How Long Till You Earn Your First Million?

How Long Till You Earn Your First Million?

If you know that Hollywood's top stars can earn $20 million per film and that the average time to shoot a movie is six months, you won't be surprised to see that their paychecks make the average person's income look minuscule in comparison.

In fact, if these celebrities worked standard 8-hour workdays, it would take them less than seven days to earn $1 million.

In all likelihood, the little people -- aren't making that kind of money. In fact, it will take some people their entire careers to cross the million-dollar mark even once.

Here are 30 jobs with earnings anywhere from below minimum wage to six-figure salaries and how long it would take to earn $1 million in terms of hours, eight-hour workdays and years:;SiteId=cbmsnsl41425&;sc_extcmp=JS_1425_spotlight&GT1=23000&cbRecursionCnt=1&cbsid=c4db081b8c444352aff263cd895ce53b-273669607-w6-6




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