
目前显示的是 三月, 2010的博文

Opportunity, money and equality

Opportunity, money and equality by Yap Mun Ching http://www.thesundaily.com/article.cfm?id=44945 Money My first salary with a multinational oil company in Malaysia amounted to RM2,200 a month. This was a decade ago and it was considered a decent starting pay. Nonetheless, I felt undervalued considering that my British classmate was offered a starting salary of £36,000 a year by a London investment bank. If my experience hiring an assistant two years ago is any indication, entry level conditions in Malaysia appear to have worsened. I was authorised by the HR department to offer RM2,000 a month for university graduates and RM1,800 a month for non-graduates. Equality An ex-colleague, L, was often teased for being the "Singapore-lover" among us. But from his perspective, "As a (Malaysian) Indian, I always felt discriminated against. We read outrageous statements in the press, we face quotas in many institutions. From my experience working in Singapore, it was just about meri...

Wondering Why the Economy Seems to be Going from Bad to Worse?

I understand the importance of healthcare for everyone. I just shake my head at the logic. Printing money to pay for an expensive healthcare plan only shifts the cost elsewhere. Every time the government prints more money, the rich get richer and the gap between the rich and everyone else increases. Taxes, debt, inflation, and the cost of retirement go up for the middle class and working poor with every dollar printed, and it makes more sense for the non-working poor to stay poor. Trying to save poor people only creates more poor people. For the poor, Why try and get ahead when it's easier to just let the government take care of you? For politicians, why teach people to fish when it's easier to get re-elected by just giving fish away? Related: 两极分化 中产陷落 台湾社会M化加剧 Biggest Wealth Transfer Podcast

两极分化 中产陷落 台湾社会M化加剧

当中产被打到低收入阶层去,社会结构将变得不稳定,雇用和被雇用者之间的关系将越来越紧张,最后形成严重对立。这时,社会和经济问题将变成政治问题。 M型化社会是日本趋势学者大前研究一在2006年提出的概念。他要说明在全球化的浪潮中,中产阶级将快速消失,人口分布往高收入和低收入两端移动,出现一个拥有两侧双峰的阶层社会。 这个让中产阶级心惊胆战的现象,已逐渐在亚洲好些国家和地区中露出恶相。 中产阶级被视为社会最理性、牢固又温柔的力量,但他们的利益也最容易被忽略。他们不富又不贫,不上不下,政府的扶贫措施,他们吃不到,富人可利用的避税逃税管道,他们又用不到。 ---------------------------------------- 让她感触最深的是,在和客户接触的过程中,她看到了贫富两个社群,现实生活是那么无情。 很有钱的,对基金投资不感兴趣,他们要的是股票大进大出,即使赔了几百万也没关系;没钱的,要他每个月拿出3000元也没办法,因为他快连孩子的学费都缴不出。 张桂菁无奈地说:“两极化啊,怎么会一人一种命?” ---------------------------------------- 什么是M型社会?·房贷造成你很大的生活压力吗?·你打算生儿育女吗?·孩子未来的教育费用让你忧心忡忡吗? 这三个问题是日本趋势学者大前研一在2006年提出的。他认为,如果你的回答都是“是”,那你不算是中产阶级,你已经被淘汰到中低收入阶层了。 M型社会指的是在全球化的趋势下,上层社会大赚全世界的钱,财富快速攀升,中产阶级因失去竞争力,而沦落到中下阶层。社会的财富分配越来越不均衡,形成富有的上层和贫穷的下层两大块,一个层峰在极左侧,一个层峰在极右侧,如同“M”字型一样,原本中层的一大块不见了。 中产阶级: 在香港以至全世界的发达国家,中产阶级都是最悲哀的:上不能过富人的生活,下无法领受政府的福利。 http://howtze.blogspot.com/2010/02/blog-post_16.html

You Need A Business Plan


Downgrade of The US

While running for President, Barack Obama accused China of manipulating currency. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. The US is the biggest currency manipulator in the world. Why ? The dollar is the world's reserve currency. Now that he's President, Obama continues to accuse China of manipulating currency. This isn't smart and may lead to trade sanctions and trade wars. if trade wars break out, we'll all lose - through job losses, higher prices, and, ultimately, higher taxes. Recently, Moody's threatened to downgrade US bonds from AAA. That means the US is becoming less credit worthy. Being downgraded is like taking a hit to your FICO score. If you have a poor FICO rating, you pay more for your debt. Regardless of what names any country calls the other, the hard reality is that we're all in for a rough road ahead. Our leaders have led the world into a tight spot, and it's people like you and me who pay the price for their incompetence. This is why y...

Take Charge of Your Money.Take Charge of Your Life.

Taxes. Debt. Inflation. Retirement. Are they a part of your life? Of course they are, and they are stealing your wealth right out from under you. There are ways to legally keep more of your money so it can make more money for you. Let’s start with the first two: taxes and debt. There are several strategies people can reduce their taxes and free up money to invest in cash flowing assets. A big one is simply to do what the U.S. tax code rewards people to do. People think the term “tax break” is a dirty word. It’s not. It’s simply a legal reward for doing what our government wants us to do, which is grow our economy and create jobs. The government rewards people who do that - It’s called starting a business and it’s just one of the ways to reduce your taxes. The right information, at the right time, from the right people. Getting smarter with your money also means understanding debt. Have you heard people say proudly that they are debt free? I feel sorry for them. It just means...

Picking on Kids and Poor People

I found it interesting that former Fed Chairman, Alan Greenspan, said he shouldn't be blamed for "imposing a deregulatory mindset," even though one of the biggest periods of deregulation in the banks was under his watch. Well, if he's not to blame, then who is? Bernanke claims that diluting the Fed's powers would hurt the central bank's ability to protect the economy and to respond to financial emergencies. The irony is that the Fed creates those emergencies. The Fed isn't really a bank and isn't really American. We don't know who owns the Fed, who they do business with, and how much money the owners of the Fed make. The Fed is primarily a banking cartel, just as OPEC is an oil cartel. They have a vested interest in maintaining power - and it isn't "your" interests. "Defaulted Loans May Haunt Seniors" (Wall Street Journal) - the Treasury will soon reduce Social Security payments to seniors who owe the government money. ~ Whi...

The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History

To be on the winning side of this crisis - and to prosper from the greatest wealth transfer in history. "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped." - Anthony Robbins

Success Quotes

It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. - Anthony Robbins Plant the seed of desire in your mind and it forms a nucleus with power to attract to itself everything needed for its fulfillment. - Robert Collier Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill If doubt is challenging you and you do not act, doubts will grow. Challenge the doubts with action and you will grow. Doubt and action are incompatible. - John Kanary Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it, and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it. Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory - Memorial Stadium How hard would you play today, if you couldn’t play tomorow? Hard work can beat talent, when talent doesn’t work hard enough. Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing. - Theodore Roosevelt It does not matter how...

Choosing WEALTH

* Have you ever wanted to live a better lifestyle? * Have you ever wanted to break free from your current job? * Have you ever thought about earning an extra income from home? * Even thought about just making a little extra cash online? * Are you unemployed, disabled, or retired? * Sick of searching online for an opportunity only to be scammed? * Would you like to have more free time by becoming an entrepreneur and working full time from the comfort of your very own home in a matter of days? If you have answered "yes" to any of these questions, then please read below: Choosing WEALTH as a goal requires facing everything about your money bravely, honestly, with courage - which is a very, very hard thing for most of us to do. - Suze Orman The fundamental lessons of wealth (they're not what you think). Discover the power of asset allocation. Learn how to build your own money machine. Understand the seven areas of extraordinary wealth. Put the psyc...

Biggest Wealth Transfer Podcast

The Right Information... At The Right Time... From The Right People... 1. Tax Burden As the middle class gets smaller and smaller, more of the tax burden will fall on highly compensated individuals. This is especially true of highly compensated employees and professionals. The tax laws will always favor business owners and investors because they provide jobs and housing. 2. Social Security As Social Security and Medicare go further and further into a deficit, more and more taxes will have to be raised to pay for this deficit. These taxes will fall primarily on highly compensated employees and professionals. 3. Inflation The sooner you start learning about and planning for the coming inflation and higher taxes, the less you will be affected by inflation and the lower your taxes will be. 4. Deductions With inflation, middle income earners will be pushed into higher tax brackets and will lose many of their deductions just as many people have become part of the alternative minimum tax (AMT...

4 Asset Classes

Don’t invest without knowledge. We’ll help you get smarter about: Real Estate – I like real estate because I can use other people’s money to generate cash flow. Business – I have businesses because of the tax benefits and because they produce cash flow. Paper Assets – Yes, stocks can be good investments once you learn how to use them to generate cash flow. Commodities – I invest in commodities because they are a hedge against inflation. It’s all about cash flow …not capital gains! Remember that.

4 Financial Forces

Like most people, you probably learned to work for money and save for retirement. What if, instead of working for money, you could play by the new rules of money and have money work for you? I think it would change your life, give you the freedom to pursue your dreams, and even make you more financially secure. Want to know the four things that keep people poor? The four things that might be keeping you poor? Here they are: Taxes – Are you like most people, paying too much? The tax code is set up to reward people who play by the new rules of money. It’s time you learn how to pay less and keep more. Debt – I’ve been saying your home is not an asset, it’s a liability. Now that truth has become obvious. What other bad debt is eating you alive? I want to show you how to acquire good debt. That’s a new rule of money. Inflation – You might think prices are going up, but really it’s the value of our currency going down. You need to know how to stave off inflation so your money goes fu...

Education Takes Time

Are you playing by the old rules of money? You know, the ones that tell you to go to school, get a job, work hard, save money… If that’s you, then you’re following the exact same path that has gotten so many people into financial trouble today. This does not have to be you. The rich keep getting richer, and the middle class keeps losing out. Just look around. Unemployment is high. Saving accounts earn little to nothing and your 401(k) is likely a 201(k) by now. It’s the old rules of money in action. Something has to change. That something is you. It’s time to get smarter with you money. I know you can get smart about money. I did it one step at a time. You can’t follow the status quo any longer. I used to say I want you to be rich. Now I say I want you to be rich because I don’t want you to be poor. If you are unsure about your future,you have to get smarter about money, now. We don’t learn it in school and we don’t learn it in college. There are no get-rich-quick schemes that w...

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (221-230)

230. How Do I Write A Letter About Closing My Business 229. Simple and Easy Small Business Accounting Software 228. Influences of Business on College Sports 227. How Does Business Influence College Athletics 226. Affiliate Marketing Business Model Online Website Selling 225. Advertise Your Business Telephone Phone Free Classified Ad 224. Chattanooga Business Video Ads 223. Bad Credit High Risk Small Business Start Up Loans 222. Bad Credit Small Business Start Up Loans in Missouri 221. Business Logos Crafts Design

Business Resources at Corporate Journey Revamped Site (205-215)

220. Accounting Software for A Joinery Business 219. Affordable Small Business Web Design Hosting Cleveland 218. Business Continuity Planning Software 217. Business Healthcare Computing Software for Occupational Health 216. Business Support for Reverse Engineering Software 215. Business Balance Scorecard Free Software Applications 214. Wine Restaurant Business Plan Software 213. Key Success Factors for Hotel Web Sites Business 212. Top 10 Business Success Quotes 211. 14 Things You Can Learn from the Google Business 210. Start Your Own Trucking Business 209. Nike Unethical Business Practices? 208. Book : Rules of the Game, International Business 207. Business People: Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 206. Startup Business Loans for People with Bad Credit 205. LV Handbags, Investments and Risky Business

Get Smarter With Your Money

If you’re playing by the old rules of money—go to school, get a job, work hard, save money…then you’re losing ground. Have you noticed? What worked for our parents isn’t working so well today. The rich are getting richer, and the middle class is losing out…fast. Just look around. Unemployment is high. Saving accounts earn little to nothing and your 401(k) is likely a 201(k) by now. Something has to change! Instead of working for money, what if you could play by the rules of the rich and have money work for you? Would it change your life? Would it give you the freedom to pursue your dreams? Of course it would. But first, you have to get smarter with your money. The world has changed and the rules have changed. give people a choice about their financial futures and their lives. dive deep into the four asset classes—real estate, business, commodities and paper—so you can find your passion and your path to a more secure future. So maybe you’re unsure about your future. Maybe you just want ...

From A Banker's Point of View

There are always two sides to a table. If you want to be successful in business, you must understand the point of view of the other person. Unsuccessful people know only one point of view - "their" point of view. By looking at this crisis from a banker's point of view, you have a more complete understanding of the crisis. One reason why understanding this crisis is difficult is because in 1971, after President Nixon took the U.S. dollar off the gold standard, money stopped being money and became debt. For most people this is confusing. As long as a person continues to think of money in the old sense, that person will fall victim to this crisis. How this banking system led the world into the financial crisis we are in today? After 1971, with the U.S. dollar no longer married to gold, massive sums of money and credit began to destabilize the world economy. ( or put into manipulation by the hands of the few? ) It is a conspiracy of the largest banks to rob the world and its ...


将「跨越这条线」的概念具体化,对参与者有很大的帮助。 不论何时,你终究必须跨越那条线,才有可能开端一连串的改变。你离那条线有多远呢? 唯有跨过这条线,你才能追寻自己的目标。不管最后达成了多少,你的生活都会变得更有质感和深度、更加有趣,你也会乐在其中。 如果你觉得现在才开端为时已晚,建议你再考虑一下。 改变永远都不嫌晚。试想,终其一生庸庸碌碌,只为了等待开端的时机,这有意义吗?拖延不只是拖延,还象征了你无法行动的失败。 - 你觉得自己不可能改变吗?你害怕自己无法完成任务、无法放胆去追求自己的梦想吗?如果是,能否试着先把这些想法放到一旁?你准备好将这些想法放到一旁了吗? - 你是否认为,虽然自己可以完成梦想,但如果自己努力了、也成功了,到时候你又会后悔为什么拖延了这么久才行动,浪费了那么多时间,所以你宁愿先不要去尝试?如果这种自我挫败的心态是真的,你可以试着先把这种想法放到一旁吗?你准备好将这种想法放到一旁了吗? - 你是否认为,虽然自己可以完成梦想,但却害怕达成之后会因不如预期而深感失望,宁愿当初没有这么努力?如果是,能否试着先把这种恐惧放到一旁?你准备好将这种恐惧放到一旁了吗? 让自己充分休息与睡觉 你是不是个「出卖时间」的人?


最后一个关注时间的重点:你需要休息和睡眠。你的生物钟是规律运作的,有些人对干扰和变动特别敏感。 如果你有睡眠困扰,观察你的生活作息,慢慢调适,直到你养成规律的习惯。 如果你每晚睡觉、早上起床的时间都很固定,你的睡眠品质也会比较好。反之,睡觉的时间完全不固定,你就是逆着生物钟作息,明明没坐飞机,却一天到晚都在调时差。 如果你珍惜时间,就会随时保持在最佳状态,才能充分享受每一分、每一秒。 如果你没有办法这样关注时间,因为你的心太浮动,别担心,我们可以藉由一些方法培养时间规律。 专注 专注是秩序的基础,唯有专注才能掌握自己的人生,不被一些不明就里的传统和习惯推着走。还好,生命这所学校会教你这门学问。 在东方世界,注意力不集中只是某种运作不全,它可以培养,不需要医学治疗。注意力和个人责任感息息相关,和健康也有密不可分的关系。因此,日本传统的茶道和武术精神,就以掌控注意力为主要课题。举凡功夫、太极拳、合气道、跆拳道、气功、各种冥想练习,甚至瑜珈,都是锻炼专注的管道。 如果你担心自己没有上述方法所需具备的哲学基础,千万不要放弃「优化注意力」这个目标。这些方法只是帮助你培养集中注意力的手段,你还可以通过其他方法来锻炼注意力,那就是净空思绪。 方法非常简单,刚开端做起来却不容易:安静坐着或躺下,然后放空所有的思绪,让你的头脑一片空格。如果你又开端思考,提醒自己,然后再次放掉思绪。藉由这个方法,你可以有效掌控注意力,并且学会主导你的心志。虽然很困难,只要耐心练习一段时间,就会慢慢感觉到它的效用。 另外一种集中注意力的练习,就是闭上眼睛,感觉身体的某个部位,例如你的左脚或右手肘。接着,当你睁开眼睛、继续其他活动之后,维持对那个部位的专注。 密集练习以上两种动作之后,你一定会发现一个惊人的事实:没经过训练和开发,人们的注意力是非常松散的。但我向你保证,只要不断重复这些练习,就能看见明显的进步。 (本文转载自肯尼斯.克利斯汀新书《这辈子,只能这样吗?》,中文译本由早安财经出版) 你是不是个「出卖时间」的人?


时间也关乎生命的另一个前提──死亡。这大概是人们否定时间之外,最抗拒的一件事了。 人们对时间和死亡两者的否定心态,是一样强烈的。如果你对它们一无所知,就会陷入一种危险的天真,活在一个没有反省、评量和抉择的人生当中。 如果你虚掷光阴,随便就答应所有的社交邀约,不善加珍惜和规画,那么,你就是出卖时间的人。如果你老是从事两三种特定的活动,不去探索更多可能,你对时间的态度便只能用「随波逐流」四个字来形容。 相反的, 如果你洞悉时间有限的本质,自然而然就会尊重它。 做时间的主人──知道自己要往哪里去,知道到达目的地之后,接下来要做什么,否则,你会很容易分心,被电话另一头的那个人牵着鼻子走。 想要活出真正的人生,首先你要正视自己的死亡──也就是「时间有限」这个本质。 一天退出之前,如果你做了几件很棒的事,一种真正的满足和成就感会油然而生。 如果你重视时间,就会善加规画,随时准备好做最佳利用。有些人生活得快乐富足,因为他们会衡量自己的时间,从事各种让自己开心的活动,包含了学习、玩耍,以及从事各种挑战。他们不会闲闲度日,随波逐流;相反的,他们从事积极的例行活动,创建扎实的规律,并除去负面的积习。 要达成目标,你必须随时意识到时间的存在。所谓的善用时间,就是将它调整成适合自己的状态──不只适用于特定计画或大规模的目标,也适用于你的人生。 至于处理日常生活中无法避免的琐事,也是同样的观念。换垃圾袋的最快方法到底是什么?不论你是在缝钮扣、擦银器、清空炉灶,或做任何事,如果想要提升时间的品质,都得全神贯注。这个原则之前就提过了。 每个当下、每个动作,都要专心一致。慢慢来,不要分心,做起事来会更有效率。用这种方式,任何无聊的例行事务也会变得有趣。

Fractional Reserve System (How Banks Print Money)

It is important to look at the world of money from the banker's side of the table. For your banker to make money, he must find someone who wants to borrow your money at a higher interest rate than the bank pays you. For example, if the banker pays you 5 percent interest ( for your savings ), he needs to find someone who will pay him 10 percent interest or more to borrow your money. If no one borrows your money, your money costs the banker his money. But don't weep for the banker. There are two different types of bank robbers. One robs banks from the outside, and the other robs banks from the inside, such as the Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who does it legally. The way the bank robs you of your money legally is via the fractional reserve system. Simply put, the fractional reserve system allows the banker to lend your money out many times over. For example, if you put $100 in the bank, with a fractional reserve of 10, which is about average, the banker can lend out your...

The Age Crisis

The age crisis will prove to be bigger than this financial crisis. Old people expecting the handouts they were promised will bankrupt the rich countries of the world. Japan Airlines (JAL), once the leader of the airline industry, is in bankruptcy, just as Japan is bankrupt. Pension-related obligation account for over 25 percent of JAL's interest-bearing liabilities. The retirees of JAL stepped up to the plate and agreed to a 30-percent cut in pension pay and benefits. The question is: Will the US, Japan, Ireland,Iceland,Spain, and England's old people agree to do the same? Will your friends and relatives counting on SOcial Security and Medicare be willing to take a cut in future pay? Can they afford to? Can our once-rich countries afford to be so generous? If a country's credit rating drops below AA due to excessive debt, high interest payments, old people, and lower tax collections, their ability to raise capital by borrowing will be over. Their debt will be rated as too r...

We're Toast

There is no peacetime precedent for the recent speed and scale of public debt accumulation. And the biggest increases are in the rich nations of the world- Spain,Ireland,Iceland,Japan,the US,and the UK. So what does this mean? It means that many rich countries may go bankrupt through sovereign-debt default. And it means they cannot afford to pay the interest, much less the principal on their debt, so they must print money to pay for it. Today, even rich countries, such as the US,Britain, and Japan, are on the edge of bankruptcy. Unfortunately, due to lack of financial awareness, most people don't even know that a sovereign nation can go bankrupt. Most people don't know that Russia went bankrupt only a few years ago. Most people expect their political leaders to save them. If these rich countries start to cut back and stop spending money, the world financial crisis will worsen. If they keep spending money the way they are, the world financial crisis will also worsen. In other wo...


Inflation, is the increase in prices over time that causes the purchasing power of money to decline. Inflation is something that has the potential to financially wipe you out. However, it can also help you become very wealthy-if you have a high financial IQ like the truly rich do. Inflation is an unavoidable fact of economic life. History is an important teacher, and history teaches us that there have always been, and there will always be, booms and busts in the economy. Essentially, whenever you invest, you're investing in business. And business goes through a cycle. Inflation (expansion) and recession (contraction) are the recurring phases of the cycle, measured by certain economic indicators such as the gross domestic product and the unemployment rate. If you know where the country is in the business cycle, whether it's expanding or contracting, you'll be better able to determine how the businesses you've invested in are performing. Any financial plan you put in plac...


Robert Kiyosaki strongly believes there are four key financial elements that make 90% of people poor: Debt ( Good Debt VS Bad Debt ), Taxes, Inflation, and Retirement. Many laws are written to favor investors, while others are not. And it is extremely important to know and understand these tax laws, because in the end, it can be very expensive if you don't. With the economy in trouble, you can bet that most of the world leaders will be looking to raise taxes to help solve their problems. The question is will you be the one paying them or will you be protected? U.S. Tax Overview The U.S. tax system, like in many other countries, is progressive - meaning people earning more money pay tax at a higher rate than people earning less . Of course, it is not that simple ... the present tax code may have your money passing through more than one tax bracket before your final tax bill is calculated. The rate you pay depends on many factors, not just your income but whether you're married ...