Bailout is welfare for the rich

The lack of financial education in our schools has resulted in millions of free people who are willing to let the government take more control over their lives.

Because we do not have enough financial intelligence to solve our own financial problems, we expect the government to do it for us.

In the process, we surrender our freedom and give the government more and more control over our lives and our money.

Every time the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury "bail out" a bank we are not helping the people; we are protecting the rich.

A bailout is welfare for the rich.

With each bailout, we surrender more of our financial freedom and our share of public debt grows and grows.

Big government taking over our banks and solving our personal financial problems through government programs such as Social Security and Medicare is a form of socialism.

I believe socialism makes people weaker and keeps them weak.

In Sunday school, I was taught to teach people how to fish- not to give people fish.

To me, welfare and bailouts are the purest form of giving people fish instead of teaching them how to provide for themselves.


Toward Socialism




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