
目前显示的是 四月, 2012的博文


This is a follow up notes on 2 education related articles - Education and Freedom , and Education should be free . We look at some of the course, current effect, and a possible solution (home schooling) to the issue of high education fees that doesn't guarantee success. Below is a posting by John Lim, related to the PTPTN abolish issue in Malaysia: Many cannot understand why PTPTN shall be abolished or limited to students who study at public universities. To explain in a simpler way, let's study the insurance company + private hospitals case. By working together, insurance company will increase the premium annually while private hospitals raising their medical fee in an unacceptable rate, letting the stakeholders taking huge profit, at the expense of consumers of course. Take a look back at PTPTN + Private Colleges model. In recent years, the tuition fees and intake of under-qualified students for private colleges have increased multi-fold due to easy financing by ...


Related: The Value of Nothing


一个人能走多远,要看他与谁同行; 一个人多么优秀,要看他身边有什么样的朋友; 一个人能有多大的成就,要看他有谁指点。 几千年前, 孟母三迁 已经说明了环境对一个人的成长有多重要。


郑鸿标成功8大原则: 知道你的目标 爱你所选的行业 以人为本 坚持克服一切困难 思想和行动积极 实践专业 保持审慎 积极对待工作和生活 While Public Bank Posts RM3.05b Net Profit for FY10 , the results keep improving over the years. Public Bank earnings rise Thursday April 19, 2012 Public Bank Bhd has recorded a 6.42% rise in net profit to RM940.81mil in its first quarter ended March 31 from RM884.06mil a year earlier, backed by strong annualised domestic loan growth and a lower impaired loan ratio. Revenue grew 12.76% to RM3.37bil versus RM2.99bil in the previous corresponding period while earnings per share advanced to 26.86 sen from 25.24 sen. http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2012/4/19/business/11133148&sec=business Record Corporate Earnings - PADINI and Public Bank


世界上最好的大学不是哈佛、不是史丹福、不是麻省理工学院,而是社会大学。 健康不能等,因为身体垮了,人生的一切都没了。 家人不能等,树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不在。 贫穷不能等,因为时间久了,你将习惯贫穷,忘记梦想,庸庸碌碌的过一辈子。 梦想不能等,因为努力晚了,人老就无能为力了。 学习不能等,因为懂得少了,就没本事梦想成真了。 有些事情根本急不来,就像炖汤一样,若要好喝就必须费时。~ 郑鸿标,马来西亚大众银行创办人. 不要忘记的是,炖汤的时候还是有温火在滚着,而不是一般人的不急却又什么也不做。 Related: 一个人

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