
目前显示的是 2007的博文

不喜欢结果,就改变方法吧 !

这个世界大部分的人并没有向前进,他们只不过是在向前混。 明智地花时间 请思考一下,当你年龄大了,头发花白,坐在石阶上,回顾着你是如何度过此生时,你最大的遗憾是什么? 是买不到更昂贵的房子?还是不能在你的孩子童年时跟他们多玩一会? 是不能在办公室多加班来获得提升?还是不能在你父母需要你的时候跟他们在一起? 时间是我们最昂贵的财产,比黄金贵得多,因为他们一去不返! 如果车子撞坏了,可以再买一辆; 失去工作,可以再找一份; 投资失败亏钱,可以再赚回来。 但你永远永远不能把失去的时间找回来,它一去不复返了! 真正财富的最大好处,是你可以自由决定你如何运用你自己的时间。 工作只不过是一个过程,生意只不过是一个管道。 ~浩知 往事已矣,来者可追。


如果你必须停止工作,你会在哪里呢?对于大多数人而言,这简直是一个终极噩梦! 这就是创造收入( 时间换金钱 )的困境,它是临时性的。 停止工作=停止收入。 如果除了打工以外没有任何收入来源 ,是时候思考一下了。 有时候不是因为缺乏才华和努力,而是缺乏相关的知识。 忙并不能说明什么,蚂蚁也很忙。 问题是, 你在忙什么?


http://go4books.blogspot.com/2007/12/secrets-of-millionaire-mind.html 埃克尔书中金句 有钱人思维 放眼商机 (Opportunities) 相信“我创造命运” 玩金钱游戏是为了赢 愿意推销自己及个人价值 乐意从实绩中获利 擅于理财 面对恐惧做出反应 会持续学习及成长 让金钱为他们工作 欣赏其他有钱及成功的人 穷人思维 只着眼于障碍 (obstacle) 认为命运主宰他们的人生 玩金钱游戏是为了不要输 对于销售及宣传只觉反感 宁愿选择准时出粮 经常错误理财 任由恐惧令他们却步 认为自己无所不知 辛勤工作就为了赚钱 抗拒比他们有钱及成功的人

一生能有几次工作 (书)

出版:天下杂志 不论你职责或职位,你都必须能够创造和传递价值。 让自己培养更高或更艰巨任务的经验价值和领导能力。 “随着年龄或事业的成长,要让自己的路越走越宽,而不是越走越窄。” http://go4books.blogspot.com/2007/12/blog-post_26.html

Youtube 简单的动机,吸引全世界

06 年 12 月 《远见》 杂志 经英不浮夸粉饰门面 Youtube 没有雄伟的经营哲学,只想与人分享影片,就这么简单。 就像 eBay 是提供人们网路买与卖,Paypal 就是 pay for the people (提供付款机制), Google 是 search 的功能, 都很明确简单的。 问:能否给年轻人一些建言? 答:要有勇气去冒险挑战。我自己拿出 5 万美元来创业,当时还要付房贷,很辛苦。但我也很幸运,如果没有冒这个险,我会很后悔。 年轻人要有勇气,不要害怕失败。


生命很脆弱,活在当下最重要 如果我们把活着的每一天当作是生命的最后一天,或许会过得很充实,很珍惜。 人生无常,风雨难测。

Sharing About Financial Freedom

I always remind myself that in building our financial freedom, 3 important career criteria must exist, that are: 1) Repetitive 2) Accumulative 3) System oriented When we know we are in career business of building financial freedom, mental strength is very important. This mental strength involves mental focus and mental perspective reaction. When we encounter challenges, mental focus in career activities will channel synergy in career development. Mental perspective reaction means how we react when we encounter challenges, whether we treat it positively and perspectively. Wishing all of you and family Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Take care and bye. “We are growing when we feel uncomfortable in new positive environment.” ~ Soon Leong


日本人在演唱会场举行时装表演,吸引了两万多名女子。模特儿穿什么衣服,手机里就会出现尺码与价钱,看中了一按键付款,即可邮寄到你家里去。 参加展示的服装店一夜之间生意额高出普通数十倍来。 商机多箩箩,要实践了才叫商机,不实践的话,一分钱也不值。 ~ 黎智英

Time Management

It would be nice to earn some money on something that you love to do. Good passive money. I learnt it from "Rich Dad Poor Dad" - create something and then forget about them and they will continue to earn for you. Only constraint now is time but do a bit at a time and it will become substantial as time goes on. Time management - doing what matters most, rather than doing what matters least is important. Knowing the difference is of utmost importance.

Adsense Report (Other People Mia)

Found this, other people mia.....

Kidsense (Google Adsense Comic)

Additional material to HT Google Adsense http://www.corporatejourney2u.com/htgoogleadsense/htga_p1.htm and HT Investment http://www.corporatejourney2u.com/htinvestment/htga_p1.htm

How To Become A Famous Blogger

Found this when surfing last nite.

Every change create opportunities

I always remind myself that sometimes industry changes are out of our hands. However, we can control our own thinking, action and reaction. “Every change create opportunities .” When we can control our self-environment, then we can turn any changes becomes opportunities to explore. “Successful People Always Control Self-Environment” . They know how to thinking perspectively, how to act persistently and how to react positively. Current changes in our industry are an evaluation for ourselves in term of our goal and determination. We are confident that we can breakthrough together to achieve financial freedom. “ When we are controlled by environment, we only stay as it is; When we can control our self-environment, we are progressive and can be very successful. ” ~ Soon Leong

151 去嫖妓 + Conversion Rate

有一天 151 去嫖妓,完事後,151 不太满意,所以他只付了一半的钱就走了. 而那个妓女当然不甘心.所以她追到 151 的家去. 可是当她走进 151 家,她看到有很多 151 的亲戚在. 她不好意思明说,所以她跟 151 说: "你跟我租房子,为什麽只付了一半的钱?" 151 想了一想,答说: "我只付了一半的房租因为第一,你的房子太旧,第二,你的房子水电不好,第三,你的房子太大了!" 那个妓女听了,马上答说: "先生,房子太旧是你当初自己选的,水电不好我看是你的马达不够力,再说,房子太大恐怕是你的家俱太小了!". 行情再好也有亏钱的公司,行情再坏也有赚钱的公司。 成功找方法,失败找借口。 以下图表供参考: Leads Conversion Rate No. of Client Purchase Frequency Purchase Value Monthly Revenue 10,000 10 % 1,000 1 100 100,000 + 50 % + 50 % + 50 % + 50 % 15,000 15 % 2,250 1.5 150 506,250 当然,revenue 后还有 gross profit 和 nett profit. Making a nett profit of $100,000 out of $1,000,000 revenue is always better than making a nett profit of $200,000 out of $4,000,000 revenue (unless you need the revenue to get a good funding). Though $200,000 nett profit is better than $100,000 nett profit, the $4 mil revenue is 4...

每天2 小时,一年得到 3 个多月的自由时间

Timing Some people put off building their piplines because "right now isn't a good time for me." Guess what ? Right now is a bad time for anybody! We're all stressed. We're all busy. We're all putting out fires and dealing with unexpected emergencies. There's a word for these bad times. It's called LIFE ! Some people waste their lives waiting for the "perfect time" to do x,y, or z. Well, they'll die waiting because there's no such thing as a perfect time. If someone told you they'd give you $10 million dollars if you'd sit in a corner and knit for two hours every day for one year, you'd find the time right ? 生产性的自由时间 每天 2 小时 X 5天 = 每周 10 小时 星期六和星期天每天 3 小时 = 每周 6 小时 总共的额外时间 = 每周 16 小时 一周 16 小时, 一年 52 个星期, 就有 800 多个小时,相当于 100 个 8 小时工作日,即每年有额外的 3 个月零 10 天的工作日 ! 你所要做的就是每天抽出 2 小时,一年得到 3 个多月的自由时间。 哈咯,你知道我在说什么吗 ? 一谈到金钱时,生活可能显得不公平。 时间让竞赛公平 ! "明日复明日,明日何其多。日日待明日,万事成蹉跎。" The Parable of The Pipeline http://www.corporatejour...

How A New Discovery Make A Plain Girl Beautiful

Some notes on marketing: How A New Discovery Make A Plain Girl Beautiful My Boss Will Kill Me If He Knows I Wrote You This Letter The Secret of Many People Like You A Little Mistake That Cost $50,000 A Year Advise to Wives Whose Husband Don't Save Money 1. Advert 2. Referral as Strategy (are you bringing any friends ? any frens to sign up ? Group package) 3. Risk Reversal (Money Back Guarantee) 4. Endorsement 5. Joint Venture 6. Host Beneficiary


不要把虚无飘渺的事建设在不知所云的如果上。 Money & You - Clarity Leads to Power

Dolf Has Never had a Job in His Entire Life

Dolf Has Never had a Job in His Entire Life (You can stop working for others, too, if you learn the right system) Dolf Doesn’t Understand Why Anyone Would Agree to Work 40 Hours a Week, for 49 Weeks a Year --- Merely For a Paycheck When In ONE WEEK’S Time (Done right), You Can Do a Real Estate Deal Worth $80,000 Profit And Take The Rest of the Year Off! and I don't understand why anyone would agree to stuck in traffic jam every morning and evening (during working day), wasting their precious time at least 1 hour a day..... to make good use of it, maybe you should listen to audio books during the jam.


人生就如一張有去無回單程車票 他沒有彩排 ﹐每一刻都是現場直播﹗ 把握每一次的演出﹐便是最好的珍惜﹐ 活得精彩。 靜上

Road to Endau-Rompin Selai

Hutan Negara Malaysia Endau-Rompin Selai, Bekok Entrance Sime Darby Ladang Gunung Mas


Way Back Into Love

Hugh Grant - Way Back Into Love lyrics [Verse 1] (Drew Barrymore) I've been living with a shadow overhead, I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed, I've been lonely for so long, Trapped in the past, I just can't seem to move on! (Hugh Grant) I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away, Just in case I ever need them again someday, I've been setting aside time, To clear a little space in the corners of my mind! [Chorus] (Both) All I want to do is find a way back into love. I can't make it true without a way back into love. Oooooh. [Verse 2] (Drew Barrymore) I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine, I've been searching but i just don't see the signs, I know that it's out there, There's got to be something for my soul somewhere! (Hugh Grant) I've been looking for someone to shed some light, Not somebody just to get me through the night, I could use some direction, And I'm open to your suggestions. [Chorus]...

致命的意外 :D


Work And Die



利用市场的愚蠢,进行有规律的投资。 买价决定报酬率的高低,即使是长线投资也是如此。 利润的复合增长与交易费用和税务的避免使投资者收益无穷。 通货膨胀是投资者最大的敌人。 拥有一只股票,期待它下个星期就上涨,是十分愚蠢的。 一生追求消费垄断企业。 不理会股市的涨跌,不担心经济情势的变化,不相信任何预测,不接受任何内幕消息,只注意两点: 1。买什么股票 2。买入价格 在方法背后,你其实能悟出深刻的道理,由简单到任何人都可以利用。 巴菲特曾经说过,他对华尔街那群受过高等教育的专业人士的种种非理性行为感到不解。 也许是人在市场,身不由己。所以他最后离开了纽约,躲到美国中西部一个小镇里去了。 他远离市场,也因此战胜了市场。




"你最想做的是什么呢?" "你为什么要去做呢?" "你现在正要做什么?" "你为什么这样做呢?" (它跟你最想做的有什么关系?) 成功往往就是这么简单。运用一种创新的思维,避开竞争焦点的锋芒 ,换个角度切入,迅速抢占潜藏的市场就对了。 Success is a day to day progressive realization towards our own goals. Maslow's Hierarchy of needs -how to understand motivation in the workplace (and elsewhere) Self-actualisation "the desire to become more and more what one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming."

Premium IDD and VoIP IDD

There is such a huge different in the rates......... and if we press "13200xxxx" and at the end of the day the bill shows "00xxxx", who shall bear the high charges ?


当你有了一个长期目标与计划,事实上你做任何事情遇到任何困难都不会影响你,因为你知道这都是暂时的,你将来还要完成更伟大的目标与理想,你不会被一时的困扰所困惑。 曹荣 _ 星洲副刊 071105

Bee Movie

According to all known laws of aviation.... there is no waya bee should be able to fly. Bees' wings are too short and their bodies too round to make getting airborne very likely. BEES,of course,fly ANYWAY, because bees DON'T care what humans think is IMPOSSIBLE.

Yatch Parking

Big Boys Toyz..... More on http://picasaweb.google.com/howtze/YatchParking

坐渔船出海的 Video Clip


好像是几个月前了 Uncle 有一点 paise 渔船的 parking bay More pictures on: http://picasaweb.google.com/howtze/UCove

通货膨胀 !

去 OUG 大排档吃晚餐,点了一份 鸳鸯 (广府炒),MYR 5 ! 一杯温的薏米水 (里面滚水多过薏米那种,应该是早上煲了一大锅,到晚上间一路加水的)MYR 1 ! 拷!以前吃时全部才 MYR 4 叻 ! How can you survive forever to maintain a good lifestyle ? Income > Expenses 在通货膨胀速度超快的时候,紧缩开销不见得是一个好的解决方案。 增加被动收入管道 (Passive Income Channel) 才是上上策。 是要量入为出,还是开源节流? 见仁见智。

Warung Kelapa Sawit

在 Juru 靠近 AutoCity 附近有一个下午才营业的露天档口,专做附近工业区上班族的生意,听说一天可以卖一百到两百条鱼叻 ! 连单据也是简简单单的....... 嗯,好像忘了拍他们 " 那桶 " 鱼。没关系,下一趟去再拍过,呵呵 !

KLCC From Sky Bar

There are still very few roof top environment in the Klang Valley except Luna Bar and Sky Bar (and some other private properties' F&B area). Anyhow, foresee more to come when those higher end properties project around KLCC completed within these few years.

Never Ever Give Up !

这个图片从剪报到维宪 post 在他的部落格也超过一年了。 现在是 2007 年 11 月 6 日啦 ! Last posted on jhteoh's blog on Sunday, August 13, 2006


Ha ! Nice one for what men thinks and what happened at the end...... ;P

什么是压力 ?

没有了压力也就没有了动力,没有了动力也就发掘不出潜力 ?

卖豆腐的 Auntie

最近收到这样一个讯息 : "Make $1,000; $5,000; $10,000 a month per deal and the revenues quickly mount up -- all while you're not there. Mostly without you personally having to do anything but set the deal up in the beginning. Control is better than ownership or management. Generating passive income sure beats working hard for a living." 几年前朋友换车的时候,有个卖豆腐的 auntie 很公式化的问一般人都会问的问题:“哟!换新车啦 ?” 而朋友,也会因为年轻驾大车而公式化的回答:“没啦!公司的车。” 怎知卖豆腐的 很自然的回应:“公司嘛是你的 !” (那时候 auntie 是用福建话说 " Gong Xi Ma Si Lu Eh ! 的 )

Resources & Distribution

There has never been problem with resources. The problems lie within distribution. Quoted from theedgedaily.com KUALA LUMPUR: Oil prices surged to a record high of US$96 (RM325) per barrel yesterday, moving closer to test the US$100 mark. For Malaysia, a net exporter of oil, every US$1 increase translates into RM250 million in earnings per annum for the country. 02-11-2007: Oil price nears US$100 mark by Tamimi Omar & Kevin Tan Full story at http://www.theedgedaily.com/cms/content.jsp?id=com.tms.cms.article.Article_fe510de4-cb73c03a-17ebe660-554a373b

Proof of Global Warming

是 Global Warming 还是社会开放程度的描绘 ? ;P


N 年前的老朋友说:“There is a difference between sexual intercourse and make love". 如果用图表来说明,会不会是上面那个呢 ? 注 : 就像星爷电影 《回魂夜》 (整鬼专家) 里说的:“七孔流血归七孔流血,死还死,是不一样的” (即 :七孔流血不一定要死)

Cabbages & Condoms

From Album "Cabbages & Condoms" http://picasaweb.google.com/howtze/CabbagesCondoms/ Don't Steal, The Government Doesn't Lie Competitor Communism, The Longest Road to Capitalism All Who Spend Money Here go to Heaven. ;P The More You Spend, The Closer You Get to Heaven. Our job is not to prevent kids from having sex, but to prevent them from dying.... More at Album "Cabbages & Condoms" http://picasaweb.google.com/howtze/CabbagesCondoms/

No Fish

No Fishing -> No Fish @&#*!^#&%^&*(.........

Slap it before eating it ?

And the mouse sir, would you like to slap it around for a while before eating it ?