卖豆腐的 Auntie

最近收到这样一个讯息 :

"Make $1,000; $5,000; $10,000 a month per deal and the revenues quickly mount up -- all while you're not there. Mostly without you personally having to do anything but set the deal up in the beginning.

Control is better than ownership or management.

Generating passive income sure beats working hard for a living."

几年前朋友换车的时候,有个卖豆腐的 auntie 很公式化的问一般人都会问的问题:“哟!换新车啦 ?”


怎知卖豆腐的 很自然的回应:“公司嘛是你的 !” (那时候 auntie 是用福建话说 " Gong Xi Ma Si Lu Eh ! 的 )




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!