"Intergenerational" Bank Robbery by Bankers.

When it comes to money people are smart - but only if they can see, touch, and feel it.

To diminish our natural financial smarts, we had to be financially dumbed down.

This was achieved through banking, a complex and confusing system by which money is created. (what is the name of the game).

In many ways the modern monetary system makes no sense to a logical person.

For instance, how can it create trillions of dollars out of thin air?

All banks, big or small, are effectively granted the license to print money.

You don't need a mask to rob banks. All you need to do is own one.

People have a tough time understanding money today.

If you are an honest, hardworking person, it probably doesn't make much sense to you how banks create magic money.

The conspiracy of the rich diminishes our financial intelligence through a monetary system that honest people don't understand.

Owning a bank is not only a license to print money - it is also license to steal money, legally.

I am not calling your banker a crook. Most bankers are honest people, too, and have no idea how this robbery is accomplished. Many bankers are unaware of how they are used to steal the wealth of their customers.

Bankers are not much different than a financial planner or real estate agent who reaches out to shake your hand, saying, "How may I help you?"

Most bankers are simply doing a job, earning a living like the rest of us.

It is the "system of money creation" that steals our wealth, the same system that makes some people very rich.

"Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its rules."
~ Mayer Amchel Rothschild

All the banking cartels controlling the world's central banks care about is how much bailout and stimulus money the president and Congress will pump into the struggling economy.

All the cartels want is the "interest" payments on that money, the trillions of dollars in magic money created fot bailout and stimulus programs.

This is "intergenerational" bank robbery by bankers.

Regardless of whether a person agrees or disagrees with the idea of a conspiracy, the reality is that trillions of dollars of magic money, plus interest, will have to be paid for by future generations.

We leverage our children's future to pay for our mistakes today.




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