One Thing You Don't Need To Be An Entrepreneur: A College Degree

It's a large percentage founders who did not graduate from college.

Some reasons:
- founders grew up in other parts of the world where college attendance is less common.
- founders didn't have the patience to sit through four years of education they didn't feel was relevant to them. - founders were too busy starting companies to finish college.

Entrepreneurs don't need degrees like lawyers and doctors do.

They are credentialed by virtue of their track record.

The first startup is hard but if they make that one work, they end up with something much better than a college degree. They have a notch in their belt. They've got a track record of success.

Even if the first one is a failure, I'd say that they've got something more than a degree. They've shown they can start something from nothing, build a team, a product, and maybe even a business.

We've been spending a lot of time lately thinking about, talking about, learning about, and looking at the whole education sector.

Education is critically important. But you don't have to go to school to be educated and if being an entrepreneur is your goal in life, that's even more true.




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