目前显示的是 六月, 2011的博文
Sir John Templeton's 10 Maxims
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Invest for real returns The true objective for any long-term investor is maximum total real return after taxes. Keep an open mind Never adopt permanently any type of asset or any selection method. Try to stay flexible, open minded and skeptical. Long term top results are achieved only by changing from popular to unpopular the types of securities you favour and your methods of selection. Never follow the crowd If you buy the same securities as other people, you will have the same results as other people. It is impossible to produce superior performance unless you do something different from the majority. Buying when others are despondently selling and selling when others are greedily buying requires the greatest fortitude and pays the greatest reward. Everything changes Bear markets have always been temporary. And so have bull markets. Avoid the popular When any method for selecting stocks becomes popular, you will need to switch to unpopular methods. Learn from your mist...
The Next Crash?
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This is a chart (click to enlarge) of the S&P 100 (OEX), marked off in monthly candlesticks: On it, I've noted the parameters of the overarching bear trend that has subtly governed investor behavior for the past decade. I've also marked in the Stacked Sell Signals of 2000 and 2008 that warned of the dramatic cyclic downturns to come. Please note we are approaching the exact same technical and economic threshold that presaged both previous crashes. So the question at hand is not "will there be another downturn," but rather "when and how deep?" As I mentioned a moment ago, I have also laid in the Fed's two free money "QE" programs . As you can see, these efforts are pretty much the only thing that kept the markets from collapsing early in the cycle . But now they are part of the warp and woof of our little tapestry, and as such, are creating mini-cycles of their own. The Worst Choice Washington is now faced with a horrid choice: ...
The Science of Crowd Psychology
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Viral communications seems to some to be a bit of a newfangled, half-baked idea, of interest only to teenagers, tech nerds and obnoxious green-screen comedians. But the science of crowd psychology is hardly a new idea at all. In fact, it's quite old and well documented. Heck, I'm not even the first guy to think this stuff has strong business implications and applications. Just last week, I was browsing through an article out of the Harvard Business Review on Ernest Dichter's work back in the sixties on crowd motivation. Dr. Evil Dichter is the supposedly "evil genius" who brought Freudian psychology to Madison Avenue on a silver platter. He is credited with inventing focus groups and such. He coined "put a tiger in your tank" for Esso. And when he determined young girls wanted something sexy in the dollhouse he created Barbie for Mattel. Dichter determined there are four things that motivate a body to tell other folks about something. He was t...
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老子讲:道法自然“。“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物”或“太极生两仪,两仪生八卦,八卦生万象”都好,“阴阳”是宇宙万事万物最基本的构成元素。 我们讲一句现代的话:0 和 1 构成了浩瀚无穷的互联网络。这句话大家都很接受,觉得很科学,很现代化,跟国际接轨了。其实我们老祖宗七千年前就讲了:一阴一阳产生了宇宙万象。这两句话的意思是一模一样的,只是用词不一样而已。 很多人感叹世事无常,然后就开始抱怨,觉得自己好像什么都掌握不住,这么想就错了。 要知道,变只是现象而已,变的背后一定有不变的东西。宇宙再怎么变,它还是宇宙。我们在想到变的时候,一定要想到不变,想到不变的时候,一定要想到变,这才叫做”一阴一阳之谓道“。 任何事情都有一定的脉络,有一定的规则,是可以推理的。 一个人看到变的时候,要去掌握后面那个不变的常规,那就是自然规律。 举个例子: 在自动化网络业务这一块,每当设立完新的网站后,通常系统会电邮通知客户要做的一些下一步骤: Next on TODO list: 1. 设立 .blogspot.com 2. 设立 picasaweb 图片库 3. 设立 Youtube 频道 4. 设立 .tumblr.com 5. 设立 .xanga.com 6. 设立 twitter account 7. 设立 Facebook 脸书 group 也就是说,众多的分支网页/专页各有各的功能与用处,分别支持主要业务网站的运作。 而在个人的财务管理中,纸上财富这一块,也要分配为: 1. 保险 (保障) 2. 收息股 3. 自动化外汇交易软件系统 4. 债卷 5. 信托基金 6. 金融产品交易软件系统 (Futures, Options etc) 7. 商业股份 等等。众多的纸上财富分配各有各的功能与风险,分别支持主要财务目标的达成。 不知你从以上实例中可有看出一些端儿? Mutual Funds Are Slow http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_51b1fa0501017fzp.html
Top 15 Ways to Build Your Subscriber List
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Email marketing can be profitable for any business, no matter what kind of product or service you offer. It is significantly cheaper than other advertising methods and, if done right, helps build loyalty and trust with customers. As a result, you generate more sales and more profits! The foundation for successful email marketing is a targeted, permission-based email list. Marketers call contact lists their 'goldmine' because it can generate much of their sales revenue. If you've built up a list of opt-in subscribers that are qualified and interested in what you have to offer, then you've completed the first step and are on your way. Now it's time to 'mine' for gold! Below you'll find several list-building and retention ideas that will help you get the best results from all your email marketing activities: Provide useful, relevant content. Your visitors will not give you their email addresses just because they can subscribe to your newsletter free of c...
Workable Internet Business Model
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When we look at the importance of having a sound business model , we made some studies into websites that don't make it to survive. In this article, we will look at 3 websites that seems to be doing well in the market, at least to this moment. And a golden key in the model is that, they are PLATFORMS . Remember the Golden equation? Let's look at the case studies: 1. ClickBank.com Founded in 1998, ClickBank is a secure online retail outlet for more than 50,000 digital products and 100,000 active affiliate marketers. ClickBank makes a sale somewhere in the world every three seconds, safely processing more than 35,000 digital transactions a day, serve more than 200 countries, and are consistently ranked as one of the most highly-trafficked sites on the web. The company has paid their clients on time, every time, for over 10 years. As affiliates, you can find tens of thousands of digital products to promote online. Get your ambition rewarded; As vendors, you can attract ...
Playing With Options
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Smart investors know options earn much higher returns than stocks...And they do it with a much lower upfront cost. But a lack of understanding keeps most people away from these easy gains. Today, I'd like to show you what that better way is and how you can use it — just like the wealthy — to make better gains off the same stocks you usually trade. Take Any Energy Stock It doesn't matter which sector of the energy market you favor. This technique works as well for solar as it does for coal. Let's just jump right in... Arch Coal (NYSE: ACI) is up about 4% as I write this. It's tacked on $1.10 to its share price and is trading at $26.25. That's not too bad for the first 45 minutes of trading. But smart energy investors made over 200% in the same time on the same stock. They just did it with the option . Take a look: And like I said, it works for any energy stock. JA Solar (NASDAQ: JASO) tacked on 4% this morning as well, adding $0.20 to trade around...
Invest In Land
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Land, is the one single thing all 6.9 billion of us need. We'll hit seven billion later this month. Within the framework of common law, you need land to secure water, food, shelter, and energy. What does produce (true) wealth? Food, Health, Energy, Shelter, Education & Entertainment.... Property ownership is the one thing that's separated economic classes for thousands of years. Remember the kid who dared to kill the king's deer in Robin Hood? And it's still the ultimate sign of true wealth... Ted Turner's land holdings are bigger than Delaware and Rhode Island combined – over 2 million acres. When you own land you are 100% secure. You can't eat or drink stocks and gold coins. Thing is, most of us aren't financially equipped to buy two acres of land, let alone 2 million. So what are you supposed to do? Buy What's on the Land Outside of conservation, the ultra-rich are using their land for three main things: Agriculture, Timber, Energ...
Retire Rich
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Take Control and Win – You don’t have to be a genius to retire in style. Just don’t outsmart yourself. A retirement image that got my attention when windows shopping at Jusco Tebrau City last Wednesday. Compared to those financial products that portrayed a "golden age" image of 55 years old+, this image makes more sense as who said retirement should be 55+? The other importance of this definition of independence is TIME. Instead of working for a lifetime, and saving for a lifetime, my financial independence is NOW. Read more about financial freedom ... http://howtze.blogspot.com/2010/01/financial-freedom.html
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很多人以为,自由就是我想干嘛就干嘛,然而当你的双手离不开烟酒、赌桌及毒品时,你才知道,你其实一点也不自由。赌博是一个配套,刺激兴奋得同时,还附送破碎的家庭、残缺的婚姻、失学的儿女,以及无数个破碎的心灵,然而,很多人都假装看不见。 穷人的钱是富人事业的基石 ,而富人所要做的,只是拿出一部分小钱做做广告,吸引更多送钱的人;拿出一部分甜头给购买彩票的很少很少的一部分人尝尝,刺激他们再次购买的激情;最后除去一些人工费用、个人利益的分配(公司、政府、既得利益集团),剩下的大笔钱财,就作为他们投资其他赚钱的事业的资金,为他们赚更多钱。 真要与赌沾上边的话,一定要在这个金钱分配游戏中做庄,因为只有做庄家,才能在赌的世界里长赢! http://www.corporatejourney2u.com/howtze/gaming-gambling-poor-and-rich.html
钱不等于财富 钞票不等于资产
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一般人都被洗脑,总以为有钱就拥有“财富”,但事实上,钱只是一个抽象的概念,甚至 从资本主义的角度来说,钱只是一种流动资产,不等于全部的财富。 我们常常会听到:“物价目前面临上涨的压力。”但却从没有听过:“物价面临下跌的趋势。” 而且日常生活也很少听到有人说:“最近的东西变便宜了!”只会说:“东西变贵了!” 拥有钱的人,不等于他拥有很多财富,只能说他拥有很多交换的能力。 耐久财指的是不容易耗损,而且是可以长期使用的商品,还是至少可以用三年以上的商品,但是钱没有这些特性,钱的价值往往波动无常。 所以要脱离资本主义的洗脑和诡计操控,就要先了解,你拥有的到底是钱还是财富? 拥有资产高增值力,才是真的大富翁 有钱人最聪明的一点就是他不会持有很多钞票,有钱人甚至担心手上握有太多的现金、钞票,所以他们会时时刻刻守住把钞票变成资产的法则,而这种法则其实就是能成为富翁的真正观念。 钞票不等于资产,钞票只是一种在资本主义下,大富翁所拥有的工具,因为钞票只是一种符号表现,它可以让拥有者知道当前可以用钞票来兑换哪些具对等性的服务或商品,但是钞票却不能让持有者增值,或带来更多的资源,所以钞票根本不能算得上是资产。 如果再把这理论扩大到一万倍或一百万倍,那么钞票和资产间的差距就会愈来愈大。 钞票和资产间的差距 举例来说,当我身上有一百块钱,以及用一百块钱的钞票所买下的一百元股票,股票是资产,当这两个金额都是一百块时,感觉不出其中的杀伤力或差距。 但如果把价值放大到一万倍,也就是拥有一百万元钞票和一百万元的股票,那差别可就大了。 因为钞票每天都在贬值,这个月的价值绝对会比下个月的价值来得高,但这个月一百万元的股票,可能下个月股价涨了,或是配息了,这一捆的股票平均以百分之五的力道在成长,就会让钞票和股票间的差距扩大。 但如果到一百万倍的话,就会有一亿的钞票和一亿的股票,钞票还是持续不断地在贬值,但股票若以百分之五的速度做增值,这样一来,差距就差到了五百万,只要金额一放大,两者之间的差距就愈来愈扩大。 ---------------------- 如果你要知道 什么是钱 ,你一定要学习一些 关于钱,你不能不懂的基本知识 ,知道 钱的流通 在经济中扮演的角色,看过、了解并实习诸如 管道的故事 所能够带给你的财务与时间自由! 相关链接: 什...
The Illusion of Wealth
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Our entire system's been based on the illusion of wealth. If you've watched, listened to, or even simply read highlights from presidential press conferences lately, you'll notice they've stricken a word from their vocabulary... Recession . Not once in the past several weeks has the administration used the term to describe our current economy. Instead, they've replaced it with recovery. And with the first accusation that things aren't better yet, they'll instantly point out the strength of the Dow and other indexes across the financial spectrum as proof that what they're doing is working. Sure. The Fed's made up “Quantitative Easing” and QE2 “worked”. Just take a look at what happened to the Dow: It looks good... until you take a look at how our money supply's skyrocketed over the same period: This isn't a coincidence. The entire past two years of gains... the rise of the market from March 2009 until now... has been a result of...
The Titanic's Cognitive Dissonance
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On April 10th, 1912, the largest, most robust ocean liner of its time, the RMS Titanic, set out on its maiden voyage. Thanks to White Star Line's advertisements of the ship claiming to have scores of fail safes and water-tight compartments, it was dubbed unsinkable. Required lifeboats on board were stripped to carry only about half of the passengers, and were there more for show than anything else... Four days later, on the night of April 14th, 1,517 passengers would learn a hard lesson. A little after 11:30pm, the ship hit the infamous iceberg, poking several holes into the ship's hull, far beneath the surface... The next two hours defined three types of people: The few who sprung into action and either jumped on lifeboats, or took whatever buoyant material they could find and made their own. Those who knew they had to do something; but instead of working on anything productive, they panicked. The majority that, after hearing the loud screeches and feeling the tr...
You've Fallen for the Most Destructive Sleight of Hand of All Time
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Neo, sooner or later you're going to realize, just as I did, that there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. ~ Morpheus, The Matrix It's no secret that the U.S. dollar — or Federal Reserve Note — is the world's reserve currency. It's been that way since 1944, when the dollar was backed by gold... A time when the United States held more than 50% of the world's gold reserves. A time when the U.S. produced more than 55% of the entire world's manufactured goods. Of course, times have changed... Since 1971, our dollar hasn't been backed by anything other than the fact that it is the world's reserve currency. Today (2011), we only produce 27% of the world's manufactured goods. America also holds less than 25% of the world's gold reserves. And on September 30th, 2011, our national debt will exceed more than 102% of our GDP. USD As World Reserve Currency And Inflation An auto manufacturer in Korea importing ...
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One of the recent picking up web property, Best Penang Guide shows that as long as commitment are made, most people tend to put more effort into making their project a success. The commitment not only refer to monetary investment, but also time, talent, and network resources. Stay tuned for more updates on this project! Somehow related to the above mentioned project: 一个好政府需要视人才如命,要让人才从失望变盼望,从绝望找到希望。如果连年轻人都对政府失望,要如何掌握世界? 当每一个人感受到他们是受尊重的、是被珍惜的,那股力量凝聚起来之后,就成为了世界眼中那个再也不一样的槟城了。 http://lgesinchewcolumn.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/%E5%B0%8F%E7%94%B5%E9%82%AE%EF%BC%8C%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%A6%E9%97%AE/
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当我讲国际金融炒家很可怕,这个话没人信的,你知道为什么没人信吗?无知者无畏,大家根本不晓得这有多可怕。 在150年前,帝国主义是以东印度公司为前导,炮舰为后盾的。今天的帝国主义是以国际化为前导,金融为后盾的,但是帝国主义的本质是不会变的。 日本的教训 1985 年 9 月 22 日,美、日、英、德、法五国财政部长和央行行长在美国纽约的广场饭店举行会议。会后五国发表联合声明,即所谓“广场协议”。 按照“广场协议”的相关条款,五国将联手实现主要货币对美元的有序升值,以矫正美元估值过高的局面。 按照当时的普遍认识 ,发表“广场协议”主要是为了减缓日本对外收支盈余的急剧上升。1982、1983和1984年,日本的贸易盈余已经迅速从69亿美元猛增到205.3亿美元,之后又飙升至336.1亿美元,这其中绝大部分来自美国。 在“广场协议”发表几小时后,美元开始了疯狂的贬值进程,进而持续两年未见止跌迹象,其中美元兑日元更是贬值达50%。日本经济从此一蹶不振,“广场协议”成为日本经济由盛而衰的转折点。 你知道日本经过那次打击后,经过多少年的萧条吗?20年后的今天日本还未能走出萧条。 这个协议本身就是一场阴谋。 因为当时这个协议要求日元升值,而日本政府一旦签字确认后,就等于送了一个非常清楚的信号给国际金融炒家,那就是日元要升值了,就这么简单。所以大量的国际热钱涌入日本,炒日元,越炒日元就越升值。 国际金融炒家炒汇率,然后美国政府通过财政部施加政策压力,压迫日本降利率,放宽信贷。 这么多热钱流入市场的结果就是炒什么什么就变成泡沫,炒楼,楼市泡沫;炒股,股市泡沫;买产品,通货膨胀。 在国际金融炒家和美国政府的合谋之下,日本发生了什么?第一,汇率上升;第二,股市泡沫;第三,楼市泡沫;第四,通货膨胀。 高负债的结果,就是使得这个企业的财务风险过大,轻轻用针一刺就破。结果被美国用针一刺,虚假繁荣就爆破了,从而使得日本经济到现在都难以恢复元气,永远成为美国的附庸国。 In many ways, history is only repeating itself. Note: Japan currently (2011) has more debt per GDP than any other country at 225%. 日本之后,到...
Only The Super Rich Can Save Us
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What brings us here is a common foreboding - a closing circle of global doom. The world is not doing well. With our capitalist backgrounds, it's easy for us not to be beguiled by the plutocracy's self-serving manipulation of economic indicators. We know how wealth is being accumulated, defined, concentrated, and stratified. Why, four hundred and fifty of us have wealth equivalent to the combined wealth of the bottom three billion impoverished people on Earth. We know of the portentous and manifold risks we face, both now and in the future. The global environment is fragile, under severe assault, and it's vulnerable to genetic engineering for short-term profit. Viruses and bacteria are subjected to increasing stress that yields deadly mutations, and weapons of all kinds are more widely and easily available than ever. As a species, we are learning more and more but are less and less able to keep up with what's happening to us as human beings, and to our world, its land,...
Similar Ideas, Different Approach
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While logging into the internet via my Maxis 3G Broadband, an ads caught my attention. It is about YourStory project just launched few days ago. It got my attention simply because we had came out with similar ideas few months back. Indeed, the overall business concept of My Sweet Sweet Memories was formulated almost a year ago. As things happened for a reason, there is definitely something worth learning from this coincidence. Lessons From 2 Similar Projects First, it is about timing and perfectionism (make things happen!), and secondly, it is about self-confident. Timing and perfectionism . This is one of the ability that separates dreamers from achievers. While we were planning on a systematic approach to enable user to submit their story through web forms (initially we even thought of developing a system just to fulfill the task!), to our surprise is that Maxis did it with only a click to download a template (word document file) and ask user to email them the content accord...
Perfect Competition
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In economic theory, perfect competition describes markets such that no participants are large enough to have the market power to set the price of a homogeneous product. Similarly, when it comes to business ideas, or marketing strategy, there may have no businesses big enough to have the market power to block the idea of a great sales campaign. One of the best example is the Consumption Device, Digital Contents, and Online Campaign run by many businesses, where giving away these gadgets to get more sales seems to be a trend. In this case study, the point we are looking at is TIMING. While the ideas of Beauty Slimming Guide ( http://www.beautyslimmingguide.com )to run online campaign to give away free iPad2 (slim, sleek, chicky device that suits the beauty slimming industry) is still under progress and construction: Another industry player had come out with this promotion: claiming to be the first in the slimming industry giving away free iPad2! Get the message behind t...