
目前显示的是 六月, 2012的博文

A Good Reason and A Real Reason

没有人可以許你一個未來。 未來原本就是變動、不可預期的。你硬要懷抱這種夢想,活該被騙。 When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income. ~ Chi Chi Rodriguez It seems like governments around the world are taking retirement age further. Could it be due to the largest legalized ponzi scheme that may be facing problem in their payout? Or simply to help the retirees so that "they do not spend all their lifelong hard earned money" too fast and needed more help in their late years? Think deeper and you find the truth . The age for full withdrawal from the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) by contributors will be raised to 60 years and partial withdrawal to 55. Source : http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2012/7/17/nation/11676473&sec=nation 延长退休年龄 加强国家竞争力 财经话语 杨晋朋 年届55岁的大多数雇员都还很健康,绝对能够将他们的技术和经验贡献给社会, 而且不少到了这个年纪的雇员,他们的孩子还在念书,房屋贷款还没有付清,要面对不断增加的生活开销。 不是全部人都给予支持,特别是年轻人,认为自己的升级机会被剥夺或受到限制,而且在寻找工作方面也会面对问题。雇主方面也有相同的看法。 无可否认, 这已经是无法扭转的世界趋势,因为亚洲其他国家的私人界退休年龄已经是60岁。 TOKYO (Reuters) -...

Target Setting

這個渴望像個種子似的在心裏發了芽,我告訴自己想要什麼,立一個目標、給一個期限,然後我的念頭和生活都會隨著這個目標改變,我逐步的接近那個目標,在接近的道路上所受的苦和忍耐都有了意義,我更明白自己的能力哪裏不足,然後會慢慢修正目標,直到我達到目標為止。 這個過程讓我的人生活得充實而有意義。 全文網址: 人兼道/目標呼喚 心底渴望 | 商業企管 | 財經產業 | 聯合新聞網 http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN11/7140415.shtml#ixzz1zGDZV2Gj

Property Related Links

Andaman The one doing guarantee 25 years rental return in one of their product (ARC Cyberjaya) http://www.andaman.com.my/ F3 Capital At the time of writing, most of the projects on sale are just in early stage. Piling, earth works etc. Brochures all in artist impression view. http://f3capital.com.my/ 是在卖图画吗? GS Realty A licensed real estate agent company registered with the Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents of Malaysia, and based in the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. http://www.gsrealty.my/web/ Smart Investor Club ~ 精明投资者联盟 - 知识不是力量,运用知识才是力量 精明投资者联盟是由一群专注於房地产投资的狂热份子所组成的团队。在这里会员们无私的分享所学到的,经历过的,让后来者轻松起步。同时,会员们也结合联盟的力量,不间断的寻找好的房地产,共同投资,共同致富,共同享受人生。 http://smartinvestorclub.blogspot.com/ Bulk purchasing SunSuria's Suria Jelutong? http://www.mbiv2u.com/ http://www.mbirealty.com.my/ Property WTF Online Real Estate Forum Property, What-When-Where To Find..? Malaysia's first and leading Property-Deals forum (???). It is the brainchild of a fe...

When It's Too Good To Be True

 If it's too good to be true , it probably is. :)


两则与房产相关的新闻: 中国驻马大使柴璽披露,中国数所国家重点大学有意在马来西亚设立海外分校,包括厦门大学与暨南大学已探討在大马设分校的可行性。 柴璽在访问中也谈及,越来越多中国人有意参与「马来西亚——我的第二家园计划」。 他认为,中国房地產商前来大马投资,对大马人有利,也將吸引更多参与「第二家园计划」的中国人来马置產。 据旅游部早前公佈的「第二家园计划」数据显示,从2002年至2011年期间,中国以2857人申请,名列榜首。 "招商注资巴生 打造国际商贸城"说明了一个地方经济属性的重要规划。 全文报导请参阅东方日报: 中国重点大学擬来马设分校 http://www.orientaldaily.com.my/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=13160:&Itemid=113 招商注资巴生 打造国际商贸城

Uniqlo 的柳井正Tadashi Yanai - 敢用9次失败换取1次大胜利

他永远只给自己70分,他敢用9次失败换取1次大胜利 2008年的金融海啸使得全球许多富豪资产大缩水,日本也因此出现新一任的首富--柳井正。他永远只给自己70分,他敢用9次失败换取1次大胜利,他是史上首位靠卖平价服装登上日本首富的人,更是被日本515位企业社长票选为“最佳社长” 柳井正的企业理念一直也就围绕在「改变」两个字——改变服装,改变常识,改变世界。不断改变意味着不断尝试,不断尝试也就难免会遭遇失败,对照当今这个令人挫折的大环境,柳井正的一胜九败哲学,颇可放在心中。 柳井正Tadashi Yanai 一胜九败创造新潮流 Related Info: http://uniqlooks.uniqlo.com/malaysia.html

Civil Society

At the start of the new Millennium, the World Bank sees the involvement of civil society (CS) as central to achieving country ownership of development assistance. Today, local and national CSOs collaborate on a broad range of the Bank's economic and sector activities in their countries and provide inputs to poverty assessments, national environmental action plans, and other key analytical tools. They also participate increasingly actively in national-level policy debates on issues such as gender, the environment, economic development, and public expenditures. In the Bank's safeguard policies for the environment, indigenous peoples, and resettled communities, there are now provisions for community participation in Bank operations. Significantly, as civil society participation in project development has increased, satisfactory outcomes for those projects have gone up. http://go.worldbank.org/EPVZ1WZB01 從威權體制與公民社會的互動關係來看,只要腐敗的威權體制維持其精英式、保密式、排公共參與式、自上而下的命令式作風,倡導型NGO就只會...

Just Do It

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do. ~ Andrew Carnegie 我買過最貴的東西,是夢想。 ================================== 我想告訴你們, 我一路看到的風景,有多凶險。 有多壯闊。 我將一切刻在我的眼睛底。 我只是回來告訴你們這件事罷了。 我還有更想去的地方。 休息片刻,我還是會再啟航行, 以華而不實,矯情至極的夢想之名。 ================================== 白痴都知道,實現夢想的人一直佔極少數。 我同意,大多數人將平凡踏實地過一生。 但我也認為,夢想絕對不是幻境。 不須要人教,不須要被強壓著頭, 百分之九十九的人依循著求生本能,就曉得要小心翼翼, 循規蹈矩地在社會集體定下的學歷與成就遊戲規則下過一輩子。 這根本不須要教,那我教個屁。而且我也非常討厭說教。 許多暢銷作家整天都在鼓勵讀者勇於做自己、談熱血、說逐夢, 這些賣相極好的成功勵志書囉嗦了幾十年了,也確實暢銷了幾十年, 我想大家都聽膩了,喊口號誰不會。 我也是,我不只聽膩,我也說膩了,所以我都直接做。 直接做,直接幹給所有人看,應該夠了吧。--九把刀 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010530675

Some Thoughts On Education System

For years, I've dedicated my life to mastering the global economic chess match, where the moves of yesterday and today will land us tomorrow. And trust me, it's no easy task. Quoted from Luke Burgess, " It entails knowing how the policies in America trickle into the stability or instability of other nations..how the dollar works..why USD currently the world's reserve currency..and what will happen when its value plummets to zero. " After all, it is a complex world, with politics, education, finances, religion etc, all linked up and hooked up into our daily life. But where does it all begins? The education system... while education is the highest leverage of all, it could also be used as one of the best tools for ruling elite's world domination game. If you need to know what's wrong with conventional education system , you need to know what is in between education and freedom . While education should be free , the way it is presented and orchestra...