

商业上来说,就拿变形金刚 Transformer 来举例,拍一套电影,除了戏票,还要制成 DVD、制作特辑、电影原声带、电玩、卡通、周边产品、漫画、故事书、贴纸、玩具等等....

政治上,玩着统一世界的游戏就 ...

项庄舞剑,旨在沛公?西方精英策划,一石多鸟。西亚、东非等的茉莉花革命,传送一个非常明确的讯息:当三餐温饱成问题,通货膨胀造成生活压迫时,走上街头换政府是可行的! ... http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/193977?tid=40

Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have. - Former President of CBS News, Richard Salant

At the end of the day it is not about them, it is about us — we the people. Much has been written about what is to be, but the dark of night brings within it the salvation of sunshine. Ardent actions and new understandings do create fresh possibilities, and hope — for our world, our children … ourselves. ~ Kris Millegan, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group ... http://howtze.blogspot.com/2011/02/true-story-of-bilderberg-group.html




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