
目前显示的是 三月, 2012的博文

British Fashion Industry

Some compiled facts and info related to the British Fashion Industry, from The Edge Malaysia's Options pullout, page OP6 & OP7, dated Feb 27, 2012. Fashion figures The UK government acknowledge the significant role of ashion in its economy The British fashion industry is worth about 1.7% of the UK's GDP, generating GBP21 billion (RM100.6 billion) in 2011, twice as much as the British car industry and equal to that of the food and beverage services and telecommunications industries. Additionally, the UK fashion industry is estimated to support 816,000 jobs and is the largest employer of all the creative industries. The sector also provides opportunities to minority groups, and to a greater extent than most other creative industries. Made in Britain has cachet again. It's shorthand for a certain kind of luxury. Mulberry, which has always manufactured in the UK, has been given a GBP2.5 million grant to open a second factory in Somerset, which will create 250...

Allegory of the Cave

The Allegory of the Cave—also known as the Analogy of the Cave, Plato's Cave, or the Parable of the Cave—is an allegory used by the Greek philosopher Plato in his work The Republic to illustrate "our nature in its education and want of education" (514a). The prisoners, ignorant of the world behind them, would see the freed man with his corrupted eyes and be afraid of anything but what they already know. Philosophers analyzing the allegory argue that the prisoners would ironically find the freed man stupid due to the current state of his eyes and temporarily not being able to see the shadows which are the world to the prisoners...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegory_of_the_Cave 于是他回想当初穴居的情形,就会庆幸自己在认识上的变化而对同伴表示遗憾。他既已见到了事物之本身,便宁愿忍受任何痛苦也不愿意再过囚徒生活。然而,如果他复回洞中,那些同伴不仅不信其言,还会觉得他到上面走了一趟,回来眼睛就坏了,对“影像”竟不能如从前那样辨别。他的同伴们不仅不想出去,甚至想把那位带他出洞的人逮住杀掉。 ... http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/83399354.html

Resort Cities In Malaysia

In Malaysia, most visited resort cities are: 1. Genting Highland Theme Park 2. Sunway Lagoon / Pyramid 3. Bukit Gambang Resort City 4. Bukit Merah Laketown Resort While scenic with commercial mix and more towards residential used are: 1. Mines Resort City 2. IOI Resort City (Upcoming) Two notable landmark / iconic projects are: 1. Sepang Gold Coast 2. The Hibiscus Port Dickson Related Info: Real Estate Projects - Landmark 憤怒鳥主題公園完工 世界首個“憤怒的小鳥”主題公園於2011年冬季在芬蘭南部城市坦佩雷(Tampere)的塞爾凱涅米(Sarkanniemi)遊樂園內開始動工修建。目前,全部建造工程已基本完工,並將於4月28日向公眾開放。由芬蘭羅維奧(Rovio)遊戲公司為觸摸屏智能手機研發的休閒智力遊戲“憤怒的小鳥”自從2009年底推出,迅速火爆全球,獲得巨大成功。 http://www.mediachinese.com/photo/node/456

微软与孟山都 The Case of Windows and Monsanto

微软当初为什么让中国人免费地去盗版? 刚开始它不管,那是它的最大阴谋。因为它的系统构建得非常完善之后,它生产出来的产品一定是最高效的,而中国人免费盗版使用它的视窗, 可以把视窗在中国的潜在对手全部淘汰出局 。 当中国人想做一个类似微软视窗的软件时,发现自己根本不是盗版的对手,因为盗版不要钱,品质又好。自己开发需要成本,你卖的软件就要收钱,要收钱,别人就不买了,因为他们可以免费盗版微软视窗。 因此微软前七年不收钱主要的目的就是淘汰中国竞争对手。 淘汰之后呢?那就开始整治你了 。两个办法: 一、透过美国政府向中国施加压力,透过法案让你非付钱不可。 二、在视窗上面放一个黑屏,如果你是非正版的话,一下屏幕就被黑掉了。 透过这些方法逼迫你付钱。到最后,你能不付吗?不能。 因为它已经席卷了中国市场,它可以予取予求 。 现在,我们说生产的转基因水稻都没问题。为什么没问题呢?因为免费给你用。你以为他们不知道我们在侵犯知识产权吗? 不是不知道,而是时候未到 。 等转基因水稻摆上中国人的餐桌后,它才透过美国政府施加压力,开始收专利费 。 背景提示: 转基因作物是未来农业发展的趋势,哪个国家先种植推广,哪个国家就会掌握农业的先机。传统的育种方式已经走到尽头,未来必然是转基因作物的时代。 2008年,中国政府启动“转基因生物新品种培育”的科技专项,目标是要培育重大转基因生物新品种,促进农业增效和农民增收,提高农业国际竞争力。 问题是什么?转基因食品的整个研发流程竟然是不透明的,甚至你用了什么样的专利,我们也不知道,一切的研发过程,都是在极其秘密的情况之下进行的,这一点是不能接受的。 科研的流程必须透明化,公开化。老百姓有权知道,因为这关乎我们这一代以及下一代的生存问题。 你发现你吃的粮油、大米、玉米全部都是转基因。而且这些鸡、鸭、牛、羊、鱼、猪、蛋、乳副食品吃了转基因玉米所做的饲料之后会产生什么病变,我们不知道。至少以小白鼠的例子来看,它的数量会减少,身材会剪短,体重会减轻,这是肯定的。我们吃了这些副食品之后会是什么结果呢?我们也不知道。人自己吃转基因玉米呢?自己吃转基因水稻呢?会是什么结果?会对我们的民族有什么伤害?我们统统不知道。这种危害远远超过清朝末年的鸦片。 注:“孟山都的鬼影”摘自《郎咸平说新帝国主义在中国2》一书(page 165...

Smart Factory Ads

km radius illustration and psf price comparison of nearest offering in the advertisement:

Landmark 地标

First we have Palm shape Sepang Gold Coast - http://www.sepanggoldcoast.com/, then we have Hibiscus shape - http://www.thehibiscus.com.my/, now we have a ship shape hotel:

Danga Bay


Bukit Gambang Resort City

The newspaper ads of the integrated resort city in Morib - Bukit Gambang Resort City :

The Power of Media and Social Network

I give your private information to corporations for money. And I'm man of the year. - Mark Zuckerberg; I give private information on corporations to you for free. And I'm the villain. - Julian Assange. Source: http://www.wealthwire.com/news/liberty/2801 Facebook alone has almost negated the need for the FBI and CIA surveillance infrastructure completely as was detailed in this Onion spoof which is mostly just funny because it is true. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqggW08BWO0