Hijacking the Education System

We are taught to work for the rich, shop at the stores of the rich, borrow money from the banks of the rich, invest in the business of the rich via mutual funds in our retirement plans - but not how to be rich.

Many people do not like hearing they are taught by our school system to be caught in the web, the web of the conspiracy of the rich.

People do not like to hear that the rich have manipulated our system of education.

Hijacking the Education System

Keep in mind that the General Education Board was founded in 1903 by the Rockefeller Foundation - one of the most powerful and wealthiest foundations of its time.

What we see here is an attitude that dates back over a hundred years, one of the elite rich of the United States, and even the world, seemingly orchestrating education curriculum to meet their needs and not necessarily the needs of the student.

This is important today, because although these attitudes are over a century old, they have not gone away, and they are the driving force behind your education, my education, and the education of your children.

And they are the driving force behind the suppression of financial education even today.

You do not need to know about money when you are destined to simply be a cog in someone else's money machine, or a worker on someone else's plantation.




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!