
目前显示的是 十二月, 2023的博文

Bitcoin & MicroStrategy

 #NFA #DYOR 5 reasons why a spot Bitcoin ETF approval could send BTC price above $100K The price of Bitcoin is determined by the balance between immediate demand and the supply of coins at a specific price level. By offering products where the asset manager retains the management fee, the incentives for providing the product increase significantly. * This means that sales teams at BlackRock, Fidelity, Ark Invest, Bitwise, VanEck, and other issuers will be fully engaged in attracting both internal and external clients. Other funds managed by these multi-trillion-dollar asset managers may also be encouraged to invest in Bitcoin's newly launched ETF. Historically, the ETF industry has witnessed a concentration of assets among the top two issuers.  For example, SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) and iShares Gold Trust (IAU) represent over 85% of the industry's assets under management .  Additionally, the market leader State Street's GLD has an expense ratio of 0.4%, which is considerably ...

LinkedIn Contribution

  Got this message when logging in to Linkedin to post some thoughts related to Digital Asset. Tried two below: All / Business Administration / Business Development How can you use social media to identify new markets? https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how-can-you-use-social-media-identify-new-tucqf   All / Soft Skills / Strategy How can team members better understand a company's strategy? https://www.linkedin.com/advice/0/how-can-team-members-better-understand-companys-strategy-u4zjf Seems interesting. Imagine only answering one question every day; one year down the road, we could have built a contribution of 365 quality thoughts to the community. It is the consistency and discipline that separates professionals from amateurs. How can you use social media to identify new markets? Define your goals and criteria You are going nowhere if you don't know where you want to go. What do you want to achieve through social media? Merely awareness, branding, or conversion into dollars a...

AI 时代做自媒体是机会

  AI 时代做自媒体是机会 可是知道的人有多少人去做? 做的人有多少人持续去做呢? 持续去做的人有多少人方法做对? 方法对的人有多少人愿意 ALL IN 投入更多的时间资源去做呢? 所以你不用去思考别人做不做 这样筛选下来 其实已经没有多少对手了 就像这部影片 已经保姆级实操了 都喂到嘴边了 但是 99.9%的人 看完这部影片还是不做的 所以不用担心知道的人很多 因为做到的人很少 持续做到的人非常少 成为那个勇敢尝试的人 你是不是就比绝大部分的人 多了一个赚钱的出路呢? 【保姆級實操】用免費AI工具做不露臉的獵奇知識頻道,日賺1k美金|世界之最TOP頻道拆解