Understanding History

The stock markets, as well as gold an silver prices, are rising because trillions of dollars have nowhere else to go. With bond markets paying near zero percent interest and real estate prices failing, cash needs to find a home somewhere.

If a currency stands still, as it does in a bank or retirement account, it loses purchasing power due to inflation, which generally outpaces the small returns those accounts provide.

It is financial suicide to be saving money at nearly zero percent interest when the Fed and the Treasury are printing trillions of dollars. The reason for zero percent interest rates is to force people into riskier investments such as the stock market. As the Fed prints money, gold and silver will continue to climb in price as the dollar drops in value. Poor savers. This is what happens when people have no financial education.

Understanding history allows you to see and prepare for the future. For millions, the future is very dark, and for others, this transfer of wealth is a once in a lifetime blessing.

Take action to ensure you are not trapped in part of the middle class that is sliding into poverty.

To operate by the rules of the rich, not the rules of the governments controlled by the rich.




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!