Dow plunges; $700B evaporates amid Lehman failure

Some info catched my eyes:

16th Sept 2008

About $700 billion evaporated from retirement plans, government pension funds and other investment portfolios. On Tuesday, the Federal Reserve pumped an additional $70 billion into the financial system to help ease credit stresses

or search "About $700 billion evaporates from retirement plans" in Google for other sources.

What happens if you begin taking a financial advisor's advice at 25 and at age 65 you find out your financial advisor was giving you bad advice?
You can't take your ruined financial life back to the financial advisor like you can take your broken car back to the mechanic.

That is one of the reason why mutual funds are slow

* This does not mean mutual funds are not good investment. For most people, mutual funds are great investments. They are better investment if you know what you are doing, know what the risks are, and know the big picture of the whole game of investing in stocks and mutual funds... public and private.




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