
目前显示的是 六月, 2024的博文


 BBC有一部紀錄片,名為《人生七年》,從1964年開始耗費半個世紀取材、拍攝14個來自不同階層的孩子,從他們的7歲拍到56歲,每7年做一次追蹤。 其實結局大抵不脫我們的猜想:有錢人家的孩子什麼都比較會。窮人家的孩子通常也就那樣了,偶爾會有特別出彩的,算是激勵人心。 久久看到一次討論,心中感慨萬千。一般認為翻轉階層的手段是教育,其實可說對,也可說不對。 這部片在YT都看得到,所以紀錄片的精神我經常會在課堂上跟學生聊,但是我認為,裡頭真正揭露的重點絕非一般以為的教育萬能論那類的東西,我下面分成三點來談: 1、 上層階級。 上層階級的孩子不會往下掉,因為處在這個位置的孩子很難犯大錯。即便犯了大錯,你也會因為家族的資源而被接住。 注意一下,我這裡講的是家族,上層階級之所以穩固,是因為資源分散在你的阿姨叔伯姊妹兄弟手上,透過家族的聯姻,上層階級早已形成了一個盤根錯節的網絡,個人的錯誤會被接住,再不濟,就是當個公子哥兒享受人生,不讓插手決策而已。 2、 下層階級。 從紀錄片的內容來看,下層階級的孩子要翻身的方式有兩個:教育和性格。但透過教育翻身並非人人可行,即便能翻身,那也是小機率事件。但教育確實是有力的支持因素。 除了教育之外,個人的性格也是協助翻轉階級的關鍵原因。那些樂觀開朗、正向積極的孩子長大之後,憑藉此點都有翻身的機會。 3、 中產階級 中產階級,也就是現在正在收看文章的多數朋友,我特地把它留到最後一點來談。從影片來看,中產階級往上擠的難度很高,遠低於向下掉的機會。 中產階級往下掉的原因絕非教育,為什麼?因為中產階級的父母是裡頭最注重教育的一群人。所以他們階層滑落的原因出在哪裡?從影片和一般的討論文章看起來,應該是出在父母本身。 特別是這類父母如果只注重「知識教育」,卻不注重「社會」和「人際教育」。那小孩就有可能淪為下層階級。 這樣的父母經常會傳遞很狹隘的學習觀念。例如:「萬般皆下品,唯有讀書高」、「努力吃苦才會有回報」、「天下沒有白吃的午餐」、「別人的東西不要拿」等等這類似是而非的東西。 他們經常是透過個人的努力或特定的專業而來到這個位置,但對人際關係或商業的原理基本一竅不通,不清楚影響我們人生最巨大的這兩點,其本質都是一樣的,那就是「交換」。 他們經常會用各種奇怪的理由禁止小孩交換,不管是交換感情還是交換價值。他們喜歡告訴小孩:只要你努力就可以被看見、不需...

Hamster Combat Case Study

Web3 Project Reference - Hamster Combat 1. Hamster Kombat creators: marketing geniuses or modern satirists? (June 29, 2024) 2. Hamster Kombat destined for Guinness World Record?  (June 28, 2024) It's all about strategic planning and tactical execution.  Connect the dots successfully and you get a dragon image. #GameFi  Virtual Currency & Socmed Followers The currency is virtual, but the social media followers are real. ----------------------- Hamster Kombat creators: marketing geniuses or modern satirists?  (June 29, 2024) The currency is virtual, but the social media followers are real. The result?  47.4 million Telegram subscribers,  30 million on YouTube, and  10.8 million on Twitter   in just over three months. Importantly, the game creators don't ask players to invest money; all they want is players' time and engagement in activities .  Therefore, it's challenging to accuse the game creators of deceit. Perhaps it's largely due ...

Bitcoin as the Perfect Money and Universal Basic Income (UBI)

Bitcoin offers ‘economic immortality,’ will reach $10M per coin— Michael Saylor Elon Musk predicts universal basic income will take off once AI replaces workers. Read his 8 best quotes about UBI. #NFA #DYOR #Bitcoin Bitcoin offers ‘economic immortality,’ will reach $10M per coin— Michael Saylor Perfect money is economic immortality.  Imperfect money is: we all have a short, brutal life. Economics is pseudoscience before Satoshi. It’s a quasi-religious liberal art and it’s full of people’s opinions and prejudices and biases. … All the economists before Satoshi were trying to work out the laws of economics with seashells and glass beads and pieces of paper and credit instruments. The average life expectancy of a corporation is something like 10 years. … We’re talking about eliminating corporate mortality, we’re talking about stretching economic vitality easily by a factor of 10, maybe by a factor of a hundred, maybe by a factor of a million. https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-off...

BTC Halving and Value Investing

BTC Halving   On April 19, 2024,  the block reward for bitcoin miners was reduced by half,  from 6.25 BTC per mined block to 3.125 BTC per mined block. and the price of bitcoin  remained relatively stable at around $64,000. We have yet to see the price of bitcoin 150 days later after halving 2024, which would be September 16, 2024. Value Investing The reality is that markets are inefficient.  Markets are often irrational, and prices will not reflect value.  As Warren Buffett said, “Mr. Market is a drunken psycho.” Value investing tries to identify securities that are underpriced due to market irrationality. The trick is having the right tools to spot these opportunities — tools like fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis enables traditional institutional investors to understand the industry, attracting more capital and giving rise to more unicorns, similar to what happened in the internet and consumer industries. These core techniques are also becoming ...

Impact Investing, Philanthropic Venture

 当金钱站起来说话的时候, 真理都要沉默, 当权利站起来说话的时候, 连金钱都得退避三舍。 When money  stands up  and speaks,  the truth  is silenced,  and  when power  stands up  and speaks,  even money  must step aside. ***** “地球不需要 更多‘成功’的人。 地球迫切需要 更多培育和平的人, 更多愿意帮助疗愈 和复兴的人, 愿意以各种方式 讲述故事 并传递爱的人。 它需要那些 在他们的家园中 有意义地生活、 具有道德勇气、 为更宜居和 更人道的世界 而奋斗的人; 而这些品质 与我们今天文化中 理解的成功 几乎毫不相干。” ~ Tenzin Gyatso "The planet doesn't need  any more 'successful' people. The planet desperately needs  more people who will cultivate peace,  people who will help  with healing and rehabilitation,  who will tell stories and  give love in every way possible.  It needs people  who live meaningfully  in their home places,  with moral courage,  ready to fight  for a more livable and humane world; and  these qualities  have very little to do  with success  as our culture today understands it." ~ Tenzin Gyatso


社交的本质是 价值交换 你没用认识谁都没用 跟高手建立人脉 1)具备跟高手同等的财富 2)具备他需要的能力 3)具备与他同频的智慧 只要你有永远的利益,身边就有数不清的朋友。 为什么有些人可以一整天呆在家不出门。 看到一个高赞回答: 因为我所有喜欢的东西都在家里,而且我讨厌绝大多数人类。 这个世界上,但凡有人群聚集的地方,所谈论的话题无外乎三个: 拐弯抹角的炫耀自己, 添油加醋的贬低别人, 相互窥探的搬弄是非 所以出去干嘛呢? 一个人走着觉得不自然,一群人一起又觉得厌烦。 独处多好啊,不会被人情世故所裏挟,更不会被礼尚往来所绑架。 不用应付各种口是心非、虛情假意,更不用逼迫自己和两面三刀的人相互吹捧。 说实话,要不是需要上班挣钱,我可以一年都不出门。 低质量的社交不如高质量的独处。 梧高凤必至,花香蝶自来,爱我者我惜之,负我者我弃之。 圈子虽小,干净就好

How to build with PayPal USD (PYUSD) on Solana

What PYUSD is,  Where and how to build with PYUSD What PYUSD is? The PayPal USD (PYUSD) stablecoin is issued and managed by Paxos Trust Company on behalf of PayPal.  Its goal is to maintain a stable 1:1 value with the United States dollar, giving the cryptocurrency market a trustworthy and safe digital version of the U.S. dollar.  Solana's high-performance network is designed for speed, scalability and cost-efficiency, aiming for block times of approximately 400 milliseconds and supporting thousands of transactions per second at median fees of fractions of a cent. Use cases of PYUSD: Cross-border P2P payments - using a Solana wallet, with transactions settling almost instantly and at negligible cost. Business-to-business transfers - programmable features in PYUSD, businesses can develop their own services to facilitate transfers. Microtransactions - can integrate with fiat bank accounts using digital native currencies. Global payouts - PYUSD removes the need for a complex...

Passive Crypto Income - Masternode

How to generate passive crypto income with masternodes Example: DeFi Technologies launches Core chain validator, stakes 1,498 Bitcoin How to generate passive crypto income with masternodes When considering passive income strategies in the cryptocurrency space, masternodes are often compared to other popular methods such as staking, yield farming and liquidity mining. Each strategy has its unique advantages and risks: https://cointelegraph.com/news/how-to-generate-passive-crypto-income-with-masternodes DeFi Technologies launches Core chain validator, stakes 1,498 Bitcoin yield-bearing BTC ETP DeFi Technologies will launch a validator node on Core Chain and stake almost $100 million in Bitcoin  (BTC) on it.  Toronto-based DeFi Technologies will receive rewards for validating transactions and staking rewards through its subsidiary Valour.  Staking is enabled by Core’s Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible consensus mechanism on its layer-1, BTC-powered blockchain.  S...

Crypto Technical (Trading and Stablecoin)

What is Elliott Wave Theory, and how to use it in crypto? What is Elliott Wave Theory, and how to use it in crypto? Elliott Wave Theory predicts prices in all sorts of markets, allowing investors to adjust their trading strategies based on historical trends. Elliott claims the eight-wave principle will repeat, leading back into five waves, converging into three waves and so on.  ... the second set of waves will never drop below the lowest point of the initial five waves. As a result, this theory states that barring any unforeseen price shifts, such as a rug pull, the price will continue to rise on a long-term basis. Elliott argues that these market cycles can be seen across various time frames — that the eight-wave theory applies in a 15-minute trading period to an hour-long period, to a week-long, and so on. https://cointelegraph.com/news/what-is-elliott-wave-theory-and-how-to-use-it-in-crypto