
目前显示的是 二月, 2008的博文


马来西亚,通往世界的桥头堡。 Linguistic advantages : Chinese, English, Bahasa, Indian, Arabic http://www.matrade.gov.my


在他不斷的辛苦建造下,終於完成了一間可以遮風蔽雨的房子。 有一天,他挑了砍好的木柴到城裡交貨, 當他黃昏回家時,卻發現他的房子失火了! 左鄰右舍都前來幫忙救火,但是因為傍晚的風勢過於強大, 所以還是沒有辦法將火撲滅, 一群人只能在一旁眼睜睜地看著熾烈的火焰吞噬了整棟木屋。 當大火終於被撲滅時,只見這位樵夫手裏拿了一根棍子, 跑進倒塌的屋裏不斷地翻找著。 圍觀的鄰人以為他正在翻找著藏在屋裏的珍貴寶物, 所以也都好奇的在一旁注視著他的舉動。 過了半晌,樵夫終於興奮的叫著:「我找到了!我找到了!」 鄰人紛紛向前一探究竟, 才發現樵夫手裏捧著的是一片斧刀,根本不是什麼值錢的寶物。 當時只見樵夫興奮的將木棍嵌進斧刀裏, 充滿自信的說: 「只要有這柄斧頭,我就可以再建造一個更堅固耐用的家。」 成功的人不是從未曾被擊倒過的人, 而是在被擊倒後,還能夠積極地往成功之路不斷邁進者。 ◎ 不管景不景氣,只看爭不爭氣。有危機就有轉機,有轉機才有商機。

Will What You Are Doing Today, Take You Where You Want to Go?

Will What You Are Doing Today, Take You Where You Want to Go? Thinking determines self-leadership. If you are earning RM1k/month in this industry and would like to earn RM10k/month, thinking need to be changed. To increase earning from RM 10k/month to RM 50k/month, thinking need to be perspective and positive. This means the more income we would like to earn, the more perspective and positive thinking is needed to manage even bigger challenges. In our society, less than 5% people achieve earlier financial freedom before 55. By understanding this, we need to prepare mentally and physically to manage big challenges. Potential only can be unleashed when we focus. Every single step leads to great achievement and you can do it! Life is like "Bu Dao Weng"(Doll that can't fall down). When I was small, I observed that when the doll feel down, it stood up again very fast. Life is like that as well, many times of rejection, objection, challenges..... But again, when we wake up agai...


人的一生应该这样度过, 当他回首往事的时候, 不因虚度年华而悔恨 也不因碌碌无为而羞愧 这样,在临死的时候他就能够说 我的整个生命全部精力都献给了世界上最壮丽的事业 为人类的解放而斗争 大国崛起 第九集 风云新途 (Russia)


面对逆境,你会拱手认输吗? 你是失去冷静、转攻为守、勃然大怒、大发脾气呢? 还是像天鹅一样,即使双脚在水下迅速划水,依然保持优雅,神情平静地游过水面?

Looking Forward to Next Achievement Level

I always remind myself that life is short and I am always looking forward to next achievement level. “Where is our career growth heading to? Whether such career directive can achieve our goal?” are important questions that determine our next career growth destination. If we can analyze this and act our goal on daily basis, this will drive us in great career focus and achieve our goal in planned time period. Learning the path of career growth is the key in achieving our goal. One team, one decision, one mission, one goal. ~ Soon Leong


如果你拥有了自由,那你的每一天会如何度过? 没有日益逼近的最后期限、不用向老板报告、没有财务压力。 你今天会做什么呢? "There is a secret psychology to money. Most people don't know about it, why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem , it's merely a symptom of what's going on inside you." - T. Harv Eker Most of us were never taught how to win the money game and if we were, most likely we were taught by people who weren't very good at it. The first critical element in winning the money game is knowing exactly how to do what rich people do to get and keep wealth .


“树林里分叉两条路,我选择了人迹稀少的那一条,使得一切多么地不同。” ~ Robert Frost, 美国诗人 THE ROAD NOT TAKEN Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. 只要你优秀出众,肯定会被认为是不合群,但当你取得成就时,众人也一定会说:我早就知道他肯定会有出息,当年人家就和我们不一样......:D

Lemon Water 柠檬水

我们希望命运给我们的是黄金和钻石,但是命运恰恰给了我们一个柠檬。怎么办呢? “如果有个柠檬的话,就想一想如何做柠檬水” 大多数人都缺乏把眼前的不利因素巧妙地转化为有利因素的能力,恰恰主要是因为把大部分时间都耗费在无聊的痛苦上了。 他们舍不得花点脑力,想个办法来观察柠檬,所以他们从来都不曾做出一杯柠檬水,就更用不着谈什么成功这样伟大的事业了。 现有的物质资源很重要,可更重要的是精神资源。 没有物质资源并不可怕,但若没有精神资源,一个人基本上就完了,因为他自己选择了放弃,谁又能逼着他成功呢? ~ from the book "What are you doing ?" Reality is what you think is real to you. ~ from Money & You notes

名胜世界 Resorts World

本区域去年总博彩营业额估计达 168 亿美元 (约 544 亿令吉),仅有亚太区 30% 人口的美国,年营业额超越 470 亿美元 (约 1522 亿令吉),亚洲极具成长潜能。 云顶国际正忙碌于英国及新加坡发展,名胜世界或成为云顶下一个海外拓展臂膀。

Property - Location, Location, Location !

Location - Waterfront (Beach/Lake with scenic views) Location - Facilities (schools,medical centers, leisure / resort living) Location - Accessibilities (public transport, commuters/LRT etc) (Uncle Vic, Mines Beach & Spa Resort Tour)

You are in Business Because...

- can't get along with BOSS - Been fired - Can't get a job - Got a windfall - I am a good technician / artisan (cook/gardener etc) - Turned my hobby into a business- One circumstance or another forced the issue NOT BECAUSE YOU HAD AN IDEA or A VISION ??!


1。创办一家企业 2。对企业实行再投资 3。投资房地产 4。购买舒适的生活 创办自己的企业,不断进行再投资,促使企业持续发展,接着投资房地产,然后,让这些企业和房地产投资为自己带来舒适的生活。 (公司并不一定是一个真实的实体,公司可以只是一些符合法律要求的文件,在政府注册后就被放在了律师的办公室里。公司并不意味着要有刻着公司名称的大楼、厂房和雇员,它可以只是一个没有灵魂的法律实体,但富人的财富在这里得到保护。) 上述计划非常简单,可是,为什么很多人不按照该计划行事呢?在多数情况下,答案仍然在情商上面。 很多人没有耐心、约束力和意愿去延缓自己的满足感,没有执行上述计划。 很多人一边赚钱,一边花钱。因此,它们身上存在的不是智商或财商的问题,而是情商的问题。 最好的资产是企业,其次是房地产,第三是有价证卷。 将有价证卷放在末位,原因是有价证卷最容易购买,但在拥有的时候风险最大( 以一卖烧饼的故事来描述股市 , How The Stock Market Works )。 如果你不相信我这种说法,不妨去找一下身边的银行家,看看他们是否愿意为你购买的有价证卷提供 30 年的抵押贷款。 (富爸爸商学院)


有一个故事,来看看能不能解答你的疑问。 假设一个市场,有两个人在卖烧饼,有且只有两个人,姑且称他们为烧饼甲、烧饼乙。 假设他们的烧饼价格没有物价局监管。 假设他们每个烧饼卖一元钱就可以保本(包括他们的劳动力价值) 假设他们的烧饼数量一样多。 ——经济模型都这样,假设需要很多。 再假设他们生意很不好,一个买烧饼的人都没有。 这样他们很无聊地站了半天。   甲说好无聊。     乙说好无聊。   看故事的你们说:好无聊。   这个时候的市场叫做很不活跃!   为了让大家不无聊,甲对乙说:要不我们玩个游戏? 乙赞成。于是,故事开始了。。。。。。    甲花一元钱买乙一个烧饼,乙也花一元钱买甲一个烧饼,现金交付。     甲再花两元钱买乙一个烧饼,乙也花两元钱买甲一个烧饼,现金交付。     甲再花三元钱买乙一个烧饼,乙也花三元钱买甲一个烧饼,现金交付。     。。。。。。     于是在整个市场的人看来(包括看故事的你)烧饼的价格飞涨,不一会儿就涨到了每个烧饼60元。 但只要甲和乙手上的烧饼数一样,那么谁都没有赚钱,谁也没有亏钱,但是他们重估以后的资产“增值”了! 甲乙拥有高出过去很多倍的“财富”,他们身价提高了很多,“市值”增加了很多。     这个时候有路人丙,一个小时前路过的时候知道烧饼是一元一个,现在发现是60元一个,他很惊讶。     一个小时以后,路人丙发现烧饼已经是100元一个,他更惊讶了。     又一个小时以后,路人丙发现烧饼已经是120元一个了,他毫不犹豫地买了一个,因为他是个投资兼投机家,他确信烧饼价格还会涨,价格上还有上升空间,并且有人给出了超过200元的“目标价”(在股票市场,他叫股民,给出目标价的人叫研究员)。     在烧饼甲、烧饼乙“赚钱”的示范效应下,甚至路人丙赚钱的示范效应下,接下来的买烧饼的路人越来越多,参与买卖的人也越来越多,烧饼价格节节攀升,所有的人都非常高兴,因为很奇怪:所有人都没有亏钱。。。。。。     这个时候,你可以想见,甲和乙谁手上的烧饼少,即谁的资产少,谁就真正的赚钱了。 参与购买的人,谁手上没烧饼了,谁就真正赚钱了! 而且卖了的人都很后悔——因为烧饼价格还在飞快地涨。。。。。。     那谁亏了钱呢?     答案是:谁也没有亏钱,因为很多出高价购买烧饼的人手上持有大家公认的优质等值资产——烧饼! 而烧饼显然比现...


好好的维持你的健康和平静的心灵,否则的话,拥有在多的钱也没有什么意思。 There is more to being rich than having a lot of money. 数字本身意义不大,正如文字本身意义不大一样,重要的是数字或文字所要表述的东西。 金钱本身意义不大,重要的是它可以为你所带来的东西,为社会所带来的良好的发展。

Climbing the Corporate Ladder

顺着公司的梯子,一步步往上爬。 他笑了,“为什么不当梯子的主人?”。这就是他全部的话。 这一期大彩积宝 (Jackpot) 奖金 1 千 600 万 (16 million) 哩! 我笑了,“为什么不当分发奖金的人?”。 时代一直在进步,你不需要银行的执照,也一样可以从事类似银行的业务,你未必需要赌博的执照,也一样可以从事类似博彩的业务。 知识就是力量。 钱越多,需要的知识也就越多,没有知识,世界会牵着你走。

Golf Balls Sign Board Jokes

Any persons (except players) caught collectig golf balls on this course will be prosecuted and have their balls removed............

When we have goal

Quote of the month: "When we have goal, we have direction; when we have direction, we have strategies to achieve." from NSAM Group, Soon Leong Look around, and you'll may be shocked that many people don't really have a goal. 很多人都只是在向前混,而不是在向前进。

How Stocks and the Stock Market Work

Let's say that you want to start a business, and you decide to open a restaurant. You go out and buy a building, buy all the kitchen equipment, tables and chairs that you need, buy your supplies and hire your cooks, servers, etc. You advertise and open your doors. Let's say that: You spend $500,000 buying the building and the equipment. In the first year, you spend $250,000 on supplies, food and the payroll for your employees. At the end of your first year, you add up all of the money you have received from customers and find that your total income is $300,000. Since you have made $300,000 and paid out the $250,000 for expenses, your net profit is: $300,000 (income) - $250,000 (expense) = $50,000 (profit) At the end of the second year, you bring in $325,000 and your expenses remain the same, for a net profit of $75,000. At this point, you decide that you want to sell the business. What is it worth? One way to look at it is to say that the business is "worth" $500,000....

Microsoft makes unsolicited bid for Yahoo

Another war for Microsoft to maintain it's empire in the software industry. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22947626/ Microsoft makes unsolicited bid for Yahoo Software giant offers $44.6 billion in effort to challenge Google Google may try Ubuntu/Linux ? And Rename the new OS to GOSH (Google Operating System Haha !)

Something About Pig

别跟猪打架,到时候你弄得一身泥,而它们却乐得很呢 ! ~ from the book "What are you doing ?" Don't teach a pig to sing, you are troubling yourself and irritating the pig !~ from Money & You notes

Looking for one night stand

Most likely you click into here is because of the topic..... but you may be disappointed coz it may not exactly what you think. Just want to bring your attention to something we studied lately: There was this person putting the same title "Looking for one night stand" in Friendster, with a VERY sexy boob showing profile pic, the content : "If you wanna be my one night stand, sms me a MYR 30 prepaid top up pin, so that I can call you up..." Imagine one day you get 10 stupid "ma lat lou" wanting to try their luck....... There are some lessons in this for sure. One of it would be: NO FREE LUNCH. Even there is a piece of gold fallen from the sky, the chances it hits your head will be "1 / total population of the world" Just to acknowledge the community. ;) Gong Xi Fa Cai, for sure.

Own a News Website without even an editor or a reporter ?

Had you ever think of that ? Own a News website, without even hiring an editor or a reporter ? AND be able to "Search and browse 4,500 news sources updated continuously." ?? Google got one http://news.google.com/ As long as you want to think, nothing is impossible.