The Next Leadership Revolution?

One reason why the bankers and politicians don’t want our money backed by gold is because they’d lose their power. If our money was stabilized, we could do business logically because it would be based upon sane business principles. As long as bankers and politicians have the power to play games with money, we the people depend on them to save us and save our economy.

With gold floating between $1,300 and $1,400 an ounce, the world markets are saying, “Inflation is coming.” This means your money will be worth even less. When inflation and taxes go through the roof, there will be more people who will slide from the middle class into poverty. With higher taxes and inflation, pensions plans, Social Security, and Medicare will collapse. This means many who are middle class today will become the nouveaux-poor of tomorrow.

As I wrote in Conspiracy Of The Rich, in times of financial crisis, leadership revolutions happen. In 1933, FDR and Adolf Hitler came to power. Mao came to power when the Chinese economy collapsed. Stalin and Napoleon are also products of financial crisis.

So, what will be the next leadership revolution?

As this crisis spreads, fear will turn to anger, and more people will look for revolutionary leaders. Always remember the Declaration of Independence was not so much about independence as it was a declaration of anger at mother England ripping off the colonists. This anger led to the American Revolution, and a new nation was born. I believe we’re at the same flash point today.




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