Money is an Illusion

The most valuable resource we have is our time, not our money. It is the only limiting factor, and we never know when it will cease to exist.

We may think we like money, but what we really like is what we can do with money.

Rich people have a lot of money; wealthy people have a positive flow of resources.

The real measure of wealth is the flow of resources. When we think about resources instead of money we create and discover new opportunities.

It is what we expect to do with money that empowers us to have more.

Our most limiting factor in life is time, not wealth.

When we learn to balance our lives in ways that give us time to enjoy, to learn, to help others, we are wealthy.

When we realize that we can have a great time without spending money, money becomes secondary to happiness.

Wealthy people have broken the ties between success and money and wealth and money.

Success is being able to do what you are absolutely passionate about doing; being wealthy is having more resources than you need because you created them.

Assets don’t measure wealth; value does.




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