Two-class societies: the rich and the poor

Many world economies are becoming two-class societies: the rich and the poor... classes or masses.

There are no guarantees, but being ready sure beats being taken by surprise. ~ Donald J.Trump

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. ~ Mark Twain

The importance of staying on your guard to be aware of the differences between those who give - the teachers - and those who sell.

When it comes to money, many people want to be told exactly what to do.

They often ask specific questions, such as "I have $25,000. What should I do with it ?"

When you tell people that you don't know what to do with your money, they are happy to tell you what to do... and their recommendation is that you give your money to them.

Some people do not want to give people fish or teach others to fish... instead they sell people fish.
They are in the business of selling.. not necessarily teaching or giving. When you put the two words, sell and fish, together, you get the word selfish.




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