
目前显示的是 十月, 2010的博文

Britain's Forests for Sale

Britain's Forests for Sale The Government is drawing up plans to sell off publicly owned forests in a move that could see private developers allowed to clear ancient trees to make way for holiday resorts, golf courses and adventure playgrounds. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/government-plans-huge-selloff-of-britains-forests-2115631.html Robin Hood disappointed at Britain forest sale Take the forests away, and you will look like everywhere else. http://www.nowpublic.com/environment/robin-hood-disappointed-britain-forest-sale

EPF has scheme for self-employed - PPF

Mon, 18 Oct 2010 PPF participants' freedom to invest Interesting to note that " The insurance industry also seemed keen to muscle in on the scheme, with the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia saying the proposal was expected to spur the development of retirement schemes developed by insurance companies. " http://www.sun2surf.com/article.cfm?id=53060 Wed, 20 Oct 2010 MTUC against PPF, says too risky to contributors "The returns would depend on market forces, and this was very risky for the contributors because they might lose all their savings," said MTUC secretary-general G. Rajasegaran. "Now, however, it appears that the insurance lobbyists have succeeded, based on the announcement by the finance ministry that the government had agreed to appoint insurance companies to handle the fund," he told Bernama today. Rajasegaran was commenting on a statement by the ministry’s economic and international division under-secretary, Datuk Dr Mohd Irwan Serigar...

Mouse Trap

More Flying McCoy's Comic

Ibumie Ads

Money must be spent during crisis.


请认真思考之间相关的联系... 1. 继美国 401(k) 退休金出问题后,其中一个欧洲国家的状况: 法國‧抗議改革退休制‧100萬人續示威 薩爾科齊政府計劃把法定退休年齡從60歲提高到62歲。 http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/179708?tid=2 章玲芳‧法國人罷工 根據法國法律規定,基本退休金是國家的社會保險制度,具有法律約束性,而這個養老保險基金的來源,是由雇主和僱員共同繳納。不過,隨著就業人口越來越少、人口老齡化、目前的退休金制度顯得難以為繼,已成為法國財庫的一個重擔。 ... 為遏制國家日益龐大的財政赤字,堅決要推動退休金改革,將國民退休和領取全額養老金的起點推遲兩年,進而引發了持續幾個月的工人抗議行動。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/node/16710 2. 公積金局 林瑞源‧經濟轉型? - 這些計劃只能取得刺激經濟的作用,可能三幾年經濟數據被托得很高;就好像大浪一樣,浪來船高,浪退就看到沙灘上的窟窿。 - 入不敷出最終就是借錢。中央政府目前已負債4千零82億令吉。 公積金局收購南北大道,解決了政府必須每3年允許提高收費的棘手問題,但治本之道是全盤檢討私營化計劃,該局能夠收拾多少的手尾?公積金局不應成為“提款機”,特別是高風險的投資計劃,應顧全人民的利益。 http://opinions.sinchew-i.com/taxonomy/term/19 3. "Fictions" + Biggest Scams Ever The Biggest Scam Ever Taxes, debt, inflation, and not needing a retirement plan can make you richer if you use different rules of money. http://howtze.blogspot.com/2010/02/biggest-scam-ever.html 全球帝国之北方和南方 数十年来,北方国家在兜售基于债务的发展模式。 http://howtze.blogspot.com/2010/05/blog-post.html

The Crisis Worsens ...

The crisis worsens, even if economists say, “The recession is over.” The problem is the US dollar, the Federal Reserve Bank, and the biggest banks like Goldman Sachs. They’re not changing. They don’t have to because they have the power — the power to control money — and as you know, money buys politics and politicians. Ultimately, a corrupt money system runs the show. It’s smarter to study the worldly philosophers and take action you believe is best for you. Understanding economists and their changing philosophies allows me to see the future, make predictions, and take action. I did these things because I studied history and saw the writing on the wall. Today, I’m seeing the benefits of studying history. ... tangible assets that go up in value as the value of the dollar drops. ... the big problem is that our governments are playing games with money, trying to pretend that we don’t have a problem. the Japanese are buying US dollars, trying their best to push the value of the yen down. I...

Is The Recession Over?

The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a panel of academic economists based in Cambridge, Mass., says the recession lasted 18 months, from December 2007 to June of 2009. What are these guys snorting, smoking, and drinking? The Worldly Philosophers is a book about the world’s most influential economists such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Thomas Malthus, and John Maynard Keynes. The book tells how economists, while not rock stars or famous politicians, have tremendous impact on economies via their philosophies. The problem is that if their philosophy is wrong, it can positively and negatively affect peoples’ lives for decades. For example, Malthus, who was not really an economist but a Protestant preacher, believed strongly in frugality. So, he came up with the philosophy that economics is the allocation of scarce resources. His ideas on scarcity, the idea that there was not enough for everyone, justified imperialism, the conquest of other people and land in order to take their...

Businesses Going Online

Business solutions going online is perhaps the biggest IT revolution you will see in the next few years. Each day, more and more companies are turning to Internet-based service providers to meet some or all of their business application and computing requirements. 1. In 2005, Zoho.com launched a cloud-based word-processing service and picked up users quickly. Today they offer word-processing, spreadsheet, presentation, note-taking, wikis, invoicing and CRM services and the profitable company now has three million users. 2. In February 2007, Google launched GoogleDocs in its effort to present an alternative to Microsoft Office. The once-dominant Microsoft Office’s monopoly suddenly has a serious contender and the bad news (for Microsoft) is: GoogleDocs is free. 3. Have you heard of netbooks? Those big laptop manufacturers in the States and Taiwan had earlier predicted that computers in the future will have less software locally, and will be connecting to the web to perform most of our d...

How Big the Cloud Computing Industry and Why Cloud Computing is Sexy

Gartner’s projections of how big the cloud computing industry is going to be: In 2008 it was US$47 billion; In 2012 it will hit US$128 billion, and the year after breaching the US$150 billion mark. Why Cloud Computing is Sexy 1. Convenient. With a username and a password, you can create, edit and share your work data anywhere you are, even without your laptop with you. 2. Takes up much less hardware. As they are not full-scale applications installed locally in your hard drive, you free up your storage space. They also hog less of your valuable system memory. 3. Cost effective. Proprietary productivity software like Microsoft Office may cost you a few hundred ringgit for each licence, while cloud applications usually start you off free-of-charge, and the fee increases only marginally as you decide to adopt more. 4. Becoming more reliable. With advanced web software, data backup and security technologies, our data safety has been vastly enhanced. 5. Flexible. A business can start off wit...

Global Internet Seminar Malaysia 2010

The only reason why we are stopped by the unknown is the fear of ‘I don’t know how’. But once you discover the ‘secret’ of doing something - be it setting up a simple website or a webpage that generates thousands of high-quality, targeted leads, your perspective changes. What if there is an avenue; an opportunity where literally thousands of ordinary people just like you are being taught a simple system to create their own cash machine that churns out hundreds to thousands of dollars every single day? What if you can learn that exact same system to make your own fortune in the shortest time possible? Would you like to learn how? The bottom-line is, when you know the RIGHT way to do it, nothing can stop you. Imagine an aeroplane flying on autopilot… Get the picture? Imagine How Fantastic Life Would Be If You Could Earn a Full-Time Income of $100k Per Year FROM HOME? Would You: - Clear off all your debts and enjoy a zero debt life? - Spend more quality time with your family? - Invest a s...

Savers are Losers

The primary reason why investors do better when there are lower interest rates is simply because investors use debt to finance assets. The income from those assets covers the debt payment and provides cash flow every month. A lower payment on debt simply means more money in cash flow. At the same time, most people use debt to finance liabilities such as their homes, cars, and college educations. Those things take money out of their pockets. interest rates will go back up. But that will happen only if the economy recovers. As it stands now, the stimulus payouts are fading and state and local governments are cutting back, which means the economy will sink rather than rise. This means debtors who use debt to invest in assets will be the winners for a while more. Financial education is more important than ever before. It’s vitally important to know the difference between assets and liabilities. After 2007, when the subprime mortgage bubble began to burst, many people found out how big of a...

Learning is A Lifelong Process

to study a book about the world explorers like Columbus, Magellan, Cortez, Da Gama, and Pizarro. exciting me about world commerce, gold, silver, and plundering. I love this world we all live on. Progress is being made, and action is being taken. I write to inspire you to get educated about gold and silver then make up your own mind as to what you should do. The sooner you learn how the system works, the sooner you can become a player in one of the most intriguing games on the planet – the Fast Track. What a person should do depends upon their financial education. If you have zero financial education, even if you are a highly educated doctor or lawyer, you should follow traditional financial advice, work hard, save money, buy a home, get out of debt, live below your means, and invest in the stock market. Although I do not follow this advice and personally think it is horrible advice, it is acceptable for financially uneducated people. The unfortunate thing is that the biggest losers tod...

Good News or Bad News

there is no such thing as good or bad news. take action accordingly. The more the economy worsens, the more money I make. If the economy gets better, I will make even more money. This may sound confusing, but justifies the need for financial education. It doesn’t matter - bad news or good news – it’s all good news if you know what to do. I made money simply because I understand the financial system. The worse the economy gets, the lower the interest rates on loans. As I have said many times in COR updates, savers are losers and debtors are winners…but I am a debtor for assets while most people are debtors for liabilities. On top of that, by understanding the tax laws, the government is giving me massive tax breaks while it raises taxes on the under financially educated. Again, it is not cool to brag, and I do not state my success to brag. I want to inspire people to change and move forward. if you were financially educated, you would know that bad news is very good news, but only if yo...