Some Politics Related Updates

"Look, I am independent, I am fair. Now, let's play."

An election has much more to do with what is unseen and shrouded from public attention. It involves the mobilising of massive funds, goods and machinery, volunteers (or paid staff, which also depends on financial resources) and other "friendly donations". How constituencies are delineated, and how well-cleaned-up voter rolls are, all have a huge impact on electoral outcomes.

As one of the millions of citizens who are aghast that this great country is being divided by selfish individuals and groups, this is my humble suggestion.

We had enough of the fighting. It has taken its toll both physically and monetarily on the people and the nation. The time has come for all good men and women to come to the aid of the country to work out schemes which create a better quality of life for all citizens irrespective of their race, creed, colour or religion.

We had enough of name-calling, play acting, subversion, accusations and taunts with racial and religious undertones. Where has all these got us to? Are we No 1 in Asean or Asia? Are we a must see destination? Have we set the benchmark for good governance? Despite all the natural resources and the oil money, we still lag behind some of our neighbours because we are expanding our time, effort, and money on power than on moving forward.

All this has to end. It has cost this glorious nation plenty.
In the desire for power, the ordinary people have been caught in between and made to pay, although it is no fault of theirs. For the future of our nation, the people and their children, it is time to say enough is enough and sit down and talk about putting the country on track.

岂能因声音微小而不呐喊! ~山寨电影《网瘾战争》
大葱清白一生,辛辣了千百年也没留下骂名。 ~鲁迅

Related: Corruption is just a fancy word for theft. What our conventional school system teach us doesn't really help to solve this problem in real life ... "If a hawker spends one month in jail for stealing $35, how many years will a politician spend in jail for stealing $5 million?" ...

Unity govt – the way forward
R. Nadeswaran

Game-changers at the year’s start
Tricia Yeoh




How You Can Survive When The Oil Price & EVERYTHING Increase But Not Your Income!!!