A Good Reason and A Real Reason
没有人可以許你一個未來。 未來原本就是變動、不可預期的。你硬要懷抱這種夢想,活該被騙。 When a man retires, his wife gets twice the husband but only half the income. ~ Chi Chi Rodriguez It seems like governments around the world are taking retirement age further. Could it be due to the largest legalized ponzi scheme that may be facing problem in their payout? Or simply to help the retirees so that "they do not spend all their lifelong hard earned money" too fast and needed more help in their late years? Think deeper and you find the truth . The age for full withdrawal from the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) by contributors will be raised to 60 years and partial withdrawal to 55. Source : http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2012/7/17/nation/11676473&sec=nation 延长退休年龄 加强国家竞争力 财经话语 杨晋朋 年届55岁的大多数雇员都还很健康,绝对能够将他们的技术和经验贡献给社会, 而且不少到了这个年纪的雇员,他们的孩子还在念书,房屋贷款还没有付清,要面对不断增加的生活开销。 不是全部人都给予支持,特别是年轻人,认为自己的升级机会被剥夺或受到限制,而且在寻找工作方面也会面对问题。雇主方面也有相同的看法。 无可否认, 这已经是无法扭转的世界趋势,因为亚洲其他国家的私人界退休年龄已经是60岁。 TOKYO (Reuters) -...