How Big the Cloud Computing Industry and Why Cloud Computing is Sexy

Gartner’s projections of how big the cloud computing industry is going to be:

In 2008 it was US$47 billion;
In 2012 it will hit US$128 billion,
and the year after breaching the US$150 billion mark.

Why Cloud Computing is Sexy

1. Convenient.
With a username and a password, you can create, edit and share your work data anywhere you are, even without your laptop with you.

2. Takes up much less hardware.
As they are not full-scale applications installed locally in your hard drive, you free up your storage space. They also hog less of your valuable system memory.

3. Cost effective.
Proprietary productivity software like Microsoft Office may cost you a few hundred ringgit for each licence, while cloud applications usually start you off free-of-charge, and the fee increases only marginally as you decide to adopt more.

4. Becoming more reliable.
With advanced web software, data backup and security technologies, our data safety has been vastly enhanced.

5. Flexible.
A business can start off with a one-user account and upgrade later or vice-versa, and also pay for only the features it requires.

Businesses Going Online

by Jimmy Yeoh -




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