
目前显示的是 七月, 2010的博文


在过去的 10 年里,刚果内战夺走了 400 万人的生命 - 冲突是由西方跨国公司寻找廉价的 钶/铌(Nb-Niobium)钽(Ta-tantalum)铁矿和其他矿产资源而引起的。 凯瑟琳 克恩 世界已探明钶钽矿储量的 80% 在刚果,这使刚果像波斯湾一样成为美国的潜在战略重点。但是对黄金、钻石、铜、锌、铀、钴、木材和刚果其他富产资源的需求也促成了过去 10 年该国的大屠杀。 战争使人们离乡背井,纷纷来到矿区,靠在那里挖掘金矿、钻石和钶钽矿为生。 钶钽矿国际价格在 2000 年 1 月攀升至 30 美元/磅,在当年 12 月份则飚升到 380 美元/磅 (由于2000 年圣诞节索尼 PS2 游戏机的紧缺而导致了钶钽矿的紧缺)。 由于开采矿石只需要一把锄头和一把铁锹,军方、政界和公司权要们从卢旺达的俘虏和贫困的刚果人身上获得了丰厚利润。通过乌干达和卢旺达的出口历史,我们可以窥见这种掠夺的疯狂程度。 把强暴作为战争的武器 把强暴当作一种战争武器加剧了刚果西部人民的分裂。因为武装团伙经常在妇女们田间劳作的时候袭击她们,所以很多妇女害怕离开家。因而, 在刚果肥沃并且全年都可耕种的土地上,人们却在挨饿。 在数百万人死于饥饿和疾病,15000 名联合国维和士兵虽然已经出现在那里,集体大屠杀还在继续,政府官员都没有领到薪水的情况下,这数百万的强暴事件消失在混乱当中。 刚果战争中的西方共犯 牧师、人权主义工作者和妇女激进分子都认为她们(被强暴者)的情况太悲惨了,不把这些消息散布出去更重要。“耶稣说,说出真相就等于死亡。”戈马的一位妇女组织领导人说。 然而,她告诉我们,如果想要打抱不平,我们应该宣扬西方国家是怎么促成刚果的不辛的,是怎么从刚果的不辛中攫取利润的。谈到数量巨大的武器被倾销到这里时,她说:“我们就像是世界的废纸篓一样。” 一个人权组织 CODHO 的代表给我们的代表讲了一个美国、英国和南非的“说英语国家的阴谋”,这个阴谋把武器分配到民兵和军队中。他说, 通过这么做,它们给这个地区制造混乱,因此打开了到这里开采资源的大门。 几乎我们遇到的所有刚果人都认为就是这些事情让刚果人陷入了绝望境地,而且还有西方人手中还在冒着烟的枪。 如果卢旺达和乌干达就是强盗,正是第一世界国家的跨国公司支持着它们的掠夺行为。 Support...

Flying McCoy Nuke


AI and Atom Smasher, God particle

Artificial Intelligents Researchers in Germany are working on a facial recognition software that could be used by retailers to track their customers' shopping habits. Stiefelhagen is among a group of researchers at the Institute for Anthropomatics at the University of Karlsruhe who are working in the area of artificial intelligence and the learning capacity of machines. He and eight colleagues are developing the facial-recognition software that recognises, finds and sorts faces. http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=49670 --------------------------------------------------------- Atom smasher closing in on 'God particle' The world's biggest atom smasher has scaled up in power even faster than hoped for and may soon unlock some of the universe's deepest secrets, scientists at a top physics conference said. Quarks One goal of the massive 3.9 billion euro ($5.6 billion) machine is to affirm or disprove the so-called Standard Model. Experiments at the Tevatron's Fer...

Protecting the big bucks in sports

Popular games such as football, golf, tennis, basketball, cricket, yachting and car-racing have evolved into international events with a huge following, creating gigantic marketing potential for the organisers. The organisers of popular games such as FIFA (football), PGA (golf) and so on organise and manage the events in such a manner to extract maximum value from others who want to exploit the marketing potential the events offer. Let us look at various streams of revenue to the organisers. The first line of revenue is sponsorship fees. This includes the right to display the sponsor’s trademark inside the games venue, the right to use the event identifiers on articles made by the sponsors (eg Kia, Coca-Cola) or the right to use the event identifier in association with a service (eg banking, credit card), or placement rights (eg next to tee boxes in golf courses – Rolex). The second line of revenue is gate collection. Even here the printing of tickets may be sponsored – the ticket bear...

Innovation economy, warts and all

It’s not enough to build a Cyberjaya and hope for a Malaysian Silicon Valley to emerge. Infrastructure is important but more crucial is culture – one that doesn’t just accommodate free speech, freedom of inquiry, civil liberties, strict adherence to rule of law and a clear separation of powers, but which encourages and celebrates such things. Economic liberalisation without political liberalisation won’t lead to an innovation economy. To truly achieve an innovation economy, we need both economic and political liberalisation, despite the challenges such openness may present. http://www.thesundaily.com/article.cfm?id=49935

Flash of A Genius

It is the true story of Robert William Kearns, or Bob Kearns, the inventor who came up with the intermittent windshield wiper. He had tried to sell his idea to Ford, Chrysler and General Motors but all three did not show any interest, although Ford had asked him to prepare a cost analysis. Despite the rejection, these companies proceeded to install the intermittent windshield wiper which Kearns had patented. It was at the launch of the latest Ford Mustang that Kearns discovered that his idea had been stolen as the intermittent windshield wiper – which Kearns invented based on the blinking action of the human eye – became the car’s main selling point. The invention was his "flash of genius"; patent law terminology meaning that an idea for an invention could come to someone out of nowhere irrespective of his skills, experience or knowledge over the matter. Between 1978 and 1990, Kearns fought what is arguably the most famous patent infringement case in US history as he sued For...

Subsidies are NOT sweet deals

Inevitably, reality had to come crashing onto our skulls so that we would awaken and be shocked into a re-think and a re-shape of the grey matter in our heads. The point that was made was: No one will object to cuts in subsidies if they know that the money will be used rightfully on projects that benefit the nation and the people as a whole. .... If five sen is saved from sugar, let the public know how it is spent. Unless an intricate household-to-household survey is done, we are not going to determine the exact number of people who live below the poverty line. Together with the cut in subsidies, we must create a free market for people to trade in goods without any form of restriction which is primarily aimed at protecting certain categories of business people. When restrictions are lifted, there will be competition, which in turn would bring about lower prices which ought to be passed on to the consumer. Unfortunately in our system, benefits to the consumer never seem to be the prior...

Having 'Peace of Mind'

Once, Buddha was walking from one town to another town with a few of his followers. This was in the initial days. While they were travelling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples, "I am thirsty. Do get me some water from that lake there." The disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy, very turbid. The disciple thought, "How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink!" So he came back and told Buddha, "The water in there is very muddy. I don't think it is fit to drink." After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time too he found that the lake was muddy. He returned and informed Buddha about the same. After sometime, again Buddha asked the...

eMail From A Saudi Student to His Dad

An Arab student sends an e-mail to his dad, saying: Dear Dad Berlin is wonderful, people are nice and I really like it here, but Dad, I am a bit ashamed to arrive at my college with my pure-gold Ferrari 599GTB when all my teachers and many fellow students travel by train. Your son, Nasser The next day, Nasser gets a reply to his e-mail from his dad: My dear loving son Twenty million US Dollar has just been transferred to your account. Please stop embarrassing us. Go and get yourself a train too! Loves, Dad

The Cyberwar of 2012

A word of caution: avoid any personal or identifying facts when blogging. Your profile and life's details are fodder for "predators" who have taken advantage financially, criminally and sexually of scores of unsuspecting bloggers. Not to be naive to give away personal details and become victims of unscrupulous individuals. ----------------------- No newspapers? Use Wordpress. No radio? Create podcasts. No TV? YouTube. Can’t afford Apco? Use Facebook and Twitter! I’m not talking about sporadic, ad hoc postings but something holistic, coordinated and comprehensive. A new media hub which can reach out to and strike a chord with young, connected voters. No doubt, good content is expensive to create. You’ll need to hire professional writers, editors, graphic designers, web designers, programmers, photographers, videographers, audio and video editors. But doing it with new media would cost a fraction of what it would cost traditionally. http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=49...

Cross Selling


Who will lose their job?

"One simple reason why there are fewer jobs, especially in developed countries such as the US, Europe, England, and Japan is because wages are too high. Today, U.S. wages are substantially higher than wages in emerging countries. Why would a business owner want to pay substantially more for a worker when they can higher someone for less money?" – Excerpt from Robert’s Conspiracy of the Rich bulletin The new British government has declared war on middle class benefits, the poor, and parents by cutting many cherished social programs... Unfortunately, politicians see the world in terms of election to election - not in terms of the long run. They'll do whatever it takes to get re-elected. Business people and the rich, however, need to plan for the long term. And they need to see and anticipate the consequences of politicians' short-term, reelection-oriented actions. Who will lose their jobs in the near future? Anyone who expects to be paid more and do less work that will...

Money Can't Buy Happiness



兩國的發展起伏跌盪,但僥倖的成份非常低。決定目前韓國與大馬高下地位的是國家的軟實力、人民的素質和精神面貌、政府的管理、國家的教育。 大馬非常幸運擁有豐富的天然資源,相對的,這也是不幸。因為國家富有,致使政府沒有加緊的發展人力資源、加強國民的教育。大馬人養成依賴政府的價值觀和工作文化,這是遠因。 目前國家面對種種問題,但基於擔憂失去選票和人民的支持,當局繼續採取寬容的政策。譬如,在國立大學排名持續下跌的當兒,教育部還宣佈減少教師工作量、提供現金獎勵,這如何改革教育? 如果政府害怕撤除保護網,人民如何進步?不加緊改革,民眾如何有危機感? http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/14719?page=2&tid=19


在亞洲大陸最南端的這片國土內,到底是否存有“知識份子”這一階層,否則,在一些攸關人民利益的大小議題,我們為何聽不見他們的聲音,也看不見他們的身影。 新馬地區雖然有為數眾多受過高等教育的知識階層,卻嚴重缺乏“公共知識份子”,而在國內各國私立大學任教之學者,也只是意大利哲學家葛蘭西筆下的“有機知識份子”。 根據葛蘭西的論述,知識份子被區分為傳統知識份子,例如;教師和牧師等,及有機知識份子,例如:行政官員、技術官僚,及和當權者利益緊密結合者二大類。 而筆者對公共知識份子的身份定義,除了取決於其個人的知名度之高低外,也包括他參與或介入公共事務的多寡作為定義。 筆者把在國內各所國立大專學府任教之學者,定議為有機知識份子的原因,仍因他們基於授薪於當權者所掌握的高等教育機構內,所以,在重大議題上從來不敢發表,與政府相反的意見和論訴,而他們唯一的作用便是為當權者的政策背書。 造成這片國土的知識階層,呈現這種畸形狀態的始作俑,正是操控國家政壇50多年,且大事限制言論自由和媒體獨立的國陣政府,而國內大多數學術階層的“犬儒主義”心態,也是50多年愚民政策下的“成果”。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/14723


民主雖是以人民之意為依歸,但並非人人都意見相合,民主的真義,就在當出現人人意見不合時,取多數人的選擇,並服從多數人的選擇;這多數人的選擇也並非永久不變的選擇,4或5年後,再次重選,對之前的選擇若不滿意的就用選票改變現狀。 前人創造的民主制度,不盡完美,卻有一定的規則,只要依照規則運轉,它依然是一個對人民百姓最好的制度。英國的民主修為值得我們去學習,至於泰國在修練民主這門功夫時的躁進,只重私利不顧大局,我們則應引以為鑑。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/14720


百姓的共同疑問卻是:為甚麼GDP年年成長,上班族的薪資卻倒退呢? 一個大學畢業生,月薪水只有1600令吉,生活負擔那麼重,薪水那麼少,經濟成長有甚麼用? 一國的GDP是由人民共同創造出來的財富,照理說,GDP成長,人民的收入也應增加,生活應該越來越好,但目前的現實環境顯然並非如此。當然,財富越來越集中少數人的現象並非大馬獨有,這是全球化下不可逆轉的趨勢,但政府必須改善這種趨勢。 窮人愈來愈多,貧富懸殊成為最主要的社會矛盾。令人慨嘆的是,許多窮人即使自力更生,努力工作,依然無法維持基本生活,不得不在貧窮線下苦苦掙扎。 今日的貧窮問題,主要是因為政府扶貧不力,以及經濟結構過於單調而起,金融海嘯只是短暫影響,當局將問題完全歸咎金融海嘯,根本就是混淆視聽,推卸責任。 更令人擔憂的是,雖說經濟改善了,窮人的處境卻好不了多少。眾所周知,當前的所謂“復甦”,主要見於房市及股市,由於實體經濟表現遠遠落後投資市場,基層上班族的薪酬迄今未有顯著改善,反要面對新一輪通脹的打擊,衣食住行樣樣加價,成為他們不能承受之重。 悲莫大於貧困,大馬窮人的最大悲哀,莫過於看不到脫貧希望。 在全球經濟一體化的大環境下,基層職位流失、貧富懸殊加劇是發達地區共同面對的難題。 不管怎麼說都好,置業難是大馬的客觀現實,政府必須面對,必須提出解決辦法。房市不僅是經濟問題,也是社會及政治問題,不容當局繼續扮鴕鳥,一味迴避。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/14721

Brainwashing our Kids

Changing the term "slave trade" to "Atlantic triangular trade". I guess this is supposed to make the fact that slavery was inhuman and barbaric a little more tolerable to African-Americans. It makes them feel that they were just passengers in an international trade route. This is sick. If you have children in school, I support your right to be concerned about what your kids learn - regardless if anyone agrees with you or not. Education is important and your children's future depends upon what they learn. It's bizarre that people believe that everyone should believer in the same God that they believe in. Have we forgotten about the Crusades? Have we forgotten that the abuse of religion and money are two primary reasons for war? Why create religious wars in our classrooms? One important action of the conspiracy was to take control of the education system. John D.Rockefeller created the General Education Board in 1904 and since then the ultra rich have co...

To Beat the Conspiracy

To beat the conspiracy, you need to stop following the old rules of money. If you look at the US, the very people that set up and caused the crisis are still running the show. Goldman Sachs executives are everywhere in Washington making sure the interests of their rich clients are protected. (Related: How US is related to us? 资金链 -美元回流 ) As much as I don't care for the politics of our leaders, I find it smarter to follow the rules of money they follow rather than follow the rules of money the poor and middle class follow... fules such as work hard, save money, live below your means, buy a home, get out of debt, and invest for the long term in the stock market. That type of advice plays right into the hands of the ultra rich by sucking cash out of the hands of working people and placing it in the ultra rich's pockets. As I watch the crisis unfold, I find it interesting that the US elects a poor man and Britain elects a rich man. It seems not to matter since both men are giving m...

Back in Action

Chancellor George Osborne is restoring the Bank of England's power. He believes this will stabilize the British economy, which is in very bad shape. Some experts give Britain just five years before it goes bankrupt. It's the world's central banks that are really in control. Central banks like the Fed are behind this global crisis. So, it's ironic that British Chancellor Osborne, immediately after being elected, gives more power to the Bank of England. In the US, President Barack Obama is a person from a humble beginning. England's Chancellor, George Osborne, comes from a privileged background. Will both men, one born rich and one born poor, give more power to central banks? It should be interesting to watch how these leaders from very different class backgrounds use their power to restore the dignity to two economic powers, the US and England. Both countries are in serious economic trouble. If these leaders fail, the world's economy will crash. It's importan...

Big Boom in Hawaii

Gold, copper, oil, and stocks are all dropping in price. This is probably because China and Europe are in serious trouble. Markets are holding their breath, hoping the Chinese and European problems don't spread. If the deflation continues, cash will be king. That's good news for anyone who has cash because bargains will surface. Gold is obviously in a bubble. Everywhere I go, I see signs saying, "We buy gold.". If I were hungry, I would rather have food than gold. And Sears just announced they're going to sell gold. When Sears is in the gold business, it's time to be cautious. I'm glad I bought gold when it was under $400 an ounce. While you might want to be cautious with gold, I still think silver is a good buy because silver is an industrial precious metal. Like oil, it's consumed and stockpiles are low. This crisis is the Conspiracy of the rich in action. They do well while the rest of the world weakens and waits for someone to save them. During cri...

资金链 -美元回流

谁是这个借钱给美国老百姓的人呢?你我,作为一个老百姓,即不敢借,也不肯借。可是,国际金融炒家还是把我们装进去了! 你看看中国老百姓的储蓄率世界第一!中国老百姓把钱都借给国有银行了,国有银行把钱借给企业了,企业赚的人民币还存在银行了,但是赚的美元却因为特色的外汇管理体制而被强制结汇留在国家外汇储备里! 而国家外汇储备大部分却都被用来购买美国国债,于是中国人民给美国制造廉价产品赚的那点血汗钱又反过来都借给了美国政府。 美联储不加息,所以美国政府付给中国的利息也其低无比! 美联储为了在中国购买国债的时候利息不被抽高,于是启动公开市场操作,直接结果就是把钱反手注入了美国的银行间市场。由此把钱交给那些嗷嗷待哺的美国老百姓,从而完成由生产者,到美联储,到消费者的资金链条的完整建立。他们实在太厉害了! 当然,中国不是唯一一个被算计的国家,中东卖石油赚的美元也是以同样的方式又回到美国。 国际金融炒家就在这一个个环节中雁过拔毛,攫取了大量的利益。 不过,请注意,这不过是游戏的开始!


多年来,他们给老百姓设下的圈套就是,如果你有房,把房子在高价时抵押掉,你能有更多的可支配收入来消费;如果你没有房子,我就以极低的利率吸引你来跟我借钱买个房子,虽然在利息都还完之前,房子是我的不是你的;如果甚至没有资格借到钱,我还有次级按揭贷款来请君入瓮! 零首付也好,20% 首付也好,这些都是次级贷款。为什么零首付?因为你没有钱。为什么你只付 20%?因为你没有钱。 什么叫做购房者的信托责任?那就是你如果还不起的话,你千万别借。 购房者有信托责任,同时信用也好,他向银行借钱买房子,买完之后,银行把这个债卷卖给投资人。然后,银行把投资人的钱拿回来,弥补资金的减少,然后拿同样的钱给第二个人去买房子。 银行给与更宽松贷款的结果,会使得银行更快的被卷入危机中。 国际金融炒家给那些不属于自己小集团的银行和金融集团也下了个套:把次级贷款甚至贷款的贷款都打包成债卷乃至次级贷款债卷,再搞出各种各样的衍生产品,把购买者给套住。 事情到了这一步,他们都不需要自己按动那个“核按钮”了。 他们要做的就是静静地把钱揣在口袋里离开市场,静静地看着市场的繁荣假象崩溃。

Get A Life : A Short Guide to a Happy Life

Get a life. A real life, not a manic pursuit of the next promotion, the bigger paycheck, the larger house. Do you think you'd care so very much about those things if you developed an aneurysm one afternoon, or found a lump in your breast while in the shower? Get a life in which you notice the smell of salt water pushing itself on a breeze over the dunes, a life in which you stop and watch how a red-tailed hawk circles over a pond and a stand of pines. Get a life in which you pay attention to the baby as she scowls with concentration when she tries to pick up a Cheerio with her thumb and first finger. Turn off your cell phone. turn off you regular phone, for that matter. Keep still. Be present. Get a life in which you are not alone. Find people you love, and who love you. And remember that love is not leisure, it is work. Each time I look at my diploma, I remember that I am still a student, still learning every day how to be human. Send an email. Write a l...