟在2010年復甦,惟可能在2009年中或末期就能看到部份復甦的跡象。”隨流動資金緊縮,佐哈里也預計,不久後有更多公司有意脫售產業。 他坦言,公積金局已於過去2個月分派一些職員去物色好的產業 ...... 由於公積金局在產業的投資僅佔目前管理資金3324億令吉的1%,因此對產業投資更為迫切。佐哈里指出,公積金局可在例如建築或地皮類型的產業,投資高達100億令吉或佔總資金的3%。 他解釋,公積金局有能力獨自購買地皮,並與產業公司聯合發展...


金融风暴,景气低迷,充满暴力诱惑陷阱的年代 你有这样的经验吗? 觉得钱不够用,想多赚点钱 打开报纸或接到朋友简讯 参加某些传销/直销创业说明会 开始总是满怀信心希望 最后总是囤一堆货-帮别人成功 投资金钱游戏,参加快速致富计划 不用卖产品,只需找人投资 投资一笔资金,等别人帮你赚钱 最后不但钱没赚到 还赔了一笔辛苦赚来的血汗钱 是否想过了?不用卖产品钱从哪里来呢? 这么好赚还需要你的资金吗? 银行资金这么多怎么不去做呢? 景气不好,到处充满暴力诱惑陷阱 你还要继续陷入被骗,然后骗自己再去骗别人的深渊吗? - 摘自广告

The year bears invaded earth

2008 was indeed a year the world turned upside down — all of humankind’s doing — when old battles were renewed and intensified. Coming to the fore were the titanic struggles between socialism and capitalism, race and nationhood, sustainable and extreme exploitations of resources, government and private enterprises. This was a year of financial meltdown, bailouts, food shortage, record oil prices, civil and political strife, tumbling equity markets, continuing wars and millions more falling into poverty . A year where investments found no safe haven and when cash was literally “king”. Yup, it was certainly a year to forget. ------------- Not much earlier, global economic activities were already being rocked by inflation, particularly in rising food prices and escalating cost of commodities, including crude oil that hit a record US$147 per barrel in July. This more than anything else has got to spur humans to have a serious relook at the use of the scarce precious resources. Though...


新的一年,我們必須學習如何從深谷中,努力往上爬,找到生路。 這段路程,肯定荊棘滿途,崎嶇難行,然而,放棄的話,就是失敗。 對於2009年,我們沒有甚麼樂觀的理由,卻也沒有悲觀的權利;只有奮力打拚,才能創造生機。 這一年的開始,有些陰晦蕭瑟,然而,或許到了中途,就可以看到一片新天地。 怎麼走,都是我們的2009。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/8256?tid=5