
目前显示的是 二月, 2009的博文


选择贷款配套前需要 打算购买房子而进行贷款的人士,选择贷款配套之前,先了解一些事项,以选择适合自己的贷款配套。 1。贷款的目的 :是再融资或购买房子 2。房产的类型 :投资(打算卖出或出租)或自住 3。你认为最关键的事项 : a。贷款的数额 b。只愿意支付最低的头期 c。 贷款配套是否要有利率顶限 d。固定利率或浮动利率 e。贷款期限 f。锁定期 g。期限前清还贷款的罚款/成本 h。最低的利率 i。有伸缩性的偿还额及偿还期 j。喜欢的银行 4。你的财务状况 5。你的负债状况 6。正式以及非正式的收入


政府屬下的國庫控股掌控南北大道65%股權,因此,他建議政府以每股3令吉30仙收購其餘股份。 “目前南北大道公司在大馬股票行的股票每股值2令吉88仙,市價是144億令吉,政府可以給其他股東15%利息,以每股3令吉30仙出售有關股票。” 一旦政府收購南北大道,南北大道未來將不會調漲過路費直至2015年,國民也能在2009至2015年之間省下140億令吉。 他指出,政府只需花費137億5000萬令吉,以支付南北大道公司85億令吉的債務以及52億5000萬令吉給南北大道其餘35%的股東。 可通過發放債券籌資 另外,他說,政府可以通過發放政府債券方式籌資,每項債券利息是3%,6年經費是162億令吉。 他認為,政府收購南北大道並不會面對任何附加財政負擔或影響財政赤字,反而有助振興經濟。 他希望,財政部和工程部能將這項利惠政府和大馬人的收購計划,納入3月10日公佈的“迷你預算案”內。 南北大道有限公司之下有6條收費大道,即南北大道、芙蓉―波德申大道、南北中環大道、居林―北海大道、馬新第二通道以及北巴生海峽大道。 Related: 5條大道3月1日起漲價 http://www.sinchew-i.com/node/78238?tid=3 環城大道全年可淨賺1.07億 http://www.sinchew-i.com/node/78304?tid=27

World's economies tumbling like dominoes

"It is not that the free market failed. The mistake was constant interventions in the free market by the Fed and the U.S. Treasury that addressed symptoms and postponed problems instead of solving them." "Further interventions through ill-conceived bailouts and bulging fiscal deficits are bound to prolong the agony and lead to another slump -- possibly an inflationary depression with dire social consequences." Not exactly a feel-good piece, but understanding where you are is an essential component of figuring out where you're headed. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/ContrarianChronicles/worlds-economies-fall-like-dominoes.aspx

Do Tech Buyers Fib on Registration Forms ?



有一位金代禅师非常喜爱兰花, 在平日弘法讲经,花费了许多的时间栽种兰花。 有一天, 他要外出云游一段时间,临行前交待弟子:「要好好照顾寺里的兰花。」 在这段期间弟子们总是细心照顾兰花, 但有一天,在浇水时却不小心将兰花架碰倒了, 所有的兰花盆都跌碎了,兰花散了满地。 弟子们都因此非常恐慌, 打算等师父回来后, 向师父赔罪领罚。 金代禅师回来了,闻知此事,便召集弟子们,不但没有责怪, 反而说道: 「我种兰花,一来是希望用来供佛 , 二来也是为了美化寺庙环境, 不是为了生气而种兰花的。 」 金代禅师说得好: 「不是为了生气而种兰花的。」 而禅师之所以看得开, 是因为他虽然喜欢兰花, 但心中却无兰花这个罣(gua)碍。 因此,兰花的得失, 并不影响他心中的喜怒。 同样地, 在日常生活中, 我们牵挂得太多, 我们太在意得失, 所以我们的情绪起伏, 我们不快乐。 在生气之际, 我们如能多想想: 「我不是为了生气而工作的。」 「我不是为了生气而教书的。」 「我不是为了生气而交朋友的。」 「我不是为了生气而作夫妻的。」 「我不是为了生气而生儿育女的。」 那么我们会为我们烦恼的心情辟出另一番安详。 所以看完之后… 你要和朋友.. 家人吵架时… 要记得你们的相遇… 不是用来生气的… 然而所谓人非圣贤... 谁能不生气呢… 不过… 看了这篇文章以后… 下次要生气时… 就别生太久… 免得伤心、伤肝、伤肾又伤肠胃… 祝各位同事和您们的亲朋好友 天天開心! Related Readings: Happiness Redefined The Secret to Happiness

Birthday Cake

A man wanted to celebrate his wife's Birthday by throwing a party. So he ordered a birthday cake. The salesman asked him what message he wanted put onthe cake. He thought for a moment and said, "put getting older but you are getting better". The salesman asked "how do you want me to put it?" The man said 'Well...put "You are getting older" at the top and "but you are getting better" at the bottom.' When the cake was unveiled at the party all the guests were aghast at the message on the cake. It read: "You are getting older at the top, but you are getting better at the bottom" ----------------- Morale of the Story: 1. Double proof read everything before you send. 2. Don't trust others to write it right for you. 3. Don't order cakes by telephone.

Become an Educated Investor

Many people seem to think that investing is simply throwing money at some hot deal and hoping to strike it rich. Or just turning it over to a total stranger and hoping that stranger or that company returns your money to you someday. Obviously that is not investing - it is gambling. But worse than gambling, it demonstrates a lack of respect for something most people have given a part of their life, their sweat, blood, and time for. Most people do not like working for abusive and cheap people or abusive and cheap companies. Yet when it comes to the money they invest, many people turn their money over to people and companies that seem to care more about their own self-interest than the investors' interests. Warren Buffett said, "The best way to get rich is to not lose money." One of the best ways to not lose money is to invest a little time making sure the money you invest... your personal employees... are working in a financially intelli...


一般的所谓投资分化大多数充其量把资金分散到不同的股项, 但实际上还是投资于同一市场,其实投资于某一市场的风险,远比投资于多边市场风险肯定更高。 为了投资组合能减低风险提高回酬率,投资有必要在国际投资产品及外汇风险方面多做功课。 一个有效率的投资组合必须能反映出投资者的长短期投资目标,也必须能保持一定现金流。 投资者应当在锁定投资组合的回酬率后,才来选择投资品种。 必如股票流动性比地产强,但价格起落大。 地产增值机会高但套现率却最低,国外的地产投资尤为复杂,在不景气时更难脱手。 投资品种。即除了一般股票地产,尚有货币,期货,各类指数,原油,天然气,金属等等。

13-02-2009: EPF buys 9.63m IOI Corp shares

KUALA LUMPUR: The Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Board acquired 9.63 million shares of IOI Corp Bhd in the open market from Feb 5 to 11. A filing to Bursa Malaysia yesterday showed the EPF acquired the shares at prices ranging from RM3.74 to RM3.93. It paid a total of RM34.62 million for the shares. During the same period, the EPF also sold 2.09 million shares for RM8.04 million. The EPF also acquired 758,900 shares in IOI Properties Bhd during the period for RM1.94 million at prices ranging from RM2.53 to RM2.57. IOI Corp had on Feb 4 proposed to take its 76.04% owned IOI Properties private at RM2.598 per share to be satisfied in shares and cash. Shareholders owning the remaining 24% stake, comprising 199.73 million shares in IOI Prop would receive 0.6 of an IOI Corp share of 10 sen each at an issue price of RM3.78 per share, and 33 sen cash for every one IOI Prop share held. IOI Properties - Puchong New Shophouses IOI產業再傳私有化 趁低吸購 / 擴展收購 Rumours Kil...

优先股 & 普通股

想要在股市里让钱生钱,真正的方法是低买高卖,这道理不难懂,也不难执行。但却只有少数人愿意这么做。 把握时机,趁早在股市里找到一个良好的位置,然后静待牛市的到来,永远都比狂牛出现时,自己失控得比狂牛还狂的状态来得好。 ------------------------------------- 优先股是一种筹集股本的股份证明,持有优先股的好处是,不论公司的财政状况盈利或亏损,持有优先股的股东,可赚取每年指定的股息。另外,如公司破产或清盘,持有优先股的股东可优先分配公司剩余资产,对股东来说是一种保障。 而普通股则没有规定股息的多少,主要视乎公司该年的盈利状况而定。但持有普通股的股东,有权出席公司的股东大会,并且拥有投票权表决公司的议案。但如公司破产或清盘,持有普通股的股东,须在债权人及优先股持有人索取全部债项后,才可分得公司的剩余资产。


大陸高考滿分作文:"誠信"漂流記(值 得一看!) 下面的文章是中國大陸前些年,高考的一篇滿分作文 ,文章樸實簡單,要找出用字遣詞比 這篇好的文章,實在數不勝數,然而為什麼這篇小短文,卻可以在千萬中國考生中得到滿分.我覺得理由是它真正的把每一位的心聲說了出來, 撼動了每一個改考卷的老師的心靈..... "誠信"漂流記 話說"誠信"被那個"聰明"的年輕人投棄到水裡以後,他拼命地游著,最後來到了一個小 島上。"誠信"就躺在沙灘上休息,心裡計劃著等待哪位路過的朋友允許他搭船,救他一 命。 突然,"誠信"聽到遠處傳來一陣陣歡樂輕鬆的音樂。 他於是馬上站起來,向著音樂傳來 的方向望去:他看見一隻小船正向這邊駛來。船上有面小旗, 上面寫著"快樂"二字,原 來是快樂的小船。 "誠信"忙喊道:"快樂快樂,我是誠信,你拉我回岸可以嗎? " "快樂"一聽,笑著對"誠信"說:"不行不行, 我一有了誠信就不快樂了,你看這社會上 有多少人因為說 實話而不快樂,對不起,我無能為力。"說罷,"快樂"走了。 過了一會兒,"地位"又來了,誠信忙喊到:"地位地位, 我是誠信,我想搭你的船回家 可以嗎?""地位"忙把船劃遠了,回頭對"誠信"說:" 不行不行,誠信可不能搭我的船, 我的地位來之不易啊!有了你這個誠信我豈不倒霉, 並且連地位也難以保住啊!" 誠信很失望地看著"地位"的背影,眼裡充滿了不解和疑惑, 他又接著等。 隨著一片有節奏的卻不和諧的聲音傳來,"競爭"們乘著小船來了, "誠信"喊道:"競爭 競爭,我能不能搭你的小船一程?"競爭"們問道:"你是誰, 你能給我們多少好處?" "誠信"不想說,怕說了又沒人理,但"誠信"畢竟是誠信,他說: "我是誠信…… " "你是誠信...

Warren Buffet’s wisdom

Warren Buffet ’ s wisdom We begin this New Year with dampened enthusiasm and dented optimism. Our happiness is diluted and our peace is threatened by the financial illness that has infected our families, organizations and nations. Everyone is desperate to find a remedy that will cure their financial illness and help them recover their financial health. They expect the financial experts to provide them with remedies, forgetting the fact that it is these experts who created this financial mess. Every new year, I adopt a couple of old maxims as my beacons to guide my future. This self-prescribed therapy has ensured that with each passing year, I grow wiser and not older. This year, I invite you to tap into the financial wisdom of our elders along with me, and become financially wiser. Hard work : All hard work brings profit; but mere talk leads only to poverty. Laziness : A sleeping lobster is carried away by the water current. Earnings : Never depend on a single...

Real Estate and Gold are risky investment

Always remember that you can make or lose money in anything. Ultimately, it is not gold, stocks, real estate, or any investment that makes you rich— it is what you know about gold, stocks, real estate, and money that makes you rich. Ultimately, it is your financial intelligence, your financial IQ that makes you rich.

Big Banks, Small Banks

Interesting..... Behind is a listed bank, Under the "JALAN SEHALA" road sign, got "$" Ah Long Bank...... :D

IOI Properties - Puchong New Shophouses

IOI Properties - Puchong New Shophouses, Bandar Puteri, not facing main road.