The New Messiah

Personally, I don’t think it makes much difference which party wins. For those of you who have read Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money, you already know I believe the rich control the show and that whoever is elected is simply a puppet with the rich pulling the strings.

Millions of middle class voters are hoping and praying someone will save them from this financial crisis. The Tea Party movement is primarily a middle-class movement, a group of people who suspect they’re sliding from the middle class into a future of poverty.

The poor in America may care who’s elected, but they’re not involved in this political battle. The poor already know that politics cannot save them from their poverty, which is why traditionally only a small percentage of the poor vote. They also know their Messiah, President Obama, is in trouble for trying to save them. The poor know that the middle class are not interested in saving the poor because the middle class are now focused on saving themselves.

What most voters don’t know is that the problem isn’t political. So, it cannot be solved by electing new political leaders. The problem is financial, and the core of the problem is located in the Federal Reserve Bank. In other words, the rich control us through the banking system, not the political system.

...the ultra rich control us via our monetary system and our educational system, which is why we have almost zero financial education in our schools. Without financial education, most voters choose to trust in their vote rather than become financially educated.

Without a financial education, most voters don’t realize that financial crises and bank bailouts are integral to the business plan of the ultra rich. The business plan, built around a system of central banks, needs financial crises and bailouts to become richer and control the people via fear.

I was taught, “God helps those that help themselves.” I believe in taking care of myself, not depending on the government to take care of me. My financial education is my defense against an incompetent and often corrupt leadership—and the growing masses of desperate people who are hoping, praying, and voting for a new Messiah. ~Robert Kiyosaki




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