The Crisis Worsens ...

The crisis worsens, even if economists say, “The recession is over.”

The problem is the US dollar, the Federal Reserve Bank, and the biggest banks like Goldman Sachs. They’re not changing. They don’t have to because they have the power — the power to control money — and as you know, money buys politics and politicians. Ultimately, a corrupt money system runs the show.

It’s smarter to study the worldly philosophers and take action you believe is best for you. Understanding economists and their changing philosophies allows me to see the future, make predictions, and take action.

I did these things because I studied history and saw the writing on the wall. Today, I’m seeing the benefits of studying history.

... tangible assets that go up in value as the value of the dollar drops.

... the big problem is that our governments are playing games with money, trying to pretend that we don’t have a problem.

the Japanese are buying US dollars, trying their best to push the value of the yen down. If the yen increases in value, Japanese exports become too expensive and unemployment increases in Japan. The more dollars Japan buys, the more the US will print, trying to make the dollar weaker so that the world will buy our exports. All this does is make life harder for the world’s workers because they work for a currency that the world is trying to make weaker, not stronger.

... seeing the price of commodities going up as the dollar goes down. The world’s financially uneducated workers will have to work harder, pay higher taxes, and pay higher food and fuel prices as the bankers and politicians of the world play games with their money.

As Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew.”

I don’t believe the economists when they say the recession ended a year ago. How can the recession end when they use the same old obsolete economic philosophy that got us in the mess in the first place?

~ Robert Kiyosaki




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