
目前显示的是 六月, 2010的博文

The Next Strike

The importance of history and how it's a window to the future. "Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice." ~ George Washington, over 200 years ago When you realize that pornography is the number one business on the web, you get an idea where our hearts, minds, crotches, souls, and money are. We get what we pay for. Terrorism is increasing because two powerful economic forces fund it - oil and drugs. Just because terrorism isn't in the news doesn't mean it's not here. How is crime related to financial crisis? When governments print money, taxes and inflation go up, the middle class becomes poorer, poverty increases, discontent rises, and crime goes up. Today, terrorists are smarter, use technology such as Google Earth for reconnaissance, and employ Internet navigational aides to locate, attack, and disappear with precision. In Afghanistan,...

How to Stay Young

1. Try everything twice. On Madam's tombstone (of Whelan's and Madam) she said she wanted this epitaph: "Tried everything twice...loved it both times!" 2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. (Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches.) 3. Keep learning: Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. "An idle mind is the devil's workshop." And the devil's name is Alzheimer's! 4. Enjoy the simple things. 5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with him/her. 6. The tears happen: Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. LIVE while you are alive. 7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, God. pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge. 8. Cherish your health: If it i...

The Edge of the Cliff

From 1971 until recently, most of the world knew only good times. The baby boomers thought they were financial geniuses as they bought big homes, German cars, and spent money they didn't have simply because they knew inflation would allow them to refinance their home and pay off their credit cards. This consumer spending and consumer debt fed the rest of the world's economy. Today, the bubble is deflating. Deflation is in charge. Those playing by the old rules of money will financially die. This economic donwturn is a disaster spurred by greed and the arrogance of government officials, international corporations, big banks - and now oil. Inflation is easy to control. Our leaders merely have to raise interest rates and inflation is tamed. Deflation, which we are now experiencing, is a different beast. They can't lower interest rates below zero. So, now the government has only two viable options. They can print even more money, which may lead to a German Depression - a depres...


社保基金会理事长、前央行行长戴相龙:人民币国际化更重要 但人民币国际化不单纯是可兑换,还要具备全功能,包括结算、投资、储备、交易;以及大比例,也就是超过中国经济总量占全球总量的比例,或者中国贸易量占全球贸易量的比例。 中国今年经济总量将超过日本为全球第二,贸易出口列世界第一,外汇储备占全球30%,但戴相龙认为,根据日元国际化的经验,人民币可能需要15到20年时间。 再以美元取代英镑的历史来看,中国经济总量至今仍远远落后于美国,因此美元仍将继续主导国家贸易体系很长时间。 人民币国际化的路径应该先从经常项目到资本项目的可兑换;从周边国家地区再逐步扩大。 他说,只要人民币能满足持币人在稳定、成本低和交易方便等需求,国际化就不可阻挡。 他认为,亚洲很大,亚洲国家发展很快,可以容纳上海、香港、新加坡等国际金融中心,彼此各自有分工不同的国际金融体系。 戴相龙也表示,上海已经成为中国境内产品最全的金融交易中心,并初步建成了区域性国际金融中心的基本框架。但是他也指出不少批评者的担忧,就是金融中心在上海,主要金融机构决策管理却在北京,“这是一个很大的问题”,“从长远看,不利于上海国际金融中心的建设”。 他建议:“驻京大型金融机构应将新设的信用卡等业务或子公司设在上海,随着上海金融市场的业务规模和比例的扩大,可能由总行一位领导人兼任上海分行行长。而新设全国性金融机构的总部,原则上应优先注册于上海。”   最后他强调,不是站在哪个机构或中国的立场讲话,而是站在总体大局上看国际化的人民币和国际化经济趋势,“我也希望在你们的眼中看到这个大趋势,看到这个机会”。

Opportunity of Your Lifetime

... to sound the alarm, to shout mayday, and to give you time to prepare. In sounding the alarm, I don't necessarily mean run and hide. While it's unfortunate that many people will be wiped out or suffer severely, others will go on to do extremely well financially. I want you to be one of those that does well, no matter how bad things get. ~Robert Kiyosaki, Mayday We're living through history even as it's being created. WELFARE CUT.PENSIONS CUT.SPENDING CUT. (AND TAX RISES TO COME) - The Independent, British Newspaper. Europe is crashing and the people that are paying the price are the poor, the pensioners, and the middle class. George Osborne, the English Chancellor, warned the cabinet that the spending party is over and the middle class is going to foot the bill. The article states that benefits for children, the unemployed, and the sick and disabled will be reduced or cut altogether. Also targeted are tax credits, special benefits, and the generous pensions paid to p...

帝国主义, 粮食危机

前年,国际间闪过一阵有惊有险的粮食危机,留下了未知的一道缺粮风险。 当食物起源被主流媒体与教育体制有目的的简述为一条简单的生产线,我们无法理解的东西就太多,甚至我们都不知道该问什么问题了。比如,谁是粮食生产中的主角?----农民?他们的生活是什么样的?他们能吃得起什么粮食?当我们提出这样的问题时,才会知道,世界上大多数农民都在受苦。 当我讲国际金融炒家/全球帝国主义者很可怕,这个话很少人信的,因为无知者无畏,大家根本不晓得到底发生了什么事(在现代奴役系统下,大部分人将仅仅为了生存而穷于应付生活中琐碎的事项)。在150 年前,帝国主义是以东印度公司为前导,炮舰为后盾的。今天的帝国主义是以国际化为前导,金融为后盾的,但是帝国主义的本质是不会变的。 食品的价格上涨那么多,而全国的消费指数“只不过”上涨4%~8%,你知道这有什么问题吗?这个差距就充分说明了我们很多人的观点都是错的,而且都被忽悠了!你钱太多的话,你会一天吃多10碗饭,喝多10瓶矿泉水,炒蛋放一桶油,推高食品需求而导致食品价格上涨吗?如果通货膨胀的原因是因为钱太多的话,食品价格绝对不会高!我们过去所理解的供需关系在炒作的扭曲与私利的驱使下变得如此不堪一击... 消费物价上涨,让普通老百姓感受到了压力,同时也疑问丛生。不少人都感觉到,自己的生活正在物价的波动中悄然发生着某种变化,在大米、猪肉、蔬菜这些熟悉的东西背后,好像隐藏着一些说不清的力量。这些神秘力量是什么呢?通货膨胀?价格操纵? 再抢非洲利益 - 游枝 http://www.chinapress.com.my/content_new.asp?dt=2010-06-18&sec=business&art=0618bs50.txt

Predictable Success

If you own, manage or work for any kind of organization, you have one goal above all else--success. And not just occasional, elusive or temporary. In short, you're looking for Predictable Success. In this timely, no-nonsense guide, experienced business advisor will takes you step-by-step through a startlingly simple, intuitive and universal process that shows you how to bring sustained, lasting, predictable success to your organization. Steeped in a street-smart, savvy insider's deep understanding of exactly how business works in the real world, Predictable Success provides you with a precise road map to success, starting from wherever you are today! Throughout history, during every financial crisis, ethnic groups have always been singled out and persecuted physically or emotionally - practically being blamed for the down economy. The world is in such a period of time today. German hyperinflation - in a very short space of time, the German populace saw their money become absolu...

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (301-310)

310. Citi Business Platinum Select Credit Cards 309. Drive Thru Coffee Business Opportunities 308. Auto Loans Repossession And Refinancing Business 307. How to Start An Auto Repossession Business 306. Sexy Car Wash Business 305. Starting A Car Wash Business 304. Business Rental Car Supplement Liability Insurance 303. Business Brokers and Investment Bankers 302. How to Set Up A Blog for A Life Success Coaching Business 301. Best Small Business Credit Card Processing Service