Mechanics and Financial Advisors

If your car is broken, you take it to a trained mechanic to fix. The moment you pick up the car, you know whether or not the mechanic was good.The problem with these so-called professional financial advisors / long term investment package is that you will not know if they gave you good advice or bad advice until years later.

What happens if you begin taking a financial advisor's advice at 25 and at age 65 you find out your financial advisor was giving you bad advice?

You can't take your ruined financial life back to the financial advisor like you can take your broken car back to the mechanic.

I trust auto mechanics and used car salesmen more than I do most financial advisors simply because I can see the results of their work faster. The reason most people end up poor or middle-class is because they spend more time selecting a used car than they spend time looking for good financial advice.




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!