
目前显示的是 四月, 2009的博文

A new mega-rich will rise

An educated slave class was a dangerous slave class. Today, we fail to teach kids to be financially literate. It is another way of creating slaves - wage slaves. Conditioned Response Immediately after leaving school, most kids begin to look for a job, save money, buy a house, and invest for the long term in a well-diversified portfolio of mutual funds. Now that millions are losing their jobs, what do they do? They go back to school to get retrained, look for a new job, try to save money, pay their mortgages, and invest for their retirement in mutual funds. And they teach their kids to do the same. Ivan Pavlov won a Nobel Prize in 1904 in Phsyiology and Medicie for his research on the digestive system of dogs. Today, when we hear the term Pavlov's dogs , it refers to conditioned response. Going to school to get a high-paying job, saving your money for a house, and investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and mutual funds is an example of a conditioned response. Many people can...

Success is never permanent, and failure is never final

Turn your voice into a money-making machine - use it to break down barriers, whether you’re negotiating a sale, trying to get the best bargain you can, or pitching to potential investors Network with the right people - and learn how to recognize leads that’ll never pan out, ahead of time Organize and discipline yourself to squeeze the most profit you can out of the time you have, no matter how little Turn bad decisions from your past into opportunities, overcoming fears instead of letting them take over - as Omar says, “Success is never permanent, and failure is never final.” Emulate the success pattern that self-made people everywhere have in common

Crisis Yields Opportunities

The formula for manifestation in our physical universe is known to be ‘thoughts lead to feelings, which lead to actions, which lead to results.’ Most people have plenty of thoughts and feelings but the breakdown for many seems to be the ability to take ‘ACTION’. The culprit , of course, is fear. That is why to succeed in life you must cultivate the trait of courage.

Advanced SEO

--Discover how to conduct deadly accurate research for optimizing any page even within the highly competitive phrases. --Learn how to identify hundreds of SEO influences with perfect accurately for your own Web site as well as all of your competitors. Within a few hours, identify your exact search landscape and spot weaknesses as well as shore up your strengths for long term, stable visibility. --How you can overcome an extremely important challenge posed by the Personalization of Search with minimal fuss. --Now you can discover (without guessing,) how to know exactly which secondary and supporting terms are boosting the genuine relevance of your copy for any targeted keyword phrase. Why guess when you can know exactly which missing pieces to puzzle you need to gain advantage. --Discover what the biggest future changes are to SEO as well as the solutions you need to implement immediately in 2009. --Learn how to accurately optimize pages in the minimum number of moves.

Absolutely Unbeatable Chinese Language! (石室十狮 2)

牛郎恋刘娘 牛郎恋刘娘,刘娘念牛郎,牛郎牛年恋刘娘, 刘娘年年念牛郎,郎恋娘来娘恋郎,念娘恋娘念郎恋郎, 念恋娘郎,绕不晕你算我白忙! 白石塔 白石塔,白石搭,白石搭白塔,白塔白石搭,搭好白石塔, 白塔白又大。 黄花黄    黄花花黄黄花黄,花黄黄花朵朵黄,朵朵黄花黄又香, 黄花花香向太阳。 蜻蜓青萍分不清 蜻蜓青,青浮萍,青萍上面停蜻蜓,蜻蜓青萍分不清。 别把蜻蜓当青萍,别把青萍当蜻蜓。 《施氏食狮史》是一篇由赵元任所写的设限文章。全文共九十一字( 连标题九十六字),每字的普通话发音都是shi。 原文: 《施氏食狮史》 这篇短文都能看懂,可是如果你读给别人听, 他是无论如何也听不懂的!   石室诗士施氏,嗜狮,誓食十狮。施氏时时适市视狮。十时, 适十狮适市。是时,适施氏适市。氏视是十狮,恃矢势, 使是十狮逝世。氏拾是十狮尸,适石室。石室湿,氏使侍拭石室。 石室拭,氏始试食是十狮。食时,始识是十狮,实十石狮尸。 试释是事。    只用一个发音来叙述一件事,除了中文, 怕是再无其他语言能做到了。 白话文译文: 《施氏吃狮子的故事》 石室里住着一位诗人姓施,爱吃狮子,决心要吃十只狮子。 他常常去市场看狮子。 十点钟,刚好有十只狮子到了市场。 那时候,刚好施氏也到了市场。 他看见那十只狮子,便放箭,把那十只狮子杀死了。 他拾起那十只狮子的尸体,带到石室。 石室湿了水,施氏叫侍从把石室擦干。 石室擦干了,他才试试吃那十只狮子。 吃的时候,才发现那十只狮子,原来是十只石头的狮子尸体。 试试解释这件事吧。 背景 话说50年代初期,有人提议汉字全部拼音, 以解除小学生识数千汉字的痛苦。 语言学大师赵元任老先生大不以为然,戏写一文施氏食狮史。 全文共92字,每字的普通話发音都是shi。 這篇文言作品在阅读时并没有问题,但当用拼音朗读本作品時, 问题便出现了,这是古文同音字多的缘故。趙元任希望通过篇文字, 引证中文拉丁化所带来的荒谬。 据称,本文为汉语中最难读的一篇,如要尝试,请先备清水一杯、 小棍一把,以免舌齿受伤 石室诗士施氏,嗜狮,誓食十狮。施氏时时适市视狮。十时, 适十狮适市。是时,适施氏适市。氏视是十狮,恃矢势, 使是十狮逝世。氏拾是十狮尸,适石室。石室湿,氏使侍拭石室。 石室拭,氏始试食是十狮。食时,始识是十狮,实十石狮尸。 试释是事...

"Intergenerational" Bank Robbery by Bankers.

When it comes to money people are smart - but only if they can see, touch, and feel it. To diminish our natural financial smarts, we had to be financially dumbed down. This was achieved through banking, a complex and confusing system by which money is created. ( what is the name of the game ). In many ways the modern monetary system makes no sense to a logical person. For instance, how can it create trillions of dollars out of thin air? .... All banks, big or small, are effectively granted the license to print money. You don't need a mask to rob banks. All you need to do is own one. People have a tough time understanding money today. If you are an honest, hardworking person, it probably doesn't make much sense to you how banks create magic money. The conspiracy of the rich diminishes our financial intelligence through a monetary system that honest people don't understand. Owning a bank is not only a license to print money - it is also license to steal money, legally. I am n...

The key to financial freedom

The key to financial freedom and great wealth is a person's ability or skill to convert earned income into passive income. That is the skill that my rich dad spent a lot of time teaching me. Having that skill is the reason my wife, Kim and I are financially free, never needing to work again. We continue to work because we choose to. Today we own a real estate investment company for a passive income and participate in private placements and initial public offerings of stock for portfolio income. Investing to become rich requires a skills essential for financial success as well as low-risk and high-investment returns. The problem is that gaining the basic education and experience required is often consuming, frightening, and expensive, especially when you make mistakes with your own money. - Robert Kiyosaki Rich Dad, Poor Dad Author

Grunch of Giants - Gross Universe Cash Heist (Grunch)

by Buckminster fuller Grunch of Giants moves from kings and queens of thousands of years ago to modern times. It explains how the rich and powerful have always dominated the masses. It also explains that modern-day bank robbers do not wear masks. Rather, they wear suits and ties, sport college degrees, and rob banks from the inside, not the outside. Simply put, war is profitable. War is often about greed, not patriotism. Money and power will always cause people commit corrupt acts. Another example of the corruption of money and power is spending over half a billion dollars to be elected the president of the United States, a job that pays only $400,000. Spending money like that on an election is not healthy for our country.

Hijacking the Education System

We are taught to work for the rich, shop at the stores of the rich, borrow money from the banks of the rich, invest in the business of the rich via mutual funds in our retirement plans - but not how to be rich . Many people do not like hearing they are taught by our school system to be caught in the web, the web of the conspiracy of the rich. People do not like to hear that the rich have manipulated our system of education. Hijacking the Education System Keep in mind that the General Education Board was founded in 1903 by the Rockefeller Foundation - one of the most powerful and wealthiest foundations of its time. What we see here is an attitude that dates back over a hundred years, one of the elite rich of the United States, and even the world, seemingly orchestrating education curriculum to meet their needs and not necessarily the needs of the student . This is important today, because although these attitudes are over a century old, they have not gone away, and they are the driving...

Leverage Behavioral Analytics to Create Relevant Email Campaigns

As web analytics gains momentum, the question remains, "How do we make it actionable?" An ongoing challenge of the email marketer is translating valuable web data to create more relevant campaigns. Having the ability to take your email marketing/web analytics integration beyond traffic analysis, to gather specific data in real-time on your prospects and customers builds true relationship email marketing. (market ahead, recommendation engines) Make your email marketing impactful using the following tactics: * Customer Behavior Insight * Actionable Data * Real-time Messaging * Triggers

Internet Marketing - It's ALL ABOUT MARKETING

Internet Marketing - It's ALL ABOUT MARKETING Sunrise Industry It's not a get rich quick scam. No.1 blog in Malaysia, owned by 84 years old Dr. Tun Mahathir (chedet.com) Total online spending 2006 = $ 170 Billion (18% growth from 2005) Why ? - work & wake up anytime - passive income streams - automated - link to past posts 1. Market Research (freeadwordstool.com) 2. Create Website 3. Promote & Drive Traffic (PPC mkt= Paid Search, SEO = Organic Search) 4. Sales Effort & CONVERSION 5. Automate & Track Website

Preparing for a German-Type Depression

Savers were losers because money was worth less and less as more and more of it was pumped into the system. A depression was caused as inflation set in. If there is a depression coming, will cash be king or will cash be trash? Preparing for a German-Type Depression A few people are preparing for a German-style depression. These people are accumulating gold and silver coins, some cash, and investments that adjust for inflation. Examples of such investments are oil, food, gold and silver stocks, and government-sponsored housing.

Why the Cheap Will Never Get Rich

Choosing to remain financially uneducated has caused them to miss out on the greatest bull and bear markets in history. As my rich dad often said, " What you don't know keeps you poor. " In the world of money and investing, you must learn to control your emotions. When you think about it, three of our biggest financial decisions in life are made at times of peak emotional excitement: deciding to get married, buying a home, and having kids . :D "High emotions, low intelligence." To be rich, you need to see the good and the bad, the short- and long-term consequences of your decisions. Obviously, this is easier said than done, but it's key to building wealth. Know the difference between advice from rich people and advice from sales people . Most people get their financial advice from the latter -- people who profit even if you lose. One reason why financial education is so important is because it helps you know the difference between good and bad advice. As th...

Definite signs of trade recovery

During the last five weeks, we at Westports have seen a recovery of the volumes and at the end of March 2009, we were able to handle 355,000 TEUs per month. .... Alternatively, it could be due to inventory corrections where prudent managers everywhere cancelled all orders only to realise that their inventories are depleted. As such, between April and June, we will begin to notice that the world would not only reinstate their inventory levels, but also increase their orders simply because life must go on . .... When we look at each of the regions specifically and identify opportunities, it is not all gloom and doom. The main media and world leaders are happy to project the world as one that is in a crisis, worse than the Great Depression, or the post Second World War. However, we grew out of both in great style. In the last 50 years, the technology and development experienced in the world is far superior to what was achieved in the past 2,000 years before that. As such, let’s all talk a...

The last depression never ended

In other words, stepping back and looking over the past seventy-five years, the last depression never ended; the socialist solutions created to keep it at bay just keep getting more expensive. In 2009, the world governments are again sponsoring make-work programs. The primary reason governments sponsor make-work programs is to keep people fed. If people are not fed, history shows they begin turning on their governments. The greatest fear of government officials is political unrest, which can lead to revolution. The last depression never ended. The problems were pushed forward, and today, they have grown bigger, more expensive, and dangerous.

How to Create Your Internet Money Making Machine

Internet Marketing can be one big online money making machine for you. Many Millionaires are still created on this platform. Learn how you can generate income from Internet businesses, using the computer and Internet to promote, sell and resell your own or other people's products or services. This is the fastest growing business that you can do with minimal investment. DISCOVER THE SECRETS OF CREATING MULTIPLE SOURCES OF INCOME If everyone knows that creating an MSI is important then why do only a few succeed? Many of those who want to create an MSI would go into traditional MSI opportunities like Network Marketing, Unit Trust, Insurance, Land Banking, etc and a majority of them fail at it. It is not that these are bad ideas; it is just that it is not for everybody. Then there are others who have lots of "income opportunities" to choose from but still fail because of their inability to manage and focus their limited time on them. This preview will definitely give you a cl...

I did not seek job security

I did not seek job security - I did not let the fear of financial insecurity dictate my life. Learning from my business mistakes was the best business school I could have attended. And I am still in that school today. In recent years, while the stock and real estate markets were booming and fools were rushing in to invest, I did not let greed take over my logic. Today, during this economic crisis, I have the same fears as everyone else. Rather than see only the crisis, I do my best to see the opportunities the crisis presents.

Invest for Cash Flow, Focus and Specialize

The rich understand that in today's economy you cannot become wealthy by sticking your money under a mattress - or even worse, in a bank. They know that the key to wealth is investing in cash-flowing assets . Today, you need to know how to spend your money on assets that retain their value, provide income, adjust for inflation, and go up in value. Rather than diversify, wise investors focus and specialize. They get to know the investment category they invest in and how the business works better than anyone else. For example, when investing in real estate, some people specialize in raw land and others in apartment buildings. While both are investing in real estate, they are doing so in totally different business categories. When investing in stocks, I invest in businesses that pay a steady dividend (cash flow). Smart investors understand that owning a business that adjusts to the ups and downs of the economy or investing in cash-flowing assets is much better than owning a diversifie...

Compounding Interest and Compounding Inflation/Deflation

When a banker raves about of the power of compounding interest, what he or she fails to also tell you about is the power of compounding inflation - or in today's crisis, the power of compounding deflation. Inflation and deflation are caused by governments and banks attempting to control the economy by printing and lending money out of thin air - that is, without anything of value backing the money other than the "full faith and credit" of the United States. For years, people all across the globe have believed that U.S. bonds are the safest investment in the world. For years, savers dutifully bought U.S. Bonds, believing that was the smart thing to do. At the start of 2009, thirty-year U.S. Treasury bonds are paying less than 3 percent interest. To me, this means there is too much funny money in the world , savers will be losers, and in 2009, U.S. bonds could be the riskiest of all investments. If you don't understand why that is, don't worry. Most people don'...

Socialism Taking Control

Recession and depressions correct the mistakes made and reveal the crimes committed during the boom times. Rather than let the bear market do its work, we let the government pay billions of dollars in bailout money to bankers who loaded the world with fraudulent debt when we should be sending those bankers to jail. Executives who are firing thousands of workers are given cash bonuses and golden parachutes as the businesses they were entrusted with protecting and growing instead contract and, as the company's share price drops, investors lose their money. That is NOT capitalism. Today's bailout government is socialism - for the rich. Related: Bailout is welfare for the rich

Bailout is welfare for the rich

The lack of financial education in our schools has resulted in millions of free people who are willing to let the government take more control over their lives. Because we do not have enough financial intelligence to solve our own financial problems, we expect the government to do it for us. In the process, we surrender our freedom and give the government more and more control over our lives and our money. Every time the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury "bail out" a bank we are not helping the people; we are protecting the rich. A bailout is welfare for the rich. With each bailout, we surrender more of our financial freedom and our share of public debt grows and grows. Big government taking over our banks and solving our personal financial problems through government programs such as Social Security and Medicare is a form of socialism. I believe socialism makes people weaker and keeps them weak. In Sunday school, I was taught to teach people how to fish- not to give peop...

Inflation - the silent tax on the middle class and savers

It is important to note that prior to 1913, there was no income tax in America. The income tax was established to provide the government with enough cash to pay the interest due to the Federal Reserve. So, in essence, the Fed is responsible for both the silent tax of inflation and the overt income tax that takes money out our pockets and puts it into the pockets of the rich. Today, the dollar is a free-floating currency backed by nothing but the good faith and credit of the U.S. government. Now that the government has the authority to print debts into oblivion, what do you think it's going to do? Who cared about gold when those who controlled our government and our banks could now print money at will? Related: The Bretton Woods Agreement The Biggest Wealth Transfer in World History

Better Definitions for Recession and Depression

In 2008, more than 2 million Americans lost their jobs. In Feb 2009 alone, more than 651,000 jobs were lost. ------------------------------ In spite of all this financial bad news, it took a year for economists to figure out that we were in a recession. I wonder how long it will take for them to declare a depression. Obviously we need better definitions of recession and depression - or at least better economists! Personally, I have a simple definition of recession and depression. To quote the old saying: If your neighbor loses his job we are in a recession. If I lost my job, we are in a depression.

The Bretton Woods Agreement

In 1944, a meeting of international banking leaders was held at a resort in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire-the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference. This conference resulted in the creation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. While popular perception is that these two agencies were created for the good of the world, they have actually resulted in a lot of harm - foremost of which is the spread of a fiat monetary system throughout the world. In 1971,when the dollar was severed from gold, the IMF and the World Bank required the rest of the world to separate from the gold standard, as well, or be excluded from their club . The IMF and World Bank required the world's banks to shift their money to fiat currency, currency not backed by gold and silver, similar to pre-World War II Germany's currency. In other words, the United States, the IMF, and the World Bank began exporting Germany's type of monetary system, wheelbarrow money, to the world. T...