
目前显示的是 十一月, 2008的博文


盡管國內成長有放緩跡象,但國內銀行體系游資仍相當充裕,國行此舉,旨在降低銀行同業的中介成本,以把銀行的沖擊力減至最低;換句話說,也是力保銀行賺幅的舉措。 商業銀行在國行降息后,把基貸率從6.75%調降至6.5%,調幅達0.25%,但真正的降幅 為3.7%(0.25%除以6.75%再乘以100%);而12個月定存利率則從3.70%下調至最低的3.50%,調幅達0.2%,但真正降幅為 5.4%(0.2%除以3.7%乘以100%)。 以上述貸款利率的降幅及定存的降幅計算,定存的降幅較高,降息行動對銀行還是有利。 此外,0.5%法定儲備金的降低,銀行將釋放的資金,估計高達26億5000萬令吉,以3至5%回酬率計,更為銀行製造了7800萬至1億3300萬令吉的盈利。 減息一般要9個月至12個月才能反映在市場上,國行的最新降息行動,不會這麼快顯現。 整體而言,國行最新的貨幣政策舉措,對市場發放貨幣政策或發出進一步寬鬆的正面訊號,為低迷經濟行情注入些許振奮劑,但對經濟的實際作用,或許不大。 國行在照顧銀行利益之餘,也要兼顧振興經濟,魚與熊掌,是難以兼得的。 http://biz.sinchew-i.com/node/18550

Good Versus Bad

As a general rule, good debt,good expenses, and good losses all generate additional cash flow for you. For instance, debt taken to acquire a rental property, which has a positive cash flow each month, would be good debt. Likewise, paying for legal and tax advice are good expenses if they save you thousands of dollars in reduced taxes from tax planning. An example of good loss is the loss generated by depreciation from real estate. This good loss is also called phantom loss because it is a paper loss and does not require an actual outlay of cash. The end result is a savings in the amount of tax paid on the income offset by the loss.

Character of Income

Investors control. Everyone else gambles. The rich are rich because they have more control over their money than the poor and middle class. The moment you understand that the game of money is a game of control, you can focus on what is important in life, which is not making more money but gaining more financial control. 1. Earned income 2. Passive income 3. Portfolio income It is important because the characteristic of the income is what separates the rich from the working class. The poor and middle class focus on earned income, also called wages or paycheck income. The rich focus on passive income and portfolio income. That is the fundamental difference between the rich and the working class, which explains why control of the C (characteristic) is a fundamental control, especially if you plan on being rich.

Pride of ownership

A sole proprietorship, a partnership, and an S-Corporation are all part of you. They are, in simple terms, an extension of you. When you do business, you want a clone of you actually doing the business. You do not want to do business or own anything as a private citizen.. If you want to be a rich private citizen, you need to be as poor and penniless as possible on paper. The poor and the middle class, on the other hand, want to own everything in their name. "Pride of ownership," they call it. I call anything with your name on it " a target for predators and lawyers. " The rich do not want to own anything but want to control everything. And they control via corporations and limited partnerships. Proper financial planning for both the family and the business might - through the use of insurance,trusts,limited partnerships, or corporations - have prevented this family from losing its livelihood.

Getting out is more important than getting in

If you want to be a savvy investor you need to know how to exit an investment as well as how to get into the investment. (exit strategy) The odds are 50% of all marriages will end in divorce and the reality is nearly 100% of all marriages think they will beat those odds. Always remember that when you are excitedly buying an asset there is often someone who knows more about the asset who is excitedly selling it to you! When you buy an investment you should also have an idea of when to sell it, especially investments offered to Accredited Investors and above. In the more sophisticated types of investments, your exit is often more important than the entry strategy. When getting into such investments you should know what will happen if the investment goes well and what will happen if the investment goes bad.

The difference between a rich person and a poor person

If a person's financial foundation is weak, his or her self-confidence is also weak. The main reason people do not want to look at their personal financial statements is that they might find out they have financial cancer. The good news is that once they cure the financial disease, the rest of their lives also improves - and sometimes even their physical health too. -------------------------------- The difference between a rich person and a poor person is much more than how much money they make. The difference is found in their financial literacy and the standards of importance they put on that literacy. Simply put, poor people have very low financial literacy standards, regardless of how much money they make. People with low financial literacy standards are often unable to take their ideas and create assets out of them. Instead of creating assets, many people create liabilities with their ideas just because of low financial literacy standards.

You can't do that

When you first set out to turn your ideas into your personal fortune, many people will say,"You can't do that". Always remember that nothing kills your great ideas more than people with small ideas and limited imaginations. 1. They say "you can't do that" even if you are doing what they say you cannot do, no because you can't do it but because they can't do it. 2. They say, "You can't do it" because they cannot see what you are doing. The process of making a lot of money is a mental process more than a physical process. Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. ~ Einstein Great ideas only become great fortunes if the person behind the idea is also willing to be great. You must have a very strong spirit to withstand the doubt of those around you. But your spirit must be even stronger when you are the person saying to yourself "You can't do that". This does not mean that you plough blindly...

Why You Want To Be A Qualified Investor

The problem with new investors If history holds any stories, then we should be in for one of the biggest crashes the world has ever seen. Sir Isaac Newton who lost most of his fortune in the South Sea Bubble is quoted as saying, " I can calculate the motions of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people. " It is not the crash that is so bad but the emotional panic that occurs at the times of such financial disasters/opportunities. The problem with most new investors is that they have not yet been through a real bear market ... since this current bull market started in 1974. It is not possible to predict the market, but it is important that we be prepared for whichever direction it decides to go. Bull markets seem to go on forever, which causes people to become sloppy, foolish, and complacent. Bear markets also seem to go on forever causing people to forget that bear markets are often the best times to become very, very rich. That is why you want to be a qualified investor...

The bull comes up by the stairs and the bear goes out the window

The bull comes up by the stairs and the bear goes out the window. A bull market will rise slowly, but when it crashes, the market is like a bear going out the window. Tehcnical investors are excited about market crashes because they position themselves to make money quickly when average investors are losing their money, money that often increased very slowly. Dow falls 427 as stocks hit 5-year lows http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Investing/Dispatch/market-dispatches-111908.aspx

Solving the 90/10 Riddle

There are investors who buy assets and there are investors who create assets. If you want to solve the 90/10 riddle for yourself, you need to be both types of investors. "I can't afford this land either, but my business can." The business was being created in his head and that ability to create businesses in his head was the reason he would go on to be one of the richese men in Hawaii. Rich dad solved his 90/10 riddle by creating assets that in turn purchased other assets. That plan was not only rich dad's investment plan, it is the investment plan for most of the 10% who make 90% of the money, in the past, in the present, and into the future. Again the formula is to create an asset that buys other assets and that formula is the reason why McDonald's owns the most expensive real estate in the world. It was all part of the plan. "If you want to solve the 90/10 riddle for yourself, you need to be both type of investors. You need to be a person who knows how to ...

The Definition of Rich

Forbes magazine defines rich as $1 million in income and $10 million in net worth. Rich dad had a tougher definition: a consistent $1 million in passive income, which is income that comes in regardless of if you work or not, and $5 million in assets, not net worth. Net worth can be an elusive and much manipulated figure. He also felt that if you could not maintain a 20% return from capital invested, you were not really an investor. The price to reach dad's goal, starting from nothing, is actually measured in rich dad's 3 E's: Education Experience Excessive Cash It starts with a Plan have a plan, be focused, and play to win. the data and the dollars are derived from having a dream, being dedicated, and having the drive to win. Money is just an idea. If you think money is hard to get and you'll never be rich, then it will be true for you. If you think that money is abundant, then that can be true. Bill Gates, Michael Dell, Richard Branson: they did not become billionaires...

Two-Year Warning

I believe we're through the worst of the current bust. I know there will be more aftershocks, and the news will continue to be pessimistic for at least two more years, possibly until the summer of 2010. But the upside to this is that it gives us at least two years to do our market research and find the next big stock or real estate bargain. Before buying, I strongly suggest you study, read books, and take courses on your asset of choice. If your choice is stocks, take a course on stocks or options. If it's real estate, take a course on real estate. Now is the time to learn; not only will you know more than the average person and be in a good position when the market turns, but you'll also meet people with a similar mindset. You have about two years to get into position. Opportunities this big don't come along often, so this is your time to get rich.

Serving more and more people

You can become rich by being generous. The more people I serve, the richer I become. The problem with being on the E and S side of the Quadrant is that you can serve only so many people. If you build large operating system in the B and I quadrants, you can serve as many people as you want. And if you do that, you will become richer beyond your wildest dreams. If I am a doctor and I know how to work with one patient at a time only, there are just two ways for me to make more money. One is to work longer, and the other is to raise my rates. But if I keep my job and work in my spare time to find a drug that cures cancer, then I will become rich by serving many more people.

What is happening ?

If you got noticed, the installment period for cars had been pro-longed or extended to longest 9 years, which is not available during 70s or 80s. 3 years 5 years 7 years 9 years What is happening ? Prices are going up, salary or income of majority is not catching up ! the same goes to housing loan ... .... I am writing this just to create awareness.

Why Nike Is So Successful

First of all, it has to do with the name itself. If you know the meaning behind the name, and you learn about psychology, you have had half of the idea. Nike literally means victory in Greek mythology. It was a goddess who embodied triumph. While Nike started up its business selling sneakers, it reasonably hit the tipping point when the strong and sticky message which has a direct impact on human’s subconscious worn by top athletes and runners. When the gold medalist in Olympic tells the world,” Nike sneakers have brought me to the new level of mastery and achievement, Goddess of Victory of Greek was standing by my side. ” Imagine the impact it would then brought to the end market. *We will cover the topic tipping point sooner than later but if you can’t wait to discover the secret of how a message spreads uncontrollably, read The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell. You can get it at MPH or any other big book shop bestseller section. A book which the content alone worth multi-million do...

Brands Success #1: Nike

To master the mind game, it is vital for you to take in words and think critically, I have just said THINK CRITICALLY so you’re not a “spoon-feedee” ( as in payer and payee. You know what I mean. ) Let’s play a little psychology game here in #1 brand success case study. You’re not playing the game with me right here right now but in your lunch time later on, and you’re going to play with strangers. This is a very simple yet fun game which exposes you to how magnificent Nike is. Yes, you certainly know how magnificent it is, but you don’t have the clearest idea how big it is yet. Besides, this game trains you a little in the sense that it helps strengthen your guts whereby successful entrepreneurs use this trait in them to pull things off quicker than ordinary and conventional business men. Conventional here would mean those who open a shop, and sit there waiting for customers to come. Everyone knows how to do the type of business which investors dump money in and do nothing but wait. ...

What's scary about this recession

Let me tell you why I think we're looking at something other than a normal recession and what that means for investors. Recessions are a normal part of the capitalist business cycle. Recessions wash out excesses in the system by shaking out inefficient companies, thus clearing the way for new competitors, and they work to keep supply and demand in sync over the long term. In the past 50 years, we've had recessions (or recessionlike economic downturns) in 1969-70, 1973-75, 1980-82, 1990-91 and 2001. ( notice the short period of 1-3 years timeframe ) Some of these have been relatively mild: The 2001 recession saw three quarters of negative growth, but the economy contracted by just 0.6%, 1.6% and 0.3% in those quarters. Some have been much more painful: In the second and fourth quarters of 1981 and in the first quarter of 1982, the economy contracted by 2.8%, 4.6% and 6.5%, respectively. Some downturns are extremely brief: The recessions of 1990-91 and 2001 lasted for just three ...