
目前显示的是 十月, 2009的博文

Understanding History

The stock markets, as well as gold an silver prices, are rising because trillions of dollars have nowhere else to go. With bond markets paying near zero percent interest and real estate prices failing, cash needs to find a home somewhere. If a currency stands still, as it does in a bank or retirement account, it loses purchasing power due to inflation, which generally outpaces the small returns those accounts provide. It is financial suicide to be saving money at nearly zero percent interest when the Fed and the Treasury are printing trillions of dollars. The reason for zero percent interest rates is to force people into riskier investments such as the stock market. As the Fed prints money, gold and silver will continue to climb in price as the dollar drops in value. Poor savers. This is what happens when people have no financial education. Understanding history allows you to see and prepare for the future. For millions, the future is very dark, and for others, this transfer of wealth ...


你要把手中關鍵的一票投給其中一位領袖。你的選擇會是: 甲:他與一些不誠實政客來往,搞婚外情、酗酒、抽煙; 乙:他有兩次被解雇記錄,酗酒、曾吸食鴉片; 丙:他是受勳的戰爭英雄、素食主義者,不搞婚外情,不抽煙,偶爾喝一點啤酒。 -------------------------- 結果如下: 領袖甲:二戰時期美國總統羅斯福; 領袖乙:二戰時期英國首相邱吉爾; 領袖丙:德國納粹領袖希特勒。 測驗結論是:勿以既定的價值觀思考事務。 的確,很多時候,我們單憑眼前所見而做出誤判。 事情,從不同角度、不同層面、不同價值觀去看,會得出不一樣的結果。但關乎對錯,往往取決於一個社會規範包含的法律及倫理道德。 在哪裡犯錯,就該在哪裡贖罪。


如果政府将资金用在生产领域及去除经济增长瓶颈(bottleneck)领域,就不会出现通膨压力,因此只要经济增长提高,就可吸收市场上流通的货币。 另外,在税收也会增加下,政府可以利用这些钱偿还负债,这样就无须通过“通货膨胀税”来偿还政府负债。 举例,1998 至 2002 年东亚金融危机爆发时,中国面临通缩压力,促使该国政府连续 5 年推行放松货币和财政扶持政策,不仅让政府负债从占经济成长 3% 提高到 36%,货币供给也大量增加。 不过,直到危机过去,也没有出现通货膨胀压力。这是因为这些资金被用于扩充中国经济的社会基础设施。 因此,只要对症下药,就能让整体经济维持稳定增长。 相关 : 1907 年银行危机 什么时候开始抽水捞鱼却只有几个最大的银行寡头知道,当一个国家建立了私有的中央银行制度以后,银行寡头对放水抽水的控制就更加得心应手,收获也就越加精确。经济发展与衰退,财富积累与蒸发都成为银行家“科学饲养”的必然结果。

Robbery and Guards; Medical Jokes

Kee's World by CW Kee Insanity Streak by Tony Lopes OK Mr Conran, Cardiology is on Level 12, unfortunately the lift is out, so you'll have to take the stairs....

The End of An Empire

The dollar is losing its power as the reserve currency of the world. In other words, the American empire of debt is coming to an end. ------------------------- Financial Times, September 22,2009 "After months of threats, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has decided to replace the dollar with the euro in its oil stabilization fund. He did so under recommendation by the funds directors." Brazil recently agreed to trade with China in yuan, not dollars. This is one more nail in the coffin of the US dollar. ------------------------- Just as a bank will ultimately cut your line of credit, the world is beginning to cut its line of credit to the US. The world understands what President Obama means when he says, "Quantitative easing." Quantitative easing is government jargon for printing money. The words "quantitative easing" may fool unsophisticated people, but people with financial knowledge know what is going on. Smart people know that cash is trash. If the US keep...

Car Stolen Updates

Just a log. Car lost on 7th Oct. Car found on 13th Oct. Attached the newspaper cutting with photo of the car. Just checked out the car condition at IPD PJ 14th Oct. 6 bullets eaten.. by the car... must be a heavy chasing as in the newspaper report. Online version: http://www. chinapress.com.my/content_new. asp?dt=2009-10-14&sec= malaysia&art=1014mb65.txt HT On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Koh How Tze howtze@gmail.com > wrote: Dear friends in KL, Just some updates, my car was stolen at The Mines. http://howtze.blogspot.com/ 2009/10/crime-scene-for- stolen-car-at-heritage.html

Corporate Journey Business Resources

Article 1: Regarding the WHY? Retire Young Retire Rich Article 2: Regarding the WHAT? Passive Residual Income Article 3: Regarding the WHERE? Earning Extra Income Article 4: Regarding the HOW? Multiple Streams of Passive Income

Crime Scene for Stolen Car at The Heritage

They left only a broken left side rear sit triangle windows. The CCTV was blocked by a tree


(哈薩克‧阿斯塔納)大馬旅遊部長拿督黃燕燕週一(10月5日)會見聯合國旅遊組織秘書長達立,提出在大馬推行民宿旅遊計劃的可行性。 黃燕燕週一出席第18屆聯合國旅遊組織峰會後,與達立會面15分鐘,反映了大馬民宿旅遊吸引遊客,在來大馬旅行期間住在鄉村人民的家裡,跟隨有關人民進行日常 生活 ,包括種田、割膠以及進行同樣的飲食起居,深獲遊客喜愛,而有關旅遊收入將可協助有關鄉下人提高收入。 達立對此計劃表現出興趣,但詢問黃燕燕是否有關收入真的直接歸納鄉下人民。 黃燕燕也表達了大馬政府將配合聯合國旅遊組織,在經濟不景時開拓新的旅遊市場。 另一方面,黃燕燕也在峰會中分別和中國旅遊局副局長祝善忠、香港特別行政區政府旅遊事務專員方舜文會面,尋求在旅遊業方面的合作。 星洲日報‧《星洲日報》特派:楊微屏‧2009.10.06

Online Safety Tips

* Create strong passwords and keep them secure, which means you should never share your password with anyone! No one on the BusinessClub Network Team will ever ask you for your password. * Adjust your privacy settings so they match your level of comfort and remember to review them often. * Be cautious about posting and sharing personal information, especially information that could be used to identify you or locate you online, such as your address or telephone number. * Report members and content that violate our Terms of Service to the Network Creator or directly to us (webmaster@businessclub.my). * Block anyone who sends you unwanted or inappropriate communications and report it to the Network Creator or directly to us. * Don’t post anything that would embarrass you later. Think twice about posting a photo or other information you wouldn’t want your parents, potential employers, college or boss to see. * Don’t say you’re older than 18 if you’re not and don’t say you’re younger than 1...

Income gap widens as poor take hit in recession

Census: Income falls for all groups, but those at bottom feel worst effect The recession has hit middle-income and poor families hardest, widening the economic gap between the richest and poorest Americans as rippling job layoffs ravaged household budgets. The wealthiest 10 percent of Americans — those making more than $138,000 each year — earned 11.4 times the roughly $12,000 made by those living near or below the poverty line in 2008, according to newly released census figures. Unemployment hurts normal workers who do not have the golden parachutes the folks at the top have. They said while the richest Americans may be seeing reductions in executive pay, those at the bottom of the income ladder are often unemployed and struggling to get by. Income at the top 5 percent of households — those making $180,000 or more — was 3.58 times the median income, the highest since 2006. The 2008 figures come from the Current Population Survey and the American Community Survey, which gathers informa...

Federal spending

As consumers closed their wallets, Uncle Sam opened his with one of the biggest spending programs in history, roughly $1.5 trillion in less than a year. Some $700 billion went to shore up shaky banks; another $787 billion paid for tax cuts and a surge in spending on new roads, green technology and a host of other projects designed to pump dollars into a shrinking economy. A separate alphabet soup of money transfers from the Federal Reserve added another $1 trillion, much of it to guarantee loans and buy up bad investments from banks that couldn’t sell them, freeing up cash for them to lend. The strategy seems to have worked, and much of the planned direct government spending is still in the pipeline. The hope is all that federal spending gets the gears of the economy turning again with enough momentum that as the federal spending spigot starts to slow down, other sectors of the economy will take up the slack. But that plan comes with potential pitfalls. At some point, the Federal Reser...