
目前显示的是 四月, 2008的博文

Get the Most from Every Day

It was Thoreau who wrote, " If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. " I couldn't have said it better. Get your vision, get focused, and then do the work -- starting today! When I was starting out in Manhattan real estate, I had to be courageous because I was in new territory. I did my homework and studied and watched what was going on, but I was paving my own way here and I had to appear confident , or I knew I'd never make it. Every day mattered, and every day was important. This was the big time, and I knew it. I've never lost that edge. I still feel that way every day, and I think that's one reason I've managed to achieve as much as I have. Confidence can get you where you want to go. It's so much easier to achieve when you feel good about yourself, your abilities, and your talents. That's why I'm emphasizing confidence as a way to get the most from e...

Rolling the dice once more

what will soon be one of Singapore's key attractions — Resorts World at Sentosa, the integrated resort being developed by Genting International (GIL) featuring six hotels, a Universal Studios Singapore Theme Park, a Broadway Theatre and, of course, a casino. the integrated resort — one of two being simultaneously developed in Singapore — is scheduled to open in early 2010. By 2015, it is expected to provide some 30,000 jobs and generate as much as S$2.7 billion (about RM6.3 billion) or about 0.8% of Singapore's annual GDP. GIL ups the ante Last week, GIL announced that it had injected a further S$400 million into its Resorts World at Sentosa unit, raising its equity to S$1.5 billion. With rising construction costs in Singapore, GIL's original budget of S$5.2 billion for the entire project has already swelled to $6 billion. Assuming that GIL plans to fund one-third of the project with equity and the rest with debt, it will probably have to inject S$500 million more into Reso...

The Shape of America’s Recession

the US is experiencing its worst housing recession since the Great Depression, and the slump is not over. Construction of new homes has fallen about 50%, while new home sales are down more than 60%, creating a supply glut that is driving prices down sharply – 10% so far and probably another 10% this year and in 2009. Already, $2.2 trillion of wealth has been wiped out, and about eight million households have negative equity: their homes’ are worth less than their mortgages. By 2010, the fall in home prices will be close to 30% with $6.6 trillion of home equity destroyed and 21 million households – 40% of the 51 million with a mortgage – facing negative equity. If owners walk away from their homes, credit losses could be $1 trillion or more, wiping out most of the US financial system’s capital and leading to a systemic banking crisis. unsecured consumer credit (credit cards, auto loans, student loans) While a global recession will be averted, a severe growth slowdown will not. Many Eur...

Stop Reading About Getting Rich, and Start Doing It !

Reading about how other people attained massive wealth is one thing. Actually learning how to get rich is something else. We believe the best way to achieve your goals is to place yourself in an area where you will have to constantly improve and master your skills. Books can give you ideas, but only the experience of continuous action can serve to teach you. Don't wait for situations to arrive on their own, create them for yourself. Putting yourself in a situation where you are forced to learn will greatly accelerate your growth.

Don't Complicate Simple Problems in Life !

If, 1=5 2=25 3=125 4=625 5=??? Think, before scrolling down : : : : : : : : : : : Answer is 1 ! Remember the First Line ? 1=5 Moral: Don't Complicate Simple Problems in Life! "If calculus were required, I'd have to go back to delivering papers. I've never seen any need for algebra." ~ Warren Buffet I believe he is saying, in other words, that getting rich is common sense, requiring only simple math. How can so many educated people be persuaded to invest in a company that uses fuzzy math instead of logical math? A quote from Mr Buffett that seems appropriate: "Wall Street is the only place that people ride to in a Rolls Royce to get advice from those who take the subway." 赚大钱很容易,难在你在很糟/很惨的情况下必须深信它是真的。 因信得救。

What if You Lost It All?

Years ago, when a reporter asked Henry Ford what he would do if he lost his billion dollar fortune, he replied, "I'd have it back in less than five years." One of important aspect of finding your own formula, your own provess, is that when you reach your goal, it will be the process of gaining knowledge that will make you rich. "Money does not make you rich. Knowledge makes you rich." And knowledge is derived from a process. Identifying a problem creates the opportunity for creating a solution.Not all businesses were hurting because of the oil crisis. 行情再好,也有亏钱的公司。行情再坏,也有赚钱的公司。 Just as understanding can replace hatred, education can replace fear. Problem solving is made much easier if you think of problems as challenges. You might as well view them that way, since problems are a part of life. Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. Problems can be complex and, at times, seemingly endless but w...

To See A Different World

Once I could see a different world, I could no longer buy into the idea of life being risky, the need for job security and a company or the government taking care of me. The moment I saw a different future, I no longer saw life as risky, but as exciting instead, and that has made a world of difference in my life. Once a person has the education and the experience and understands leverage, control, creativity, expandability and predictability, life will look different - at least it did for me. ~ Robert THE ROAD NOT TAKEN http://howtze.blogspot.com/2008/02/road-not-taken.html howtze.com


Larry.Ellison在耶鲁大学2000届毕业典礼上的演讲 (顺带提一句:Larry.Ellison是Oracle的CEO。) "耶鲁的毕业生们,我很抱歉---如果你们不喜欢这样的开场。我想请你们为我做一件事请你---好好看一看周围,看一看站在你左边的同学,看一看站在你右边的同学。请你设想这样的情况:从现在起5年之后,10年之后,或30年之后,今天站在你左边的这个人会是一个失败者;右边的这个人,同样,也是个失败者。 而你,站在中间的家伙,你以为会怎样?一样是失败者。失败的经历。失败的优等生。 说实话,今天我站在这里,并没有看到一千个毕业生的灿烂未来。 我没有看到一千个行业的一千名卓越领导者,我只看到了一千个失败者。 你们感到沮丧,这是可以理解的。为什么,我,埃里森,一个退学生,竟然在美国最具声望的学府里这样厚颜地散布异端? 我来告诉你原因。因为,我,埃里森,这个行星上第二富有的人,是个退学生,而你不是。 因为比尔·盖茨,这个行星上最富有的人---就目前而言---是个退学生,而你不是。 因为艾伦,这个行星上第三富有的人,也退了学,而你没有。 再来一点证据吧,因为戴尔,这个行星上第九富有的人---他的排位还在不断上升,也是个退学生。而你,不是。……你们非常沮丧,这是可以理解的。 你们将来需要这些有用的工作习惯。你将来需要这种"治疗"。你需要它们,因为你没辍学,所以你永远不会成为世界上最富有的人。 哦,当然,你可以,也许,以你的方式进步到第10位,第11位,就像Steve。 但,我没有告诉你他在为谁工作,是吧? 根据记载,他是研究生时辍的学,开化得稍晚了些。 现在,我猜想你们中间很多人,也许是绝大多数人,正在琢,"我能做什么?我究竟有没有前途?" 当然没有。太晚了,你们已经吸收了太多东西,以为自己懂得太多。你们再也不是19岁了。你们有了"内置"的帽子,哦,我指的可不是你们脑袋上的学位帽。 嗯……你们已经非常沮丧啦。这是可以理解的。 所以,现在可能是讨论实质的时候啦---绝不是为了你们,2000年毕业生。 你们已经被报销,不予考虑了。 我想,你们就偷偷摸摸去干那年薪20万的可怜工作吧,在那里,工资单是由你两年前辍学的同班同学签字开出来的。 事实上,我是寄希望于眼下还没有毕业的同学。 我要对他们说,离开...

Entitlement Mentality

The best way to solve the problem of bad financial results is to change our thoughts - to start thinking like rich people rather than poor and middle-class people. That means losing the entitlement mentality - whether you are a military officer, government worker, school teacher, employee or just poor. If we do not stop expecting the government to take care of us, we will continue to have the same results - a bankcrupt nation filled with well-educated but financially needy people. Albert Einstein defined insanity as " doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results ". Instead of walking away with a solid financial education, most kids leave school (some already) deeply in debt - prepared only to work hard, save money, get out of debt, invest for the long term and diversify. Warren Buffet says the following about diversification: "Diversification is protection against ignorance. (It) makes very little sense if you know what you are doing." ...

Two-class societies: the rich and the poor

Many world economies are becoming two-class societies: the rich and the poor... classes or masses. There are no guarantees, but being ready sure beats being taken by surprise. ~ Donald J.Trump Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. ~ Mark Twain The importance of staying on your guard to be aware of the differences between those who give - the teachers - and those who sell. When it comes to money, many people want to be told exactly what to do. They often ask specific questions, such as "I have $25,000. What should I do with it ?" When you tell people that you don't know what to do with your money, they are happy to tell you what to do... and their recommendation is that you give your money to them. Some people do not want to give people fish or teach others to fish... instead they sell people fish. They are in the business of selling.. not necessarily teaching or giving. When you put the two words, sell and...


古希腊格言讲得好:“要种树,最好的时间是10年前,其次是现在。” 同样,要成功, 最好的时间是三年前,其次是现在。 再没有别的可能了,剩下的只能是失败。 今天的生活由 3 年前我们的选择所决定,今天的选择,将决定了 3 年后的生活。 你现在是不是赢家并不重要,重要的是,3 年后,你能成为赢家! 每天2 小时,一年得到 3 个多月的自由时间 http://howtze.blogspot.com/2007/12/blog-post_4983.html


钱只有在流通中才会产生价值;失去了流通,不仅不能增值,反而还失去了其存在的价值。 你了解货币的价值,知道通货膨胀是什么吗? 银行存款何错之有呢? 其错在于投资报酬率太低了,不适宜作为长期投资工具。 假设一个人每年存 1.4 万元,而他将这些钱全部存入银行,享受平均 5% 的利率,40 年后他可以累积 1.4 万元 X (1+5%) X 40 = 169 万元。 与投资报酬率为 20% 的项目如股票、房地产等相比,40 年后他可以累积 1.4 万元 X (1+20%) X 40 = 1。0281 亿元。两者收益相差 70 倍之多! 所以,银行不是你靠存款生财的地方,把钱存进银行是一种浪费。 通货膨胀的意思是 :物品和生产要素的价格普遍上升,货币被贬值了。它有利于债务人和获取利润的人,而不利于债权人和领取固定收入的人。 随着社会的发展,通货膨胀是不可能消除的,政府只能想办法把它控制在一定的范围内。 在通货膨胀为 5% 的年份里,名义利率为 5% 的定期存款,实质报酬率等于 0 。 你要想的是银行为什么愿意替你保存钱,而且还愿意付你利息? 它是傻瓜、慈善机构吗? 它给你的利息从哪里来?弄清楚这一点后,你就知道你跟银行之间的交易是赔了还是赚了。 银行从穷人那里广泛吸纳赚钱的种子 银行本质上是一个中介机构。它靠什么来赚钱?靠把钱贷出去收取利息来赚钱。 那么银行的钱又从哪里来呢? 当然不可能是从天上掉下来,而是从无数的穷人那里吸纳过来的。 一个穷人可能只存 1000 块,但抵不过存款人数目多呀! 1000 个穷人就是 100 万块, 1 万个穷人就是 1000 万块! 穷人何止 1 万个?千千万万有的是。 于是银行不愁没有钱贷出去。 当然,它贷出去收的利息会比付给穷人的利息(作为使用穷人“钱种”的代价)高一些,这中间的差价就落到了自己的腰包里。 穷人干嘛要把自己的钱往银行里送? 因为穷人图保险,有点钱存在银行心里更踏实,攒够了可以买个“大件”(比如一套房子、子女的留学费用等等)或者提防意外的大灾祸(失业、大病等)。因此,即使银行利率再低,低到只要不是负数,穷人还是乐意把钱往银行里送。 银行吸纳“钱种”,就可以把它贷出去,坐吃利息。 富人借到“钱种”,栽种自己的摇钱树

Perak’s wealth creation

In this wealth creation process, not a square foot of land is created, but it makes a big difference in transferring latent state land to a large number of “squatters”. This is the model advocated by Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto who has advised many governments. His line of reasoning was that the poor who “squat” on state land in Third World countries had houses to live in or farms to work on, but did not own them – land titles would enable them to sell the property or use them as collateral for bank loans. Such a programme would unlock the values of squatters' land, which to de Soto's estimate, total more than US$9 trillion worldwide. This creation of capital for “squatters” is of crucial consequence in a capitalist system. It would also narrow the disparity in income and assets between poor “squatters” and those in the towns and suburbs, an important endeavour in any economic policy. De Soto's model is applicable, of course, only where state land, and not privately...

A Slave to Your Job?

A Slave to Your Job? Wake Up and Smell The Coffee! There is No Such Thing as Job Security! What if there is a business or an opportunity that Runs 24/7 with customer from around the world Doesn’t need to hire employee Doesn’t need to build a warehouse Doesn’t cost you thousands or even hundreds of dollar Can be done from home, part time Can be done ANYWHERE, ANYTIME you like Can be automated, make money while you are sleeping! Do you think this will give you Financial Freedom, Time Freedom & Geographical Freedom? Email List / Database – The Power to Make Money On-Demand ! Automated Sales Letters ClickBank, payment processor Secretaffiliateweapon.com/pr.htm (yellow highlight) Pickupgolf.com/list.htm (animated arrow) Ezinearticles.com Vombacash.com Prweb.com Ewen Chia

5 Steps System for a website

Step 1: Market Research 2:Create Website 3:Promote Website & Drive Traffic 4:Focus On Sales Efforts 5:Automation & Tracking image from worldinternetacademy 1. freewordtrackertool.com Find what people want and give it to them ! 4. i.Powerful headlines(eg: An insane Get Yourself A Million in 2 Days! / How a New Discovery Makes a Plain Girl Beautiful) ii.Proof (Before&After, Screenshots) iii.Scarcity & Time Urgency Vii.Audio Testimonials,Case Studies & Endorsements Predictable, Repeatable Fabian Lim


有个商人到海边的一个渔村去渡假, 见到了一个渔夫。 渔夫咬着烟斗在补鱼网。商人闲得无聊,就过去问那个渔夫:你每个星期能够打多少鱼?卖多少钱?” 渔夫说:“我一个星期就打两次鱼, 大概刚刚够日常的开销。”商人说:“那你余下的日子都干些什么?” 渔夫看了看院子里玩耍的两个孙子说:“陪孙子玩耍, 和老朋友们喝酒, 打牌, 讲笑话,游泳,钓鱼。” 商人听了直摇头, “你有钓鱼的功夫为什么不去打鱼?” 渔夫抬头看着他, 说:“打那么多鱼干什么?” 商人于是滔滔不绝的说了起来:“假设你一个星期打五天鱼, 周末去集市卖鱼, 所赚的钱扣除成本,日常开销, 大概一个月能够翻新你的渔船以及船上装备。 连续干五个月, 你就可以买艘大船, 并且雇用几个伙计。 一年之后, 如果你干得好, 应该可以在城里设立一个鱼店, 专门卖鱼, 鱼店的生意如果红火,两年之后你可以把店盘出去, 在城里另谋发展, 比如, 买家鱼产品加工公司。 把你那些老伙计的鱼批发来做成成品销售。 你的鱼产品公司可以发展壮大, 成立联锁商号。 你来做大老板。 公司可以逐渐发展成为控股公司。 你可以把公司的股票上市,等到你想退休的时候, 就把公司整个盘出, 变成固定债券,那个时候, 你就可以回你的渔村安享晚年了.”说到这里, 商人眉飞色舞, 唾沫星子乱飞。 渔夫默不作声, 商人猜想也许渔夫给他说动了心。 他耐心等了一会, 渔夫慢吞吞的问到:“那我回到渔村该干些什么呢?” 商人说:“那还不简单, 你可以陪你的孙子玩玩, 和过去的老朋友喝酒打牌, 如果你还有兴致,你还可以去钓鱼,游泳。” 渔夫说:“那就和我现在一样,何必一个星期天天打鱼呢?”说完,就又去补鱼网了。 商人想追上去说一声“那不一样。”可是, 他自己也不知道不一样在什么地方。追了几步, 又停了下来, 若有所思。 故事到这里就完了。 渔夫觉得现在的自得其乐和商人所描绘的功成身退并无大区别, 所以, 对商人所描绘得津津有味的事业不屑一顾。 但是, 商人并不以为然, 虽然他说不出理由在什么地方。 如果抬高到人生观这个层面上来看一看, 就非常值得玩味了。 人拼搏了一生,从终点又回到起点, 也许有人会因此怀疑拼搏本身的意义所在。 大概商人也对此迷惑不解, 所以, 虽然他觉得不一样, 却不明白这不一样究竟在何处,更无从评论哪一种生活更加有意义。 其实,商人所理想的是拼搏一番以后的功成...

Money Comes When You Know How To Market

4 Ways to Make Money Online - Content Publishing (Adsense,Amazon) - Promoting Other People's Product (Affiliate Marketing) - Resale Rights to Other People's Product - Product CreationMethod to sell (clickbank,paydotcom,cj)Payment Processor (Paypal, 2CheckOut) $ Comes When You Know How To Market