
目前显示的是 十一月, 2010的博文

Flying McCoy Job Security

Related: The Wildest Dreams There Being Two Markets Mouse Trap

What's Next for Yourself?

Mr.Finance iPod 或 iPad 都不是什么新一代,而是完整策略视野下的旧瓶新酒。 转头看看世界杯足球赛,还会看广告的人,会注意到Adidas花了一大笔钱成为官方指定赞助商。全球市占率36% 的 Nike,被市占率22% 的Adidas抢走这个机会,Nike如何回防? 森林里有两条路,Nike 选择了人迹罕至的一条:世界杯还没开打,五月中,在宅男府女邀游的YouTube,出现了Nike找来球星拍摄的短片《Write The Future》,结果在一个月内,不同的版本,总共吸引了几千万人次游览点阅,变成Adidas 在电视上转播办英雄大宴,Nike在网络上玩起了英雄小宴。连转贴的帖子在内,看到这些影片的随便就有几亿人,多少有人会因为这类无赖行销(ambush marketing),而误以为官方赞助商是Nike。 What's next? 不在我们眼神直视处,可能在旁边,可能在身后。未来,不是一场一万公尺的径赛,一路往前跑,而是一场足球赛,你的对手可能从四面八方冒出来,抢走你的球。 下一步?生涯的下一步,一定在同样的公司,同样的场域,同样的地点吗?我们的视野,将会从传统的一百二十度,拓展到三百六十度,只有这样,我们才能做出最好的决定。What's Next for Yourself? 相关: The Road Not Taken

虚拟大国诞生,第三波淘金潮在 facebook

一个 Facebook 粉丝值多少钱? 答案是:最高可达 136美元, 关键是:你会变现吗? 100 多年前,人们怀着梦想到美国西部挖金矿;10年前,场景由美国转移到人口最多的中国,各国企业争先恐后到中国寻立足之地。 但现在,一个在地图上找不到区块、看不到范围的国度浮现,它是拥有 5 亿人口的 Facebook。 在这里,不但可以最快看到世界每一秒的变化,更有机会赚到过去你所想象不到的丰厚利润... 虚拟大国诞生,第三波淘金潮在 facebook Related: 2 个月十倍增长! The Money Is In The List Concepts Behind Online Campaign

Flying McCoy Sugar Daddy


Go Green. Live Rich.

能够按照自己最认可的价值观生活,这将是我们每天给自己的一份礼物。如果我们居住的房屋,我们工作和出行的方式,以及我们的日常习惯会保护地球 - 我们真正的家 - 而不是破坏它,那将会是多么和谐的一件事。 如果你在上世纪八九十年代错失投资信息技术革命的机遇,那你就错过了20世纪最大的投资机会。但现在,环保是一项新技术,在21世纪投资绿色环保和20世纪投资信息技术革命一样。 If you are not rich today because you missed the last boat leaving the dock, do not worry, another boat to the land of riches and opportunity is getting ready to sail. The question is, will you be on it? 开展一项绿色事业 整个世界正急于找出气候变化、原油减产以及其他环境问题的解决之道,这为企业家们创造了通过保护地球而赚钱的无限商机。事实上,在能源、交通、生产制造、设计、食品、健康以及你所能列举出来的每个领域,都存在对环保问题的解决方法进行创新的需求。 为什么不认真想想呢?无论你在做什么,请暂停一下,想一想,是否可以用更加明智、更好、更环保的方法来做呢? Related: See The Future Through Younger Eyes

True Wealth - Bucky

We are blessed indeed to be in an environment where vast resources is shared to uplift our consciousness and awareness about ourselves, and the world around us... Are there times when you give "WEALTH" lip service...? How much time, energy goes actually goes into wealth production ideas & activities? Do you take yourself out of the game consciously by quitting/choosing not to play or do you sabotage yourself? If you have already amass some wealth, what could it be for you... leaving a legacy for your loved ones and community. How to empower yourself to create structures/habits to keep you on track/on purpose in achieving the level of wealth that you want to create? What you may need to stop doing and start doing? What are you willing to give up that may no longer be supporting you? What are you willing to take on that may be completely outside your comfort zone? "The most expensive piece of real estate is the 6 inches between our right and left ear. It's what y...


童年时快乐的时光,但你知道吗?全球还有 25 万娃娃兵,他们远离父母,每天为了廉价十五卖命卖身。“爱护儿童”已经是人尽皆知的口号,但这种爱护一直前行在一条漫长而曲折的道路上。让未成年的孩子远离枪支,应是世界各国共同的责任,因为放下枪的娃娃们也代表了我们共同的未来。 光华 Related: 手机的廉价人力成本 , 全球帝国之北方和南方

新时代 “三人行” 人生开讲

刚开始赚到钱的时候,会有想休息的念头。可是当你开始对工作培养出兴趣时,则想挑战更上一层楼,超越自我。~彭建伟, Norman Pang 《一亿人生》《二亿组织》 静心者恩怨不能乱其神,有德者是非不能扰其心。 中年以前不要怕,中年以后不要悔。成功者善于放弃,善于从损失中看到价值。 很多事先天注定,那是命。我们可以决定怎么面对,那是运。性格决定命运,态度决定人生。成功人士始终用最积极的思考,最乐观的精神和最丰富的经验来支配和控制自己的人生。 能够创造机会的事天才,晓得把握机会的是庸才,放弃机会的是蠢才。我不是天才,但不想当蠢才。~叶剑锋,Owen Yap 机会在眼前时就会要好好把握。当然,前提是自己已经准备就绪,因为机会是留给有准备的人。 现实生活很可能和我们想的不一样,我们必须自己调整适应环境,而不是抱怨。“别让借口耽误梦想。”别等一把年纪了才来后悔。及早醒悟,追求想要的人生吧!~陈志和 Patrick Tan (你要什么?你在做什么?) “搞清楚你想要的方向”,朝那努力使成功的基本要素。目标是通往梦想的基石,要确定,并可衡量。若不踏出第一步,任何目标都是空想。 http://3masterstar.com

Solve the Problem, or Be Part of It

对抗骨痛热症,不能只是随口说说,我们需要行动。研究显示,超过 70% 的黑斑蚊繁殖区,就在住家范围内。 所以,付出时间和努力去摧毁所有黑斑蚊繁殖区是很重要的。自私的态度只会给你的家人和邻居带来祸害。 Many people want to quickly identify problems in their life and then cut them down. The problem is that, like a weed, they never dig up the root. So, later the same problem comes up. In life and in money, you must understand the root of your problems. ~Rich Dad

Doing Sales

More Flying McCoy in this blog notes: http://howtze.blogspot.com/search/label/Flying%20McCoy

Think Different, Do Things Differently

While most people took photos with landmarks when they are traveling around the world, this guy took video footage, and compiled into a short clip to share with his friends over Youtube. Yet, as we know, when it's on Youtube, it's on the world. And he now been invited for his sponsored 2nd and 3rd world tour ... Think Different, Do Things Differently , and when you hit the Tipping Point, it's all history. Related: Extraordinary Pantene Commercial Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our decisions? 5 Monkeys, A Banana, and The Dampened Dreams


在政治上,馬來亞華人應該和其他打算長住在馬來亞的民族成為一體。可是在文化上,各民族應獨立地保持自己的精神生活。站在華人的立場,我們應該深深認識祖宗的思想,好像老子的無為和自然主義,孔子的道德主義,墨子的兼愛和實用主義,楊朱的宿命論、享樂主義和利己主義以及商鞅和韓非子的現實主義,法理和重武學說。 1953年陳禎祿〈在馬來亞的教育系統裡,中文應該有其價值性的地位〉的演講中高談《易經》的科學精神和思想,強調《禮記》的大同理想。他說:“飽含中華傳統哲理的中國文學遺產,無疑的對創造馬來亞生活、文化及文明將有極大的貢獻,特別是當團結的馬來亞正在締造之中……這個星球充滿著貪婪、野心、仇恨,帶來不歇的戰爭,讓我們重振傳統中華文化,讓他醫治這場病。” 為甚麼華文教授要在馬來亞國民教育制度內佔有適當和相當於其價值的地位?有力原因,就是對於300萬在本邦的馬來亞華人母語的教授乃最首要者,母語乃是獲得智慧真實的媒介,同時也是生下來就獲得的……所以在所有教育上最首要者應為訓練兒童確切地自由地應用其母語才是。

Extraordinary Pantene Commercial

Thai Pantene television commercial. Its simply brilliant. The story of a deaf and mute girl who learns to play the violin against all odds. One of the most touching advertisements Ive seen in a long, long time... Related: 5 Monkeys, A Banana, and The Dampened Dreams Think Different, Do Things Differently Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our decisions?

5 Monkeys, A Banana, and The Dampened Dreams

Many people cannot articulate why are they doing what they are doing now. So many of us just don't take the time to sit back and assess if we are following the right formula, or simply following the only formula that we know in life ... school -> job -> die (and enjoy whatever is available in between)... Related: Think Different, Do Things Differently The experiment involved 5 monkeys, a cage, a banana, a ladder and, crucially, a water hose. The 5 monkeys would be locked in a cage, after which a banana was hung from the ceiling with, fortunately for the monkeys (or so it seemed…), a ladder placed right underneath it. Of course, immediately, one of the monkeys would race towards the ladder, intending to climb it and grab the banana. However, as soon as he would start to climb, the sadist (euphemistically called “scientist”) would spray the monkey with ice-cold water. In addition, however, he would also spray the other four monkeys… When a second monkey was about to climb the l...


儿童--浪子也有回头时 歹子会出头天 世间无人靠运气 提出咱信心 情路虽然袂顺利 总嘛会有春天 不通批评落土时 扪心问自己 女- 浮浮沉沉 男- 人情冷暖 合- 人生袂到入土时 一切靠自己 男- 人情冷暖 谁人知 女- 人生路苦茫了解 合 -情字难写 女 运命难定 男- 坎坷人生路 犹原爱走 男- 不管感情路有多苦 女- 不管人生路有多薄 合- 人生的路途 女- 不惊错误 男- 坚定意志大步向前冲(合- 大步走 向前冲) 合- 浪子也有回头时 歹子会出头天 世间无人靠运气 提出咱信心 情路虽然袂顺利 总嘛会有春天 不通批评落土时 扪心问自己 女- 浮浮沉沉 男- 人情冷暖 合- 人生袂到入土时 一切靠自己 --歌词由 南安移动公司 阿勇 友情提供QQ:345081269-- 男- 人情冷暖 谁人知 女- 人生路苦茫了解 合- 情字难写 女- 运命难定 男- 坎坷人生路 犹原爱走 男- 坚定意志大步向前冲(合- 大步走 向前冲) 合- 浪子也有回头时 歹子会出头天 世间无人靠运气 提出咱信心 情路虽然袂顺利 总嘛会有春天 不通批评落土时 扪心问自 女- 浮浮沉沉 男- 人情冷暖 合- 人生袂到入土时 一切靠自己 合- 浪子也有回头时 歹子会出头天 世间无人靠运气 提出咱信心 情路虽然袂顺利 总嘛会有春天 不通批评落土时 扪心问自 女- 浮浮沉沉 男- 人情冷暖 合- 人生袂到入土时 一切靠自己

Booming Markets

Why is the market rising even as gold and silver skyrocket? One reason: quantitative easing, a.k.a. printing money. The Fed is now on it’s third round of quantitative easing, printing up an estimated $30 billion to buy toxic debt. The reason the stock market is going up is because investors know saving money is foolish. Why save money if the Fed is printing it into oblivion? The reason gold is also going up is because people know that the Fed is printing. People are moving from dollars into whatever they can. Again, savers are losers. These booms will go on until we go bust one more time, and then there’ll be even more losers. When the gold, silver, and stock market peak and crash, it’s the savers and cowards who will once again be the biggest losers. Please don’t be one of them.

The Money War

Presently, nations are devaluing their money. Why are they doing this? The answer is that if they don’t devalue their currency, their exports will grow too expensive and unemployment will rise. But devaluing a currency means people suffer because a weak currency causes inflation, which makes life more expensive. So, the choice is do you want a job or do you want inflation? What a great choice. a real-life example of how the war of money is good for a few people—but only if you understand the war of money. The Wall Street Journal October 4, 2010 headline reads: “Central Banks Open Spigot”. This means the central banks of the world are printing money at high speed. The talks are over. Again, this means life is becoming more expensive for people. Savings are being devalued. ----------------------- The leaders of the world are calling for a currency pact to stop this money war. But I believe a currency pact will never happen. Currency pacts have been tried before. In 1985, there was the Pl...