
目前显示的是 十一月, 2009的博文

The Millennium Wave

The Millennium Wave By: John Mauldin 1. Within ten years, most of the world will be able to access cheap (I mean really cheap) high-speed wireless broadband at connection rates that dwarf what we now have. That is going to unleash a wave of creativity and new business that will be staggering, and energy to change the world in ways we can hardly imagine. 2. Because of the internet, the advances of one person soon become known and built upon in a giant dance of collaboration. It is because of this giant dance, this unplanned group effort, that we will all figure out how to make advances in so many ways. (Of course, that is hugely disruptive to businesses that don’t adapt.) 3. Within a few years, it will be hard to keep up with the number of human trials of gene therapy and stem cell research. 4. A whole new industry is getting ready to be born. And with it new jobs and investment opportunities. 5. Energy problems? Are we running out of oil? My bet is that in less than 20 years we won’t c...

Money & You Rules

Why are rules so important? Because in the absence of rules, people make up their own. Here are the rules we play by: 1. Be willing to support our purposes, games, rules and goals. 2. Speak supportively. 3. Acknowledge whatever is being communicated as true for the speaker at that moment. 4. Complete your agreements: a) Make only agreements that you are willing and intend to keep. b) Communicate any potential broken agreement at the first appropriate time. c) Clear up any broken agreement at the first appropriate opportunity. 5. If a problem arises, first look to the system for corrections and then communicate your solution to the person who can do something about it. 6. Be effective and efficient (Optimize every event … more with less). 7. Have the willingness to win and to allow others to win (win/win). 8. Focus on what works. 9. When in doubt, check your intuition. 10. Be responsible – no lay blame or justification. 11. Hold the person “innocent” until proven “guilty”. 12. If an ups...

美元的结局:有控制的归零 (美元崩溃决不意味着美国崩溃)

------------------------------------------------------------ Unfortunately, it is always the little guy that is the last to know, which may be why he is the little guy in the first place. It's OK to be a little guy, but please do not be the last to know. 如何才能看清真相,以何种态度理解当今世界运作的真实状态,这是现实社会中每一个具有独立思考能力的成员都必须要严肃面对,认真思考的重大问题。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 美元崩溃决不意味着美国崩溃,相反,在赖掉所有美元债务后,美国反而得以轻装上阵。 在拥有强大的军事力量、科技创新能力和丰富的资源基础上,美国通过“破产保护”,彻底摆脱债务纠缠,更改世界货币游戏规则。 最终,美国将拿出它压箱底的 8100 吨黄金储备和 3400 吨 IMF 黄金,此时,美国为了“拯救货币信用”,不得不将“新货币”与黄金挂钩,以取信于天下。 当然,世界上缺少黄金储备的国家将是最大输家。 届时,美元失去的不过是一条“债务的锁链”,而得到的将是一个金光灿烂的全新世界。 我们会重蹈 1923 年德国超级通货膨胀的覆辙吗?如果会,那么极少数人开始大规模做空美元就是一个危险的信号弹。 美元的结局:有控制的归零 (Scanned from Currency Wars 2, 宋鸿宾 - 货币战争 2 金权天下): Page 1: http://corporatejourney2u.com/businessresources/viewimage.php?imagesrc=ending-USD-1.jpg&pagetitle=ending-the-US-Dollar Page 2: http://corporatejourney2u.com/businessresources/viewimage.php?imagesrc=ending-USD-2.jpg&pagetitle=ending-th...


任何一个社会都是由人组成的,对社会的研究应该以人为中心,特别是在一个社会中发挥着重大影响力的关键性少数人群。 任何人类社会的结构都是一个典型的金字塔型,关键性的少数人群由于自身的聪明与勤奋,某些情况下也通过暴力与欺诈手段,在社会结构中遂渐向上攀升。 当他们具备足够的财力和影响力时,又会反过来通过改变游戏规则从而巩固和扩大其既得利益,并形成利益互锁的统治精英阶层。 点击此处观看大型原图 Click here for full size image 西方的统治金字塔是以非常隐蔽的债权为链条,将社会各阶层牢牢地维系在一起。在西方社会中,债权人拥有者支配性权利,债务人处于被支配的地位, 而国家机器的主要功能就在于保护和强化这一链条的可靠性 。 在西方,谁是最大的债权人,谁就是游戏规则的最终制定者。 Related: Bretton Woods Agreement and The US Debt US deficit for 2009

US deficit for 2009

On top of that, the $176 billion deficit for October puts the total reported US deficit for 2009 at a record $1.4 trillion, and te US may reach its legal credit limit of $12.1 trillion in December. The US government is at its credit limit. Before the US can borrow more money, the US congress must approve an increase. What does this mean to you? Sometimes it is difficult to understand what this all means because experts use strange jargon, words such as "quantitative easing" which means the government is "printing money". It is also difficult for honest people to understand how bankers can print money and collect interest on counterfeit money. This printing of counterfeit money robs us all, including foreign central banks, because the dollars and bonds we are holding are dropping in value. The US government is using inflation to steal from its own citizens by devaluing their labor and savings. In other words, the more counterfeit dollars the US prints, the more dolla...

Corporate Journey Business Resources (101-110)

110. Starting A Recruiting Business 109. Business Attire for Women 108. Fargo-Moorhead Business 107. Business Plan Outline 106. How to Write A Business Proposal 105. How to Write A Strong Executive Summary for A Business Plan 104. Business Continuity Plan 103. Small Business Financing Orange County 102. Business SWOT Analysis 101. Small Business Merchant Accounts

Bretton Woods Agreement and The US Debt

In 1944, the Bretton Woods Agreement caused most world governments to duplicate the US Federal Reserve System. If a country did not duplicate the Fed, the country would not be allowed to join the World Bank or the World Trade Organization. This is why today's financial crisis is a global financial crisis. Today, this is changing. The central banks of the world do not trust the US. They do not like the fact that in 2009 the US has essentially printed trillions of counterfeit dollars. Technically, every dollar we print, robs foreign countries currencies of value, just as printing dollars robs the value of your savings in your bank. Simply said, the more money the US prints, the less valuable all money becomes. Every dollar printed makes your money worth less and less. If central banks around the world start dumping dollars and buying gold, who knows how high gold will go? A depression with hyperinflation will be the destruction of the middle class. The rich will become richer and man...

The Global Banking System As A Vampire

A vampire does not want to kill you. A vampire only wants your blood. The same is true for the global banking system. They don't want to kill you or your debt, they just want to keep sipping interest off the top, and keep you just crippled enough that you can't get better but not so crippled that you die. When you receive your credit card statement, it always says,"minimum payment due." This minimum payment does not decrease your principle. All it does is take money from your pocket, partially pay your interest, and increase your balance. The reason the bank does not need you to reduce your balance is because the money they lent you was created out of thin air . The bank then collects interest on that money. Big bank or small bank, this is the world system of debt and credit in existence today. In simpler terms, when a bank sends you a credit card, there is no money for that card. But the moment you use your card to buy something for let's say $100, that $100 magi...

Malaysian Culture - Teh Tarik Session

Good Old Time...

Business Straight to the Point


Why insurance is important?

YOU are the Golden Goose!

Money is a Handicap

Most people assume that one needs money in order to invest. Money can be a handicap because it limits your thinking. When money is involved, people focus on how much money something is worth. Without money in the equation, the entire focus moves to value. When we focus on value we can create exchanges where all parties come away feeling like they got more than they gave. The convenience of using money can also stop you from thinking creatively. Training your mind to solve problems without money is a skill that is truly priceless. Creating Wealth from Nothing One Red PaperClip : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE8b02EdZvw&feature=player_embedded

富爸爸 白金版

I wonder how Kiyosaki feel or think when he see this:

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (updates)

100. Business Casual Attire 99. Business to Business Schema 98. Business Phone Etiquette 97. Nonverbal Communication in Business 96. Benefits of Intranets to Business 95. Business Ethics Necessary Benefit 94. Michigan Small Business Web Design 93. Business Slogans 92. Proper Business Letter Format 91. Retail Stores Going Out of Business Dallas Area

One Thing You Don't Need To Be An Entrepreneur: A College Degree

It's a large percentage founders who did not graduate from college. Some reasons: - founders grew up in other parts of the world where college attendance is less common. - founders didn't have the patience to sit through four years of education they didn't feel was relevant to them. - founders were too busy starting companies to finish college. Entrepreneurs don't need degrees like lawyers and doctors do. They are credentialed by virtue of their track record. The first startup is hard but if they make that one work, they end up with something much better than a college degree. They have a notch in their belt. They've got a track record of success. Even if the first one is a failure, I'd say that they've got something more than a degree. They've shown they can start something from nothing, build a team, a product, and maybe even a business. We've been spending a lot of time lately thinking about, talking about, learning about, and looking at the whole...

We are living through an entrepreneurial revolution, on a global scale

When you work for others, you are at their mercy. They own your work; they own you. Your creative spirit is squashed. What keeps you in such positions is a fear of having to sink or swim on your own. Instead you should have a greater fear of what will happen to you if you remain dependent on others for power. Your goal in every maneuver in life must be ownership, working the corner for yourself. When it is yours, it is yours to lose -- you are more motivated, more creative, more alive. The ultimate power in life is to be completely self-reliant, completely yourself. You came into this life with the only real possessions that ever matter -- your body, the time that you have to live, your energy, the thoughts and ideas unique to you, and your autonomy. But over the years you tend to give all of this away. You spend years working for others -- they own you during that period. You get needlessly caught up in people's games and battles, wasting energy and time that you will never get ba...

401(k) for Dummies

Your brain is your greatest asset. Protect it. It is up to you to decide what goes in it. Your brain does not belong to President Obama, the school system, Wall Street, the banks, financial planners, real estate agents, your boss, or even people like me. It is up to you to decide what is best for you, your family, and your future. ~ Robert Kiyosaki Rather than teach students about money and investments, the schools to this day bring in the very agents of the rich, the financial planners and bankers, the very people that profit from financial ignorance , to teach our children about money. In 1974, the 401(k) system (a kind of retirement planning, in many other names in other countries) began, forcing many people who did not trust the stock market to depend on it for their retirement . " This is a great time to get rich. " But don't listen to insurance salespeople masquerading as financial planners, selling you the wonders of the 401(k). The 401(k) was designed for people ...

10 Tips to Overcoming your Personal Financial Crisis

1. Know that this is about YOU. It’s not about the economy. There are many people making money when others are not. 2. Determine what you are good at and what will bring you money now. Not later – now! Don’t worry about the tasks. Some of us had to roll up our sleeves and do jobs we had paid others to do for many years. 3. Focus on income generating activities. Let go of all those things that waste your time and don’t bring in the cash flow that you need. 4. Tighten up your belt. No new clothes, cars, or any other doodas that are not going to create money for you. You now spend money only on those things that will make you more money. 5. When you’re done with your personal financial crisis, keep your agreements and pay everyone back. If you cannot do that for years, create new agreements as necessary. 6. Do a good transformational program that will “kick-start” you in making new decisions and creating new references for yourself. 7. Surround yourself with loving and supportive people –...

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (81-90)

10 new business articles: 90. Is Sears Going Out of Business 89. Is CompUSA Going Out of Business? 88. Crocs Going Out of Business? 87. International Business Machines Confidential 86. Business Ethics Cases 85. Business Cycle Graphs 84. Women Starting A Business Grant 83. Cape Cod Business Law 82. Grants for Starting A Business 81. Business Relocation West Fargo

Being Ethical and Sustainable

By pointing to the costs that short-termism entails, Hertz answers. She offers the auto industry as an example: In the late '60s, she says, when the Clean Air Act was being deliberated in the United States, American carmakers spent millions lobbying against it, while Honda decided to develop more energy-efficient cars. "Honda's cost was on innovation and thinking about how the future might be, and making a product that might fit the future better," says Hertz. "The other companies were spending their money on stopping the future from happening. In that case, Honda won." Likewise in Holland, where, Hertz says, after the financial crash, "there was a huge flight of money from all the normal banks" into Triodos and Rabobank, both known for being ethical and sustainable. Those who resist, she says, will be left behind. http://www.fastcompany.com/magazine/140/cassandras-revenge.html?page=0,4 Business Ethics Cases | Unethical Business Practices

How an Economist's Cry for Ethical Capitalism was Heard

How an Economist's Cry for Ethical Capitalism was Heard BY: DANIELLE SACKS markets need to serve the interests of people as much as they serve companies or shareholders. urging a more ethical form of capitalism. If the surge of corporate power was going to leave governments relatively impotent, then those corporations themselves needed to fill the void. both economics and business need to be put back into the human social context. globalization isn't just allowing companies to trade freely all over the world. It's about what types of rights and responsibilities come with that I have problems with this very extreme form of capitalism where the pendulum has swung so far in one direction, where the focus is completely on the short term, and no one is thinking about the consequences.~Noreena Hertz there would be dire consequences if unregulated markets were rewarded for success but not penalized for failure. Companies should be financially motivated to behave in ways that benef...

Making Friends in Social Media


7 Powerful Principles Entrepreneurs Live By

7 Powerful Principles Entrepreneurs Live By by DC Cordova The Universe Will Not Deny You Anything. Only You Can Do That. -G.S. This is one of the most powerful principles I have learned and we teach. R. Buckminster Fuller referred to God as the Native Americans did – Great Spirit or G.S. For some of you this is easy – everything you have in your life right now – every relationship, money in the bank, your cars, pets, where you live, your attitude, your free time, your fulfillment – is completely what you’ve chosen! The Universe is abundant and there is only ONE PERSON who can deny you ANYTHING! YOU! Get this one and you’ll create freedom. Thinking Is the Hardest Thing You Can Do. That’s Why So Few People Engage In It. -Henry Ford Think about this one… When have you stopped yourself because it got “hard” to find the solution? Realize that you will be compensated in direct proportion to the size of the solution you solve. Integrity Is The Essence Of Everything (Successful). -R. Buckminst...


財經評論 2009-11-05 10:29 天下沒有相同的市場,如果可以發掘出一個市場的特質,好好經營,一家公司的發展將無可限量。 譬如說,日本的老人市場、印度的窮人市場,都讓不少公司撈得盤滿缽滿。 日本人口老化問題嚴重,最新官方數顯示,老人比例至今佔日本總人口近四分一,超過65歲的人口達2898萬人,按年增加了80萬。 如果大家都以為年輕人是消費主流,忽略樂齡人士市場,等於放棄一塊發展潛能龐大的市場,日本企業礙於老人比例增加而紛紛開發出五花八門的產品和服務,代表作是老人手機。 日本的老人手機功能完善,強化了手機鍵盤大、聲音大、字體大、圖示大等基本功能,不僅在當地掀起風潮,甚至這些手機也開始登陸台灣、香港,甚至大馬等老年人口增加的市場。 印度的窮人市場火熱,最近《華爾街日報》更以“印度企業的新市場”發表專題,指“印度企業一直依賴發達國家的二手技術,現在它們為服務窮人這一待開發市場而正成為創新尖兵”。 除了震驚世界的2200美元Nano汽車,印度企業也為窮人研發出200美元的便攜式銀行:把提款機濃縮到智能手機和指紋掃瞄儀中,讓印度存戶在任何一個角落,以指紋掃瞄儀證明身份,並通過手機進行交易。 日本老人、印度窮人的生意,一開始並沒有人當真,因為覺得利潤不高,大家只是試試看開發這些市場,可是現在現在這些物品和服務越來越受企業關注,他們也願意撥出更多的研發款項,在正面循環下,這些效應會逐步擴至其他市場。 大馬也是非常特別的市場,我們可以從中發掘哪些商機嗎?

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site

50. Achieving Financial Freedom 49. Health Wealth and Happiness 48. Earn Extra Income | Generate Extra Income 47. Earn Extra Income | Earn Extra Income At Home 46. Business Startup Capital 45. Seed Capital Funding 44. Angel Investor Capital 43. Franchisor Franchisee 42. Master Franchising 41. Owning A Franchise 40. Beauty Salon Franchise 39. International Franchising 38. Egalitarian Societies 37. Robert Kiyosaki Book 36. Retirement Asset Allocation 35. Tactical Asset Allocation 34. Dynamic Asset Allocation 33. Online Investing for Beginners 32. Adsense Cash 31. Netpreneur 30. Investments for beginners (Part 2 of 2) 29. Investments for Beginners 28. Risk Appetite 27. Cashflow Business 26. Creating Wealth from Nothing 25. Passive Business Income 24. Voodoo Economics 23. Residual Income Opportunity 22. Earn Residual Income 21. Build Residual Income 20. Self Made Millionaire 19. Purposeful Life 18. Becoming A Millionaire 17. Optimize Landing Page 16. Adsense Income 15. Promotional Effectiv...


有一位秀才第三次进京赶考,住在一个经常住的店里。考试前两天他做了三个梦,第 一个梦是梦到自己在墙上种白菜;第二个梦是下雨天,他戴了斗笠还打伞;第三个梦 是梦到跟自己心爱的姑娘背靠背的躺在一起。 这三个梦似乎有些深意,秀才第二天就赶紧去找算命先生解梦。算命先生一听,连拍大腿说:"你还是回家吧,你想想,高墙上种菜不是白费劲吗?戴斗笠打雨伞不是多此一举吗?与心爱的人背靠背睡在一起,不是没戏吗?" 秀才听了,心灰意冷,回店收拾包袱准备回家。 店老板非常奇怪,问:"不是明天才考试吗,今天你怎么就走了?" 秀才如此这般说了一番,老板乐了,"哟,我也会解梦的。我倒觉得,你这次一定 要留下来。你想想,墙上种菜,就是'高种'呀,戴斗笠打伞说明你这次是有备无患 啊,跟心爱的人背靠背躺在一起,就是说你翻身的时候到了。" 秀才听了,觉得很有道理,于是精神振奋,留了下来,参加考试居然中了个探花。 不知道大家注意到没有,其实我们身边乌鸦挺多的,他们总会以他们的消极心态 和消极行为影响你。 你的未来其实某种程度上取决于你接触的人,积极的人,他们像太阳,照到哪里哪里亮,和他们接触,你的内心会满是阳光和希望。而消极的人,就像阴云笼罩你心头,令人压抑,令人沮丧,并且挥之不去。

Business Corporate Journey Resources

Done with 30 articles which are business related: 80. Free Business Proposal Letter Sample 79. Dialysis Business Proposal 78. Restaurant Business Plan Software 77. Sample Letter of Cancellation of Business Contract 76. Unethical Business Practices 75. A Definition for Business Ethics 74. Sample Letter of Business Closure 73. How To Start A Petting Zoo Business 72. Checklist For Starting A New Business 71. Motivational Business Quotes 70. Think and Grow Rich eBook 69. Think And Grow Rich Secret 68. Anthony Robbins Quotes 67. Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams 66. How Much Money Do I Need To Retire? 65. Retail Branding 64. Branding Strategies 63. Branding Identity 62. Branding Yourself 61. Brand Naming 60. Generate Sales Leads 59. Network Marketing Prospecting 58. Prospecting Methods 57. Prospecting Plan 56. Prospecting Ideas 55. Wallace Wattles The Science of Getting Rich 54. Forex Mentoring 53. Learn To Trade The Forex 52. Forex Made Simple 51. Prepare For Retirement