
目前显示的是 十二月, 2010的博文


这是炎热小镇慵懒的一天。 太阳高挂,街道无人,时机歹歹,每个人都债台高筑,靠信用度日。 这天,从外地来了一位有钱的旅客,正开车通过镇上。 他在一家汽车旅馆前停车,进去后,拿出一张1000 元钞票放在柜台,说他想先看看楼上的房间,挑一间合适的过夜。 就在该名先生上楼的时候,店主抓了这张1000 元钞,跑到隔壁屠户那里付了他欠的钱。屠夫有了1000 元,横过马路付清了欠猪农的钱。猪农拿了1000 元,奔向饲料和燃料供应商,也付清了他欠的钱。那个在农会做事的老兄,拿到1000 元,赶忙去付清他召妓的钱(经济不景气的时候,当地的服务业也不得不提供信用服务)。有了1000 元,这名妓女冲到旅馆付了她所欠的房间钱。 旅馆店主把这1000 元放到柜台上,以免旅客下楼时起疑。 此时这位旅客下楼来,拿起1000 元钞票,声称客房没一间满意的,他把钱收回,塞进口袋,走了。 这一天,表面看起来,没有人生产了什么东西,也没有人得到任何东西。 但是现在全镇的债务都清了,而且以更乐观的态度面对未来。 各位女士先生们,钱就是要这样流通。妙吧! (转自互联网)


世间极复杂的问题,可以用极简单的事例加以说明。我们不妨从一个简单情形出发,探讨一下权力制约的制度问题。 有七个人组成的小团体,其中每个人都是平凡而平等,没有凶险祸害之心,但不免自私自利。他们想用非暴力的方式,通过制定制度来解决每天的吃饭问题---要分食一锅粥,但并没有称量用具或有刻度的容器。大家试验了不同的方法,发挥了聪明才智,多次博弈形成了日益完善的制度。 大体说来主要有以下几种: 方法一:指定一个人负责分粥事宜。很快大家就发现,这个人为自己分得粥最多。于是又换了一个人,结果总是主持分粥的人碗里的粥最多最好。 此结论是:权力会导致腐败, 绝对的权力绝对腐败。 方法二:大家轮流主持分粥,每人一天。这样等于承认了个人有为自己多分粥的权力,同时给予了每个人有多分粥的机会。虽然看起来平等了,但是每个人在一周中只有一天吃得饱而且有剩余,其余六天饥饿难挨。大家认为这种办法造成了资源浪费。 方法三:大家选取一个信得过的人分粥。开始这位品德尚属上乘的人还能公平分粥,但不久他开始为自己和溜须拍马的人多分。不能放任其堕落和风气败坏,还得寻找新思路。 方法四:选举一个分粥委员会和一个监督委员会,形成监督和制约。公平基本上做到了,可是由于监督委员会常提出各种议案,分粥委员会又据理力争,等分粥完毕后,粥早就凉了。 方法五:每个人轮流值日分粥,但是分粥的人要最后一个领粥。令人惊奇的是,在这个制度下,七只碗里的粥每次都是一样多,就象用科学仪器量过的一样。每个主持分粥的人都认识到:如果七只碗里的粥不相同,他确定无疑将享用那份最少的。 现代经济学是这样表述的: 制度至关紧要 ;制度是人选择的,是交易的结果。好的制度混然天成,清晰而精妙,既简洁又高效,令人为之感叹! Related: Who gets paid first and who gets paid the most - http://howtze.blogspot.com/2008/06/who-gets-paid-first-and-who-gets-paid.html

Global Warming

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Be Careful of What You Think for It May Come True

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G Edward Griffin - Creature From Jekyll Island A Second Look at the Federal Reserve

Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians' secrets are unveiled. This book is about the most blatant scam of all history. It's all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity. Creature from Jekyll Island is a "must read." Your world view will definitely change. You'll never trust a politician again... Check out the book " The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve " !

The Next Leadership Revolution?

One reason why the bankers and politicians don’t want our money backed by gold is because they’d lose their power. If our money was stabilized, we could do business logically because it would be based upon sane business principles. As long as bankers and politicians have the power to play games with money, we the people depend on them to save us and save our economy. With gold floating between $1,300 and $1,400 an ounce, the world markets are saying, “Inflation is coming.” This means your money will be worth even less. When inflation and taxes go through the roof, there will be more people who will slide from the middle class into poverty. With higher taxes and inflation, pensions plans, Social Security, and Medicare will collapse. This means many who are middle class today will become the nouveaux-poor of tomorrow. As I wrote in Conspiracy Of The Rich, in times of financial crisis, leadership revolutions happen. In 1933, FDR and Adolf Hitler came to power. Mao came to power when the C...

Control People via Fear

The recent $115 billion bailout of Ireland demonstrates how desperate the world is. The European Union, including England, says, “We don’t want the crisis to spread.” They say, “If Ireland falls, then Portugal, Italy and Spain will be joining Greece.” They say, “If the European Union fails, England and the US will fail because the EU is the biggest trading partner of England and the US.” When we the people, the voters, hear this, we happily agree to a $115 billion bailout of Ireland. Without financial education, the average person doesn’t ask, “Where did the $115 billion come from?” The answer is, “The banks printed it.” Nor does the average voter ask, “Who is going to pay the 6 percent interest on the $115 billion?” The answer is, “The Irish taxpayer.” Nor does the average person ask, “And who receives the interest on the $115 billion?” The answer is, “The bankers and those that own the banks.” Again, this is one reason why there is no financial education in our schools. How else can ...

The New Messiah

Personally, I don’t think it makes much difference which party wins. For those of you who have read Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money, you already know I believe the rich control the show and that whoever is elected is simply a puppet with the rich pulling the strings. Millions of middle class voters are hoping and praying someone will save them from this financial crisis. The Tea Party movement is primarily a middle-class movement, a group of people who suspect they’re sliding from the middle class into a future of poverty. The poor in America may care who’s elected, but they’re not involved in this political battle. The poor already know that politics cannot save them from their poverty, which is why traditionally only a small percentage of the poor vote. They also know their Messiah, President Obama, is in trouble for trying to save them. The poor know that the middle class are not interested in saving the poor because the middle class are now focused on saving themse...

Fine Wine Investment

Robert Parker 世界评酒大师 1982年法国波尔多气候条件很理想,生产的葡萄品质特别好。 据说 1982 年正牌拉菲当年产量只有 20 万瓶,副牌小拉菲也是只有大约 20 万瓶。 年份红酒是喝一瓶少一瓶的奢侈品,好年份的红酒越老越珍稀,价格当然节节上升。 Chateau Lafite Rothschild, 1983 年首次公开出售,每瓶 GBP 22. 2006年6月, 1 x 1982 Lafite GBP 716 2010年3月, 1 x 1982 Lafite GBP 2,415 2010年7月, 1 x 1982 Lafite GBP 3,600 (Bordeaux Index) 3 x 1869 sold at USD 230,000, 卖价是苏富比预估的 28 倍。 Carruades de Lafite - 小拉菲,拉菲副牌酒 Chateau Latour 拉图, Chateau Mouton-Rothschild 木桐 Related: 最终极资产

How much does it take to be 'rich'?

It takes more than a million -- that's for sure. Popular culture gives some hints at how many dollars it takes to be really wealthy in this millennium. The old million-dollar standard seems defunct now that this amount is often touted as a minimum that should be saved for a comfortable retirement. Movie: In the movie "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery," Dr. Evil, the villain frozen in the '60s and thawed in modern times, tries to extort $1 million from the world's leaders -- and they all laugh. Dr. Evil later figures out that he needs to ask for much more money -- $1 million just isn't a significant sum. The bad doctor later ups his demand to a suitably sinister $100 billion. Sean Parker: You know what's cooler than a million dollars? Eduardo Saverin: You? Sean Parker: A billion dollars. ~The Social Network Forbes' list: When Forbes began compiling its lists of the 400 richest Americans back in 1982, just 13 of those people were billionaires....

The New Economy

Money With money being debt, savers are losers. Old-economy people are still trying to save money as interest rates are near zero and the Fed is printing trillions of dollars. In the new economy, debtors are winners and savers are losers. Education In the new economy, with technology changing so fast, students are obsolete before they leave school. Higher education is common, not unique. Just because you have a college degree doesn’t ensure a secure, high paying job. With lower wages and the cost of school loans is more of a burden than ever, the cost of a college education may be more than the return on the investment. In the new economy, factories have moved over seas. Today, the world has too many factories. If workers want higher wages, the factories simply relocate to lower-wage countries. The Information Age and the new economy eliminate jobs. Just as the automobile made horses obsolete, technology makes many professions obsolete. In the new economy, having a high-paying job may ...