Price-gouging the natural way

What Supermarkets Don't Want you to know

Price-gouging the natural way
The favoured game at the moment has to be price-gouging the natural way, riding the bandwagon of organic food.

Organic food is catching on for a variety of reasons, including the fact that in the wake of repeated food health scares, many people think organic food is better for them, or at least won't kill them.

The supermarkets have come to the rescue with a plentiful supply of organic products that happen to be marked up far above their additional costs to the supermarket.

You will never find the organic bananas next to the conventional bananas, or the organic garlic next to the conventional garlic. The price-comparison would be too sobering.
We should not be surprised that supermarkets are taking the opportunity afforded by the organic food movement to zap customers with well-aimed price increases.

My recommendation, if you are convinced of the merits of organic food, is not to let food retailers exploit your enthusiasm: vote with your wallet by supporting any retailer - or direct supplier - who brings the price of organic and non-organic food closer together.




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