
目前显示的是 二月, 2011的博文

一物生,一物死。有人赢,就注定要有人输。建赌场娱乐城,输的是那些期望不劳而获、希望以小博大的赌徒,或是小赌怡情,付费娱乐的人们;不建或关闭赌场娱乐城,输的是因为经济低迷不振而生计受冲击的小老百姓。阴中有阳,阳中有阴;物竞天择,各取所需。 ------------------------------- 星加坡模式 ------------------------------- 作为东南亚一个小岛国,星加坡领导有着特别敏感的神经线,恐怕哪一天恐怖主义分子袭击这个国家。 策略上,必须吸引非富则贵的高素质人群定居或长居星加坡,这样,如果真的发生了什么事,这些精英分子可以发挥他们的影响力,让他们散布海外的亲朋戚友帮助这个地方。 政策上,要把经济搞好,让高档产业与高价值经济发挥作用,赌场娱乐城,是一个不错的选择。 当然,因为房地产市场被炒热炒高,必须牺牲一部分市民迁往比较郊外的地方。有得有舍。 就现在看来,这个模式还算是成功的。 ------------------------------- 长赢 ------------------------------- 要长赢,只有做庄。 大家好,我是合法商人,贩卖希望。交易方式是你给我 3 元,我给你一张印有 7 个“幸运号码”的彩卷。只要被抽中,你就有机会赢取上百万甚至千万元!输,只输 3 元,赢,却赢上百万甚至千万元!够力吗?我很有创意的行销部同事称它们为“一发不可收拾”、“下一个可能就是你!”... 另一各测万字游戏的,超简单来揭破,就是我收取了 10000 个人的 3 元钱,共 30000 元,把 5 千元,3千元,2千元各分给一个“幸运儿”,5000 元做广告费与公司费用,剩下 15000,就是毛利! ------------------------------- 金钱分配游戏 ------------------------------- 试想一想,每一次花 2 元钱买一注彩票,一周买 6 种,花掉 12 元钱,一个月就是 48 元钱; 一年下来,就有 576 元钱进了卖彩票的人的口袋,而全国上下,有多少个彩票投注点。 就这样,无数个 576 元钱进了富人的口袋。 而他们所要做的,只是拿出一部分小钱做做广告,吸引更多送钱的人; 拿出一部分甜头给购买彩票的很少很少...

The lies Bush wanted to believe

Posted in: Opinions Written By: Eric S. Margolis* I take little pleasure in being vindicated. I’d have much preferred the US had never invaded Iraq, an unnecessary war that killed hundreds of thousands, ravaged Iraq, and cost US taxpayers close to $1 trillion — to date. Ironically, it was Saddam Hussein, not Bush or Cheney, who were telling the truth. The US media played a major role promoting the Iraq war. It trumpeted White House war propaganda, headlined false stories, and kept the American public in a state of constant fear and confusion. Thanks to collusion between the Bush White House and the media, over 80 per cent of Americans wrongly believed Iraq was behind the 9/11 attacks. ... Americans, as with most people, like to be told only what they already believe. The US corporate media often acts as a megaphone for government or special interests rather than performing its key role in a democracy — keeping government honest. That has become the job of WikiLeaks. *Eri...


西方精英分子的思维模式,同样一个点,要可以激起很多相应的效益,好比一颗石头投入一面平静的湖水,激起一层层的涟漪。 商业上来说,就拿变形金刚 Transformer 来举例,拍一套电影,除了戏票,还要制成 DVD、制作特辑、电影原声带、电玩、卡通、周边产品、漫画、故事书、贴纸、玩具等等.... 政治上,玩着统一世界的游戏就 ... 项庄舞剑,旨在沛公?西方精英策划,一石多鸟。西亚、东非等的茉莉花革命,传送一个非常明确的讯息:当三餐温饱成问题,通货膨胀造成生活压迫时,走上街头换政府是可行的! ... http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/193977?tid=40 Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have. - Former President of CBS News, Richard Salant At the end of the day it is not about them, it is about us — we the people. Much has been written about what is to be, but the dark of night brings within it the salvation of sunshine. Ardent actions and new understandings do create fresh possibilities, and hope — for our world, our children … ourselves. ~ Kris Millegan, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group ... http://howtze.blogspot.com/2011/02/true-story-of-bilderberg-group.html

5.8% The Carrot That Keep The Horse Walking

5.8% - The carrot that keep the horse walking. A Provoking Thought. WARNING:Information below challenges the status quo of "go to school, get a job, invest for the long run into diversified portfolio of paper assets, retire at golden age - which they say is 55+" idea, as it looks at retirement from a different angle - RETIRE YOUNG RETIRE RICH! "Go to School, Get A Job, Retire at 55" VS "Retire Young Retire Rich", what will you choose? 1. Just numbers You are not getting in NOW. It is just a number. You get a paper printed with numbers. If you are 35 today, means you only get the money 20 years later, when you retire at 55 - IF you are healthy enough to live till then. 2. Inflation If you have 100,000 in the retirement account last year, and you cash out TODAY, you need to pay 120,000 for what you can get with 100,000 last year, when inflation for NECESSITIES is at 20%. Which means, even with CAPITAL GUARANTEE (btw, do they?), your retirement mone...


It is not the responsibility of the Federal Reserve – nor would it be appropriate – to protect lenders and investors from the consequences of their financial decisions. ~ Ben Bernanke, March 2007 Funny Cartoon Animation: What is Quantitative Easing (print more money) and why Ben Bernanke referred to as the Bernank ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTUY16CkS-k When senior figures in banking refer to their pay as "compensation", you wonder exactly what they are being compensated for. Perhaps it's the stress of having to suppress knowledge of the other issue kept under the carpet:how the economy, dancing to the tune of finance capital,is gambling, badly,with the stuff of life ... 70 months and counting ... Reckless practices in the banking and oil industries are tying us together in what Ban Ki-moon calls a 'global suicide pact' http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cif-green/2011/feb/01/70-months-counting-climate-change How much is enough? Do not exp...

Internet Marketing Workshop

hobby income scalability Google - selling opportunities learn how to think learn how to learn self analyse Quick comes through experience marketing process - if you understand the process, you can work with anyone you can buy experts time, everyone has a price Processes do not fade, methods do dont further develop the product until you validate the demand for the product dont went in to a market where there is too much competative COMPETATIVENESS go for things under the radar ADD VALUE, need to know something of something go under a subset all or nothing - 1,2,3 on page 1 or nothing electronics - niche of specific product that is going to come up - hit and run very fast strategy rewards us for the value that we created Market (problems) Buyers => $$ Sellers => Rewards ($/%) PRODUCTS (solutions) Industry knowledge Hotels 20% of total room revenue as rewards keywords lifecycle market research for US if for Amazon (point to note) go in base...

The Party is Over

Rather than stop the party and face the hangover, the Fed and our world leaders have filled the punch bowl with more debt and more counterfeit money, hoping the party lasts through lunch - all this free money will lead to two outcomes: higher taxes and higher inflation. This is good news for a few people and horrible news for most people. If you’re a person who works for money in the form of a paycheck, commissions, per hour, or for bonuses, governments pouring more rum, vodka, and whiskey in the punchbowl is bad news for you because the taxman taxes those who work for money. It’s good news for investors and business owners because the taxman gives tax breaks to those who have money work for them. The reality of rising inflation will suck the life out of those who save money and reward those who know how to use debt and commodities to increase their wealth. Most people can already see gas, food, and medical prices going up. Now that basic commodities such as metals and cotton are goin...

Public Bank Gold Investment Account

@18/2/2011, MYR Gold 1gram Sell - 138.74, Buy - 133.39 GML Gold Coin 1 oz - 3,955 1/2 oz - 1,970 1/4 oz - 980 1/10 oz - 388 1/20 oz - 189 Minimum initial purchase - 20g Min subsequent purchase and sell - 5g and thereafter in multiple of 1g Min gold balance to be maintained in GIA - 2g Min qty of physical gold withdrawal - 50g in form of gold bars in denomination of 50g & 100g Subject to a max waiting period of 30 business day. Related: Why Silver will Always Beat Gold Public Bank Posts RM3.05b Net Profit for FY10

Why Silver will Always Beat Gold

If you’re like most Americans today, you’ve grown tired of hearing words like "inflation", "national debt", and "credit crisis". For years now, it’s been hammered into your brain — the fact that your government has been writing checks it can’t cash, and in the process, diluting every cent you’ve managed to store away in your savings account. And for almost as long, you’ve probably been hearing financial advisors and so-called economic gurus telling you about how certain investments can protect you during these times of uncertainty. Without a doubt, recent historical rises in gold prices have gotten your attention; made you think. Maybe you’ve even started to view the jewelry in your house more as currency than personal possessions. Perhaps you’ve even thought about buying some gold yourself… Turn some of those depreciating dollars into stable wealth by locking in at a good price. Well, let me stop you right there. Although gold is historically the most pro...

Your Life According To The Government

A hilarious, cradle to the grave look at your life as seen through the government's eyes... :) Posted by Jimmy Mengel - Monday, February 14th, 2011 on http://www.wealthwire.com/news/economy/771


1。天底下没有白吃的午餐,羊毛出在羊身上 不管是买屋子送电视机、买车送汽油巻、买米送限量版精致筷子,所有的优惠或促销都已把成本纳入价格计算内。今天为什么是 10 块钱?就是因为你在 10 块钱买入,是你承认了那个价位。当一个人拿着一份“包赚”的投资计划向你要钱时,他或许并没有欺骗你,他可能只是忘了告诉你“包赚”的是他,不是你。不管是投资、感情、人际关系,天下最厉害的谎言是只说了一半的真话。 2。一张纸,一堆数目字 这是一个纸张换取金钱的游戏。你每个月真金白银把血汗钱给奉献了,平均每年收到一叠印上一堆数目字的纸张,叫你安心。一个承诺、几张纸和一堆数目字,千千万万的老实人就参与了游戏,不管他们愿不愿意。合法与非法投资之间,不过是即得利益者们政治势力与实力上的一种距离。 当然,这不过是整体游戏的一小部分。士农工商,政经文教,环环相扣,息息相关。 3。什么是钱? 不管金砖、银块、纸币、塑胶卡或电子数字,只要是可以换回你想要的东西的,都是钱。金钱不是万恶之源,人心里的贪、慎、痴才是。金钱不过是达至某种目的的其中一种工具。 4。多元化被动收入 要多元化被动收入*,避免手停口停的收入模式。实物资产保障财富,可带来现金流的资产则让你自由。 * 购买或建立带来现金流的资产(包括房地产、企业、有价证劵等等),一旦你的资产收入(你的 $ 为自己工作)超过了自己的支出你就获得了财务自由。 5。知识就是力量 钱越多,需要的知识也就越多,没有知识,世界会牵着你走。 ----------------------------------------------- 一个人有多少钱并不重要,除非他涉及控制某些组织,制定概念和政策,指导政府和公众最终为其服务,否则这种巨大财富的真正权力永远都不会被认识到。~财富和权力的一些基本原则,洛克菲勒的战略 年轻时,人们称我赌徒;操作规模稍大,人们称我投资客;现在,人们尊称我为银行家。但从头到尾,我所做的都是同样的事情。~维克多 尼德霍福 我们正从主流模式转移,转入一个在模式及理论的转型期,可能是百花齐放的局面,也许会出现混淆期,有些人赚取财富,有些人可能失去它们。~ 沈联涛 "Money has never been important to us, but our freedom and t...

Best Property Guide (1-10)

10. 3 Potential Income Sources from Commercial Properties Investment 9. 4 Categories of Commercial Properties 8. 3 Things to Consider When Buying High-End Condo for Property Investment Purpose 7. 5 Types of High or Low Rise Property Investment 6. 6 Main Types of Investment Properties 5. 4 Problems with Leasehold Properties 4. 4 Types of Apartments Units You Should Avoid In Your Property Portfolio 3. 5 Types of Property Investment Returns 2. 5 Key Objectives of Property Investment 1. Do you have what it takes to be an excellent property investor?

Second Opinion

Seek second opinion when the mistake by professional is too obvious.. :)

70 months and counting ...

70 months and counting ... Reckless practices in the banking and oil industries are tying us together in what Ban Ki-moon calls a 'global suicide pact' As we stumble through the early days of 2011, two economic and environmentally shattering issues are being neatly swept under the carpet. Could the reason for inaction be as simple that politicians in general, and the government in particular, are hugely dependent on financing from both the oil industry and financial services? Oddly, you can't help but think that when Goldman Sachs announced that its average pay for staff was going to be £269k, they thought we would all be impressed by their restraint. Until, at least, someone pointed out that when you excluded all the admin staff, the average package for their top 1,000-plus bankers was more likely £5 million. When senior figures in banking refer to their pay as "compensation", you do wonder exactly what they are being compensated for. Perhaps it's the stress ...

The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have. - Former President of CBS News, Richard Salant It does not matter how much money one has; unless it is employed to capture and control those organizations that produce the ideas and the policies that guide governments and the people who eventually serve in them, the real power of a great fortune will never be realized. ~ something fundamental about wealth and power. 一个人有多少钱并不重要,除非他涉及控制某些组织,制定概念和政策,指导政府和公众最终为其服务,否则这种巨大财富的真正权力永远都不会被认识到。~财富和权力的一些基本原则 - 洛克菲勒的战略 在新的世界秩序下,没有中产阶级,只有统治者和仆役。在后工业化时代,需要以零增长来消灭大众财富残余。财富和进步使得执行压制不再可能,而如果你希望将社会划分成所有者和奴隶的话,你就必须压制。人为制造危机将使民众不断受到胁迫--肌体上、精神上、感情上--使得永久的失衡状态成为可能。民众将太过疲惫、虚弱而无力决定他们自己的命运;他们困惑、消沉,以至于“面对众多选择,却总是漠然视之”。 At the end of the day it is not about them, it is about us — we the people. Much has been written about what is to be, but the dark of night brings within it the salvation of sunshine. Ardent actions and new understandings do create fresh possibilities, and hope ...