Enemy of The State

3 not so related yet somehow related info ...

Amazon Predicts Riots

Can Amazon be used as a crystal ball... an online Cassandra able to predict future events? The important of DATA MINING & Business Intelligence System...


Enemy of The State

A lawyer becomes a target by a corrupt politician and his NSA goons when he accidentally receives key evidence to a serious politically motivated crime.


Gold in the Land of the Free (Lunch)

It's a simple play: Buy an at-the-money GLD call with a month or two to run. Sell it when you are satisfied with your gains. Then buy another one, and another one... until the day Washington forces us by law and by gun to give up gold and keep worthless dollars.

As for me?

The last time I talked about this sort of thing in public, I got a visit from some folks in black suits with badges, briefcases, guns, and an attitude...

Not the local cops. Not the SEC.

The FBI.

No joke.

Good luck and good hunting,
Adam Lass




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!